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Be Fab for Feb - Slimming World support thread 2017

Shiny new thread, with all the info carried over as follows:-

Food Optimising is a plan for life, it is not a quick fix and you should look at weight losses over a period of time. There are no prizes for speed of weight loss.

You need to commit to making changes to the food that you buy and how you cook it, because what you have been doing in the past has not got you to where you want to be.

You cannot use parts of the plan that suit you and forget the rest.

If you are not prepared to make a commitment to change the behaviour that has got you into your current situation then nothing is going to change, and above all things, you need to be honest and accountable for every single mouthful of food that passes your lips.

You need to care enough to take time out to pre-plan your slimming campaign. Look again at the menu plans and see the variety and volume of food you can eat. All you have to lose is the weight.

Slimming World has been successfully helping people lose weight for over forty years, so trust them and read your Food Optimising and Choose Success books again and again.

Food Optimising is easy but life isn't. Losing weight is a battle but you have the battle plan in your food optimising book, your secret weapon is free food, and that, together with your healthy extras and syns add up to a healthy way of eating that can (and should) be a life plan. Success is there waiting for you………go for it!

If you fancy having a go at EE, here are the official 'rules' to ensure that you not only lose weight regularly but get all the nutrition your body needs to function well:-

Extra Easy:

1: Choose your Free Food

Anything that’s Free Food on Green OR Original – so that’s pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meat, poultry, fish, fruit and vegetables – is totally Free on Extra Easy!

And for super-fast, super healthy results, fill one third of your plate with Speed Foods!

2: Choose your Healthy Extras

Each day select one Healthy Extra ‘a’ choice and one Healthy Extra ‘b’ choice from our simplified list of calcium and fibre-filled foods, including milk, cheese, bread and cereal.

3: Enjoy 5-15 Syns each day

If you find your weight loss has slowed down or stopped, check:-

1. Whether everything you're counting as Free, is Free

2. Whether you're under-estimating Syn values (over-estimate if guessing)

3. Whether you're counting everything that should be counted

4. Whether you're measuring everything that should be measured

5. Whether you're sabotaging your success in any other way (using SAS logs will help uncover individual long-term self-sabotage patterns) and, if none of these is the culprit, either...........

A: increase the proportion of Speed Foods to half of your plate
B: switch to more Speed Foods


C: try Extra Easy SP - details are on this link - https://www.minimins.com/threads/extra-easy-sp-plan.348340/

And above all, if you follow the plan, any plan, 100% you will lose weight!

Remember we are all here to support each other, and to have fun, and to share in any little disappointments.

Link to the List of Healthy Extras as at April 14


List of Speed foods here - Fruits & Vegetables

We have a Facebook group open to anyone joining us on this thread; to join please mention it in your post or drop Lushlifesaver a PM and an existing member can send you an invite.
Mortgage amount at 31/12/2011 £166,050 now £0 as at Sept 21 - 15yrs 4 months early.



  • shala_moo
    shala_moo Posts: 3,272 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 5 February 2017 at 9:32PM
    Mortgage amount at 31/12/2011 £166,050 now £0 as at Sept 21 - 15yrs 4 months early.

  • shala_moo
    shala_moo Posts: 3,272 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    This a list of all our lovely SW-ers that have reached target!

    They have a wealth of knowledge, having been there, done it, and bought the smaller t-shirt so please feel free to ask them (and us) questions!


    Maman - target member since Aug 11
    JoeDenise - target member since Jul 12
    Take It Easy - target member for 10 years
    Meg72 - target member since Aug 15
    Tweets - target member since Aug 15
    Blue_Eyed_Girl - target member since May 2016
    Arkers - target member since June 2016
    MrsP1987 - target member since August 2016
    Debjay - target member since August 2016
    Beanielou - target member since October 2016
    Matron Midge - target member since October 2016
    Orlao - target member since October 2016
    rjhammond - target member since November 2016
    Emmylou - target member since November 2016
    Mortgage amount at 31/12/2011 £166,050 now £0 as at Sept 21 - 15yrs 4 months early.

  • shala_moo
    shala_moo Posts: 3,272 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    If you need to get back on track, or need some extra motivation then give this post a read, thanks to Tete for taking the time out to help :D..


    Originally Posted by Pickle29 View Post

    Hello everyone
    How do you start again? I was going to sw, lost half a stone in a month - really into it! ....... then messed about, new kitchen, family christening, stress with work, comfort eating, dog died, weekend away, you name it I've got an excuse why I went off plan and put it all on again!
    Last weekend went away and couldn't believe how awful I looked in my clothes and in the fotos!
    Need to get Back on plan, hoping to rejoin on Saturday - but how do you get back on plan when you have been grazing all day every day and appear together constantly hungry. I'm so down and want to do it but know it's going to be soon hard!!! Help!

    Hi Pickle, I'm sure we can all relate to your post and I've certainly had a few blips in recent months when life was throwing lemons thick and fast.

