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O/S Daily Saturday 2 January 2016

nmlc Posts: 4,788 Forumite
First Anniversary First Post
edited 2 January 2016 at 9:26AM in Old style MoneySaving
O/S Daily Saturday 2 January 2016

This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything Old Style and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what Old Style things we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an Old Style natter. The more the merrier!

As this is the Old Style Board, it would be appreciated if posts could include some Old Style content. Please be aware that many people may have small screens, or SLOW internet connections, so please don’t post large pictures, or clip art – links are preferred. When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning.

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” is fine

Morning everyone

Hugs to those that need/want them x

Now light very wet underfoot after yet more rain again yesterday evening and during the night, blustery again and much colder.

Had a lovely day at mum and dad's yesterday, we had an early celebration for niece's 18th, elder sis (it was her daughter's 18th) did all the food HM meat lasagne, veg lasagne, a beautiful joint of gammon, hot new potatoes, salads, coleslaw, garlic bread, orange and cranberry meringue, apple pie and I'd offered to make a cheesecake, which all went down very well, mum coped very well and was more alert and less confused than I've seen her for a while, strange as she has a house full at the moment with my younger sis, her husband and 3 children staying, although my sis and her husband are very hands on, sis tends to do all the cooking whilst she's there. We didn't get back until nearly 8pm having been out all day, was lovely and chilled, bro and sil were there too so was able to get rid of the last lot of prezzies. DH didn't come with us as he was "ill" - left him to it at home on his own - was really less than impressed that he didn't come, but I've now decided I won't allow him to bring me down any more, whilst I have issues with my family some of them live away and I don't get to see them especially my nieces and nephews very often so I like to see them when I can. He only seems to want to do what he wants when he wants and I'm at the point of having had enough. I think yesterday he was trying to make a point as he'd wanted to go out in the days between xmas and new year and I'd had to work so had he and I'd said I didn't want to go out although he then rang some friends without me knowing and we went there for a few hours early evening. I hadn't made any plans as he normally refuses to go anywhere as he "runs about all week at work and wants to be able to relax when he's off" - I completely get that, I like time off too but he just swaps and changes his mind as he pleases, he's selfish and self centred, sorry that turned into a bit of a rant.

Today we will take all the decs down etc.

Keep safe and well x

nmlc x


  • sistercas
    sistercas Posts: 4,803 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 2 January 2016 at 9:31AM
    Morning , thanks for starting the thread nmlc

    Sat here eating biscuits , it's really time I stopped eating so much carp :o. I need to think about eating healthily , there's plenty of healthy stuff in and there's also plenty of unhealthy stuff in and I know which I prefer :D

    Need to do a general clean today , I might not do any washing for a change . It would be nice to sit and relax and maybe read

    Tonight's tea will be left over turkey , maybe a risotto or curry

    (((Hugs))) to all who need csarina thinking of you xx

    nmlc I'm glad you enjoyed time with your family , well done for standing your ground and doing what you wanted to do xx
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Morning all
    Still thinking of Csarina, floss and all those affected by the floods.
    LW, glad you have a lodger and that the previous one is ok too.
    Late night last night as a neighbour had a party and it was a bit noisy, she only does it once or twice a year so it's not really a problem.
    The fish have been fed, hubby and I have a cuppa each.
    I've crocheted 32 0f the 64 small circles I need and 20 of them have the next colour round done, I will do some more this evening.
    I've been keeping up with the flylady thread, well my attempt at it and the house is fairly tidy, only 2 days until we go back to work, it will be interesting to see if I can keep it up once I'm back.
    Mr Grumpy actually spoke to me twice yesterday so maybe he is feeling better, well until the next time something kicks off in his family!
    The DW & WM need attention so I'm off to sort them out.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs Hester
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • TravellingAbuela
    TravellingAbuela Posts: 6,728 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    edited 2 January 2016 at 9:40AM
    Morning all and what a miserable one it is. Still dark and rain as well. But at least it doesn't feel quite as cold as yesterday, when we had the c.h. was on all day.

    I have made a start on getting the decs down this morning. Cards piled up, candle ornaments emptied, batteries removed from others etc etc. Just the lights over the back window to take down and, of course, the tree. It's going to look very dismal without them all!

    I am sticking to my intentions of stock reducing in cupboards and freezers! So far, so good! I have pieces of salmon, smoked and plain haddock defrosting to make a large fish pie for tea. Lunch will be almost a re-run of yesterday with bits and pieces of Xmas stuff back out of the freezer, along with an assortment of cheese and pate on crackers and also the remains of the pasta salad. Still mountains of sweet stuff for afters and amazingly I managed to resist it yesterday!

    Have a good day everybody, ((((((HUGS)))))) where wanted/needed. GERS enjoy your belated break with your DM! Take care all xxx

    Cross posting - have an extra big hug NMLC. Good for you doing what you wanted to do and enjoying it too. May teach Mr NMLC a lesson do you think? xx
    "If you dream alone it will remain just a dream. But if we all dream together it will become reality"
  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,168 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Morning everyone.

