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The Simple Bare Necessities feat. Gratitude & Recipes



  • Fortune_Smiles
    Fortune_Smiles Posts: 5,079 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    The world is not full of a$$holes Greying - but they are strategically placed so that you'll come across one every day.

    Karma will get him.

    Fortune x
    Mortgage: 88% paid Mortgage Neutral: 100% Emergency Fund: 100%
    A Better View 🌄 'Being on the edge isn't as safe, but the view is better' - Ricky Gervais
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,967 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    That is truely shocking GP :( :mad:
    On a par to when someone drove around me when I fell in the road & could not get up :( :mad:
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
  • Suffolk_lass
    Suffolk_lass Posts: 9,375 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    You have to remember that the average IQ is 100. That means fifty percent of the population is not that clever. Clearly you encountered an-err what phrase can I use(?) - a dim-wit. Quite literally a moron. Woth checking the definition just to cheer yourself up :)
    Save £12k in 2024 - #2 target is £5000 only £798.34 so far
    OS Grocery Challenge 2024 31.1% spent or £932.98/£3,000 annual
    I also Reverse Meal Plan on that thread and grow much of our own premium price fruit and veg, joining in on the Grow your own thread
    My Debt Free Diary Get a grip Woman
  • Greying_Pilgrim
    Greying_Pilgrim Posts: 5,503 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Good Afternoon :hello:

    Yes, I agree that people have 'always' been like that, but I think that it is just getting worse. People see others 'getting away with stuff' and just think 'what the heck - I'll do it'. Who was going to pull the driver up for parking up on a pedestrian crossing? A police officer? :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: They are rarer than hen's teeth in this particular town.

    Who doesn't swear these days? It's deemed totally acceptable to just make a sentence out of expletives - has anyone watched any of those TV programmes where the 'bleeper' is the star player? You don't have to be an anthropologist to know why people have taken to do it as a defence mechanism, but it's part of the inevitable outcome of declining social standards. It's all about ME, most certainly not 'US', these days, and it doesn't matter who THEY are, they ain't me, so they are not to be cared about, and gawd 'elp 'em if they 'look at me funny' or challenge the ME of me in anyway.........

    I get so annoyed about it - because of the safety issue, and because BG is such a little sponge these days, and picks up words - even after only hearing them once, very often. But they have no filter, they don't know good english language from bad. And also, what about the non-language stuff? The 'it's alright to shout at women', 'women are nothing, and are to be sworn at with impunity', 'put a woman in her place by shouting at her, nothing she says is of value anyway'. We have no way of knowing how much of all that kids absorb - we just reap the whirlwind years later when young people take their own lives or are prey for all manner of abuse, or meat out violence themselves to strangers or family members.

    Storm Miguel succeeded in confining us to quarters yesterday, but we have managed to get out and about today. I wanted to get some more things from the local artisan that I'd got some stuff from last month, and as they were robust enough to brave attendance at the outdoors makers market, I figured the least I could do would be to get out there and support them with a purchase. I was glad that BG and DH came too though, no denying :D We left the cakes in the window in valeries cake shop today though, once bitten and all that....... ;) I did get some YS'd jersey royals from M&$ though. The lass on the till reckoned that they do taste nice, but surely I'm not the only one to think that JR's don't taste the same these days as they 'used to'..... or am I just old?? :rotfl:

    Tea this evening will be Mugg, lentil dhal and rice. I was going to use up some WELL out of date aduki beans to make a curry. I thought that my only problem would be how long I needed to cook them to make them anything like edible. Turns out that I didn't even get to that stage, as on opening the packet and pouring the beans into a bowl, alot of the beans were covered in a black (dry) mould. Into the compost heap they went........ :( My fault entirely for hanging onto them for FAR TOO LONG! The lesson is getting learnt about stockpiling...... slowly :o

    Right, can't think of owt else :money:to witter on about. And I know I've not got the capacity to influence social mores, in any way other than trying to do right and make sure me & mine do likewise.

    Ta for popping by. Appreciated.