    I'm not an 'official' paid up member of SW, nor am I really a veteran as I've only been doing it since September, but for me the trick is to really go gung-ho, at least at the start. Find a couple of weeks where you have no big social engagements, weekends away, or stressy work times (ones you can predict anyway), so you can really get in the groove. Spend a day clearing out your kitchen of all temptations, go through your recipe books, magazines and the website, and make a full meal plan for the week. Think also about the kinds of snacks you'll eat and factor in Syns (I love meringue nests for a sweet treat at 2-3 Syns dep. on brand) then make a list and go shopping, sticking religiously to it.

    Make sure you measure and weigh your HEs and write down everything you eat - often we'll pick at something small and forget we've had it but it all adds up.

    Cook in batches where possible and make use of your freezer - that way you'll always have something ready-made to hand in a pinch. Make use of the SW ready meals from Iceland too - I always have a couple in the freezer just in case.

    Make sure that 1/3 of each meal is Speed as this is the real key to weight loss - the Speed stuff is what fills you whilst being low in calories and high in nutrients.

    Make sure you eat enough to feel satisfied. The whole point of SW is that it doesn't deprive so you shouldn't feel hungry. I'm a grazer too, especially at my desk at work, so think about the kinds of things you can have in your situation. Muller lights are free and fill a hole, and another of my faves is to chop raw carrots into 'crisps' and munch on those from a bag.

    Think about your Syns too. How many are already accounted for in the meals you've planned and hot drinks with sugar etc? For this reason I try to keep my meals free and drink fruit teas through the day instead of sugary coffee, which I'd much prefer!

    Make sure you're eating stuff you enjoy!! I'm not a fan of most fruits for example, so I don't bother buying them anymore (took me a while to have that epiphany!) and only get the ones I know I will eat - apples and my beloved passion fruits basically :o If you're not enjoying what you're eating and looking forward to each meal, then it isn't going to work as you'll resent the plan.

    Most important thing to remember is: If you DO have a blip, let it be just that. The best analogy someone told me was: If your car got a flat tyre, would you then get out and slash the other three in anger? No, because it would make the situation worse. So if you have a bad day, don't turn it into seven bad days.

    And stay accountable. Write everything you eat in your book, report in here each evening, keep going to group. There are loads of facebook groups and you can post your meals on Instagram and Twitter... Everyone's watching!! :rotfl:

    Sorry that came out a bit long and rambly, but I hope not preachy, and I hope I haven't missed anything fundamental :o Good luck!!
    Mortgage amount at 31/12/2011 £166,050 now £0 as at Sept 21 - 15yrs 4 months early.

  • shala_moo
    shala_moo Posts: 3,272 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 30 December 2016 at 9:30PM
    If you are just joining us you may not be aware of the bi-monthly challenge that we run to motivate ourselves, which you are welcome to join. It isn't a competition, just a way of setting ourselves mini targets if your total loss seems a bit overwhelming.

    The new challenge will run from week commencing the 2nd January and finish on the 26th February - this gives us 8 weeks.

    If you wish to join in with us then please post your target loss for the 8 weeks in red* or bold or massive or all of the above so that I can see it really easily!

    I will post the results chart each week on a Monday evening showing the prior weeks losses and singling out the person who has lost the most so we can make a great big fuss over them :T

    Any questions please let me know - it doesn't matter which day you get weighed just let me know your loss on that day and i'll add it to the correct week (maybe, if I don't get confused!)

    Thanking you...wave_smiley39.gif
    Mortgage amount at 31/12/2011 £166,050 now £0 as at Sept 21 - 15yrs 4 months early.

  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,967 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    Big thanks lovely shala for the shiny new thread :T :T :T

    Can I please go for 4
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
  • joedenise
    joedenise Posts: 16,673 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Not joining in the challenge this time as I'm now back at target and will be away at all inclusive holiday in a couple of weeks time.

  • Matron_Midge
    I'll sit this one out too Shala. We too have a holiday in February and as I'm a target member, my intention will simply be to stay there. I'm sure there will be bumps in the road so I'll be hanging around for a bit of motivation and maybe some new recipes.
    Happy new year to you all xx
  • Amy240277

    I need some advice which is better Weight Watchers or Slimming World ?
  • tweets
    tweets Posts: 35,946 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post Home Insurance Hacker!
    Amy240277 wrote: »

    I need some advice which is better Weight Watchers or Slimming World ?

    I would say Slimming World . When I tried Weight Watchers I was hungry buy tea time and had eaten all my food lol. Slimming World when you first start you think I can eat all this and lose weight. Answer yes you can HTH .

    Thanks for new Thread shala. I will post what I need to lose or not after weigh in on Sunday if that's ok thanks ;)
  • mary_hinge
    mary_hinge Posts: 1,585 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker PPI Party Pooper
    :o creeps in :o

    I would like to aim for 11lbs this challenge please. That would take me up to my 4.5st award :D

    I have been Awol for a while, I'm still on the exercise wagon but the food side of things has been abit slack. I returned to group this week for the first time since october and was pleased with a 5.5lbs loss since my last weigh in :D

    Hoping to stay on track for 2017!

    Mrs H x

    Living in a superhero induced haze :A:A
    "You did good Kidda!" :D
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