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  • tori.k
    tori.k Posts: 3,592 Forumite
    Pennysaver done

    My itchy feet is finally caught up with me and we decided it was time to start thinking of a short break.

    Confession we have already had a 3 week family holiday back in Jan/Feb that was paid for early the year before and Dods only has a few days holiday left as his works leave runs from Jan till Dec. so a couple of weekenders it is

    Far flung is off the table so we decided on a four corners UK trip over the next year.

    Flights from Newquay to Dublin are £140 return if we book a cheap B&B in Swords It seem's like a good place to start.

    Next will be a doorstep weekend camping in the Isles of scilly.

    Following May we will head to Scotland to do the north coast 500 a mix of wild camping and hostels

    Then finally Wales is a bit of a stalemate at the moment I would like to climb Snowdon as it's been on my bucket list for years, Dod's is thinking more coast path & castles.

    We are happy enough just wandering around getting to know an area and the people.
  • tori.k
    tori.k Posts: 3,592 Forumite
    PAYDAY :j

    28 days has never felt so long

    Current debt

    HSBC (Dods) £1667.15
    Barclay £1140.36
    Sainsbury £4546.00 (incl interest)

    Total unsecured debt £7353.51

    HSBC (mine) £0 nada...nothing..finished :beer:

    With £1072.13 paid off in June :D
    £844.83 Credit Cards
    £227.30 Loan

    Pennysaver done
  • louby40
    louby40 Posts: 1,537 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post
    That's such a great amount that you've paid off this month.

    I'm just starting on my debt free journey.
  • tori.k
    tori.k Posts: 3,592 Forumite
    louby40 wrote: »
    That's such a great amount that you've paid off this month.

    I'm just starting on my debt free journey.

    We did have a stroke of luck this month with a bit of a tax rebate, but it does show me that my SOA is now balanced as the surplus available for debt repayment was near enough to the pound. Usually what is on paper doesn't usually equal whats in the purse :o

    It's a learning curve to get there we been overpaying since January but we now know that we can live alright with our current budget, it's realistic to us and our needs a little wriggle room for fun and a pennies to save.

    You will get there Louby as you said it's a journey not a race by my reckoning we should be both debt free by may 17 when my loan will be finally be paid off so we will cross the finish line to the roll of honor together :beer:
  • louby40
    louby40 Posts: 1,537 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post
    I've got a spare savings account sat empty so I'm going to start a 52 week money saving challenge. I also transferred 21p over to my savings account to round it up lol!

    Looking forward to seeing my new bank account begin to work for me next week and I've sold 4 things on eBay giving me an extra £39 I didn't have! That can go towards the debt. It's amazing what stuff you have in your cupboards that people will buy.
  • tori.k
    tori.k Posts: 3,592 Forumite
    It's amazing how fast the pennies add up it shames me when I think that Dods and I use to meet up for a coffee every afternoon during the week putting the same £3 odd a day has netted me over £80 so far, never gave it a thought that I was paying £1200 a year in coffee alone :eek: that's a month's wages for me now.

    Shopping came to a whopping £89.66
    £51.49 normal shop
    £38.17 Lads Birthday as I had all the family around

    So the month come in at £243 which im more than happy about as my pennysaver, lads birthday food and 2 weekend guests all came out of my housekeeping and im only £3 over my usual £60PW
  • Amazing results this month!

    Well done, it's so good when you can see the amounts going down.

  • tori.k
    tori.k Posts: 3,592 Forumite
    edited 30 June 2016 at 8:49AM
    Isn't it just Dolly.

    We are reaching the middle point of our debt free journey. I always think this is the darkest moment the boring bit, it will all just tick along until Christmas.

    There is nothing left to cut from the budget for anymore overpayments than what we are doing so im pretty much a passenger from now on.

    Christmas ( yep I said the C word) isn't a big thing in our household but maybe it's time to start thinking about that, more to keep me occupied than anything else.
  • I've already started my Christmas shopping.

    Also we always go out for Christmas dinner & go to a New Year dinner dance so we save up 40.00 a month for all of that.

    So far we have kept it up for the whole of this year - proud of us!

  • tori.k
    tori.k Posts: 3,592 Forumite
    Made my first £100+ on my pennysaver not bad for 29 days.

    we ran the year to date figures and so far have paid off £5903.99 since January and are on track for 10k by year end, considering we are both now in minimum wage jobs seems we've never been so rich oddly and no respectable reason why we should ever end up on this merry'go'round again.
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