    Thanks for the thread nmlc, your family get together sounds really nice. You probably enjoyed it more without the company of your OH. Men are such complex and annoying creatures. You rant away. I daren't start about mine.

    The trip back to Glasgow was really good and we enjoyed a belated Christmas. Today I'm taking mum shopping. Her car battery is flat agsin as she doesn't use for too often and then only for short journeys so it doesn't get a chance to charge up enough. Luckily there's a wee garage across the road and the bloke just comes down and jumps the car each time. I have broached the subject of her giving up the car (she's nearly 88) but she's not ready yet.

    I've no idea what the day will bring after shopping.

    I really loved Sherlock last night, it made perfect sense to me, I felt taken on a frantic trip - if you excuse the pun! Mum was very confused, but that may have been the wine. :rotfl:

    Anyway, happy Saturday everyone.
  • System
    System Posts: 178,109 Community Admin
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Morning all,

    Just popping my head round the door to show my face. Not sure what today will being as hubby is in Oxford. However it will give me chance to give the house a thorough steam clean.

    Youngest is in bed. He was on his pc till the early hours.

    Onwards and forwards

    Have a great day all
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,686 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Morning everyone,

    Grey and drizzly here, DOH got up with the girls so had a lie-in.

    Last night we had a piece of beef brisket for tea which was lovely, really melted in your mouth and have enough left for lunch today, not sure what we will have tonight, maybe chicken fajitas. Another one here who needs to stop eating so much, chocs have been stowed away so out of sight, hopefully then out of mind but we will see :)

    Need to get some washing done today but will have to go on the airers, my kitchen cupboards could do with a sort through as well before I put in a stock shop order. Both the dogs and the horse need food so will drop in on the way to the yard, my poor housekeeping budget will take a hit today.

    Someone else here who loved Sherlock but OH fell asleep, oh well, not for everyone I guess.

    Thinking of Csarina and Floss, your family get-together sounded lovely NMLC.

    Have a good day all x
  • tatabubbly
    Morning all!

    Need to do the food shop today as I'm back from spending the holidays at my parents. I have no leftovers and nothing in the fridge so it will be a challenge!

    Got one or two nice cook books for chrimbo so I'm going to sit down and have a look thorough them!
    094 Sealed pot member! :beer: (7) €185 (8) €138 (9) €€250
    Saving for our first home!
  • Islandmaid
    Islandmaid Posts: 6,568 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Hi all,

    I,m still in bed!!!! Waiting for coffee to be delivered ;)

    I did point out that I have not had a break all,holiday,s, and the penny appears to have dropped, as DH said, have a lie in, read a book, have a bath, just relax.... Only problem is I need to get some things done LOL.

    We,re having fajitas today, need to buy some lettuce for work sarnies anyway, so,will need to pop to Aldo.

    We woke up with 4 cats sharing our bed, so the weather must have been bad last night- 3 of them have disappeared out now.

    Have a fab day all X

    Big hugs to those who are having such a tough time X
    Note to self - STOP SPENDING MONEY !!

  • FurryBeastOz
    FurryBeastOz Posts: 1,380 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Gers from yesterday - Because of the horrible weather we've all had I'm thinking of renaming the summer solstice a surrogate Christmas Day - in the back garden with a BBQ and friends not laden down with hats, coats, gloves and wellies. Maybe I will.

    Were you IN Scotland over the summer? BBQ? We'd still have been in hats, coats and wellies!

    Anyway, glad you had a belated Christmas with your DM. Glad you could get through. I have out-laws in Aboyne, Braemar and Ballater who are all rather damp and not going anywhere for a while. But thankfully all safe.

    Feeling bluugh yesterday so didn't achieve much. Funny, I turned the TV on on Xmas Eve a DH was working. I had to turn it on at the wall. This is why we don't pay for sky - it had been off since the end of November when we went on holiday and I'd turned everything off at the sockets! Watched a bit of Kevin Costner. Took down the cards but couldn't be bothered with the tree. Then went to bed.

    Tree today while DH sleeps (night shift) and also a run - it's not raining. Wooooooo.

    LW Glad you have another furry visitor. Oz says hi and enjoy your holiday with Auntie Wolfy. He's very jealous he has never managed to get a holiday with her.

    Have a great day everyone.:beer:
    Goals - Weight loss 6/26lb at 22nd Jan 18
    Mmmm. 26lb at 1/7/18. Oops:o
  • [Deleted User]
    Morning, ((((((((((hugs))))))))))if you need one. Wet here too. It would appear that my ex has had a visit from burglars. Do not know much else at the moment. DD2put something on Facebook.

    OH brought me breakfast in bed this morning, still in bed, will get up shortly, I want to finish off the mats I was making before the world went mad.

    It is so comforting to me that so many of you are still thinking about my family. We have 6 days till the funeral. GD is still going to the undertakers every day to 'talk' to her dad.

    The rain arrived here last night, it's very dull and grey, glad I do not have to go out.
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