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • Greying_Pilgrim
    Greying_Pilgrim Posts: 5,503 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Good Evening :hello:

    Tea has been munched. In the end, I went with just mugg & rice, as I'd forgotten that it is quite a liquid curry, and with the dhal would have been a little too much. If I had had a tin of red kidney beans, I would have made ramja masala or something - texturally different, but I didn't, and as it happened, there was sufficient on the plate to fill us up anyway. BG did ask what it was, and whether they liked it, but as it had (fresh) chillies in it, i decided against trying them with a splodge - particularly as they are coming out with a cold...... *rollseyessmiley* I made the mugg a little different to the stated recipe. I threw in a lemongrass stalk to the ginger/onion/garlic mix and used coconut milk instead of passata. I also put in lime zest and juice from one lime. I did use fresh cherry tommies chopped up in the finished curry, as I had some. My amendments/recipe choice all used up things I had in store - including the mung beans - which i have had since before BG was even a twinkle and mrT were selling them off cheap! :D

    DH did some wonderful general household duties today - including taking some toot to the tip. This included disposing of BG's baby bath, which DH admits to shedding a tear or two over, which I find deliciously touching. DH is a nice chap, and is certainly more emotional about things than he ever used to be - and he was prone to tears then! :rotfl: The fact that a grown man is noticing the passage of time, and seeing BG's 'babyhood' growing away from us is actually so sweet - and I wouldn't have it any other way :smileyhea but I do also find it a bit hilarious too :rotfl::p It's.a.baby.bath!!!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:And before the sharp-eyed amongst you pull us up for disposing of this item rather than giving it to a chazzer, you need to know that it was second-hand when we got it - it has bathed at least 3 babies botties that I know of! - probably more, and it was beginning to show it's age and suffered plastic fatigue, which became evident when it fell from it's storage space and a bit broke off. DH mended it, and it went on in use for BG's baths, but it was not suitable to then pass onto someone else.

    The day has ended in sunshine, but both DH and I think we may be in for an interrupted night with BG's cough/cold...... :( Not even sure where it has been picked up from?

    Today I am grateful for these 3 things;

    people who do what they say they are going to do :D

    budget recipes that use stuff up :j

    BG's good behaviour, despite them feeling under the weather :smileyhea

    Thanks for popping by Appreciated.

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • greenbee
    greenbee Posts: 16,248 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Just thought I'd drop in - I've had my brother's kids over today (now 7 & 8 - how did that happen). Fussy eating is not just BG's domain. In fact if they ate as much variety as BG I'd be delighted. Checking in advance as I know this is an issue - Beans on Toast, Chicken & Broccoli, carrots, cucumber, lots of pudding (but even then, chocolate pudding was too much like cake for one of them). One drinks elderflower (also likes coca cola...) the other just drinks water. As my brother said, both of them actually liking the same thing would be too convenient.

    They did (mostly) eat chicken, potatoes and broccoli (both green & PSB) cooked in the oven (they usually have steamed broccoli) and appeared to like both the 'boring' and 'new' broccoli, and the fact that it was roasted.

    One ate chocolate pudding, strawberries & ice cream. The other ate the ice cream and strawberries and got daddy to finish up the chocolate pudding...

    Drives me crackers, but my brother was apparently a fussy eater as a child.
  • Greying_Pilgrim
    Greying_Pilgrim Posts: 5,503 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 11 June 2019 at 8:21PM
    Good Evening :hello:

    Apart from any wannabee rice farmers, is anyone else just marginally, ever so slightly, just a teensy-weensy, bit fed up of looking out of t'window and seeing rain..............................

    Baby Greying is also under the weather, so I'm struggling a bit to find elements of joy at the minute. Jus' saying :(

    Anyhoo, joy there is. We did at least get OUTSIDE today. Of course, it were raining, and we only made it as far as the post box, but we got OUTSIDE :j Mind, not sure it was a wise decision, as the only thing that we actually saw was a dead mouse, which freaked BG out a bit...... :( At least it was still complete........ _pale_

    And we posted a card to a lovely chum, who's been in our thoughts alot lately :smileyhea

    Another lovely chum has helped us out by ordering summat from the big river/forest retail emporium for me. I don't have an account, so the thing I wanted would have been disproportionately expensive with postage tagged on. Our chum kindly agreed to incorporate it into their own order - which is mucho, mucho appreciated by me! especially since this item may well help us to do 'self-catering' whilst staying in budget hotel accommodation sans kitchenette facilities :( later on in the year.

    I actually watched daytime TV today - that's how bad things have got!!!! I only really watch one channel - you'll be surprised that it is the food related one..... ;) Anyhoo, an advert came on for the #1 cash back provider, imploring you to use them. Mid scoff - as I've not had much luck with that particular company and purchases tracking - I remembered that a while ago, the #2 cashback provider had told me that the NT had finally admitted that I had purchased membership legitmately, tracking through their cashback site. I thought to myself, 'I must check if the money has landed yet'. Imagine my surprise, checking my emails a moment ago, and there is one there, telling me that my cashback is available for payout! Serendippty-doo-dah or what? I won't get all the cash back, as unfortunately a 'membership' fee has to be deducted (you can see how 'active' my online purchases are...... ;)), but at least it's been honoured - it was the principle of the thing!

    The food plan has sort of been going to plan, but we're feeling the keen effects of house-bound-ness now, and I've not been able to pick up a couple of 'fresh' items. We'll be stuck if this blessed rain continues. Do you think I ought to look out to see if any of t'neighbours are building anything vaguely ship-shape..... outta wood............

    Tea on Sunday wasn't the creamy courgette fettucine that was on the planner (wouldn't have made it with fettucine anyway - we only have macaroni in the house), but it was a riff on a medditeranean style pasta - using up the courgette, with red onion, garlic, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, black olives etc along with a grating of grana padano that is still going strong in the fridge :D Last night's tea was as slated - (vegetarian) Bobotie with rice and broccoli. Just right to have stew in such pants weather :(:D Tea this evening was 'what the heck we got????' so ended up being; jack's 9p burgers (from the freezer), 1/2 a bag of oven chips, baked beans and broccoli. Actually turned out better than I had anticipated - I cooked the burgers in the oven with the chips. They did OK - 2 went mishaped, and 2 didn't (? don't know why?), but it is quite a 'soft' mixture, so it's par for the course with veggie burgers.

    Today I am grateful for these 3 things;

    waterproof clothing allowing a change of scene - if only for 10 minutes

    BG's imagination and inventiveness - in between much needed snoozes

    Chums :D

    Ta for popping in. Appreciated. Always.

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • Greying_Pilgrim
    Good Morning :hello:

    We've managed to bag the car today - which did mean being up at stoopid o'clock to take DH to work. But the flip-side of that is that I completed my shopping for my final (2/2) FB donation. Slightly different things are on the 'most wanted' list, so I've had to go to different shops - but as you can appreciate, it's mostly tinned goods, so quickly gets heavy. I shall drop the lot off round to the community hub later.

    I've got all that was asked for (not in quantity!), and there are several 'useable' things that I had held back from the other donation (thinking the other FB would have them on their list) - which sadly this FB haven't got on their 'most wanted' - but which I'm pretty sure they use ie the items have certainly been on the 'in demand' list before, so I think they will accept them. I suppose I could hold them back until I go back to nearby-ish other town, but it'd be a measly donation, and I don't know when that will next be anyway. Dilemmas, dilemmas!

    The stuff is useable - I'll drop it in today I think......Dilemma ended!

    I decided to go to MrM, as they had the 'round, tinned, meat pies' that the FB (irony......) have requested, on offer for £1 each. Whilst I was there, I picked up some fresh coriander, and took Suffolk Lass's suggestion and picked up a box of 15 mixed weight FR eggs - they were £1.89. They look good, 12 days on them 'til the BB date, so hopefully they will be OK - that was the longest date available.

    I bought some British asparagus from mrAl. Not from the S6 (I did pick that up originally), but there was some - not too tree-trunky - stuff elsewhere and it was better value for money.

    I got all the FB stuff, but forgot one item for us :doh:But I don't think we'll starve - I'll have to rethink tea tho.

    Right, I've to sort out and bag up the food, and BG and I will pop it in later.

    Oh, have tried to claim my cashback money, but banking protocol (?) means I have to wait a day or two. Still annoyed that Q said 'free membership' and yet when you join there seems to be no way to downgrade from the £5 'premium' membership.

    Can't think of owt else :money:so I'm vamoosing.

    Ta for popping in. Appreciated.

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • EssexHebridean
    EssexHebridean Posts: 21,516 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    There definitely IS a way Greying, as my Quidco membership is without doubt NOT the paid version! I can't for the life of me remember how I did it though so hopefully someone else will be able to shed some light.
    🎉 MORTGAGE FREE (First time!) 30/09/2016 🎉 And now we go again…New mortgage taken 01/09/23 🏡
    Balance as at 01/09/23 = £115,000.00
    Balance as at 31/12/23 = £112,000.00
    SOA CALCULATOR (for DFW newbies): SOA Calculator
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,967 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    Thank you thank you thank you for your donations.
    We have just had to have a big drive for food as we were so short of so many things.
    Those pies are always very popular.
    You are awesome.
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
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