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My Debt Busting Diary 2016



  • milasavesmoney
    milasavesmoney Posts: 1,787 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    The thing I do regret, when I was raising my children, was not taking me time. I applaud you for realizing this is important and taking steps to make sure you continue something you love. Your entire family will benefit because you will feel good and fit and you will have something of your own. It's just so crucial not to lose yourself while building a strong family.
    Happy running!
    Overprepare, then go with the flow.
    [Regina Brett]
  • ScattySkewbald
    ScattySkewbald Posts: 518 Forumite
    The thing I do regret, when I was raising my children, was not taking me time. I applaud you for realizing this is important and taking steps to make sure you continue something you love. Your entire family will benefit because you will feel good and fit and you will have something of your own. It's just so crucial not to lose yourself while building a strong family.
    Happy running!

    Thank you Mila I really needed to hear that. Feel selfish putting myself first on this one but I think that it will do me the world of good.

    The rest of my eBay items finished tonight making £23.90. This leaves me jus £8.12 short of the £100 overpayment target. I have potentially got £11 coming in eBay sales but won't count these til the money's in my hand.

    Posted the eBay stuff and dropped the wine off. Made a start on the garden but it's going to be a looooong job.
  • milasavesmoney
    milasavesmoney Posts: 1,787 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    No ma'am. Not selfish! Prudent. As wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends we seem to live our lives for others by giving and giving. Your well will soon run dry if you only give out and never restock the water. It's ok to take time to replenish yourself so that you can wear all those many hats you wear and be effective and happy doing it. In fact it's essential! When you feel good, everyone will benefit.
    Overprepare, then go with the flow.
    [Regina Brett]
  • ScattySkewbald
    Good morning!
    Had vet out yesterday all jabbed and teeth done with no problems uncovered :D Money sat in bank ready so just need the bill to arrive now. Hopefully my estimate should be about right. Will be needing more medication in a couple of months so that'll be my next challenge. Need to double check what I have left but at a quick guess I'm looking at around £120 for the big lad for 3.5 months supply and the same again for the little one for 6 months so if I aim for £250 I shouldn't be far wrong. Best get more stuff listed!

    Had a £4 fb sale yesterday, so will transfer that to the cc. Have another £8 sale confirmed with a friend of a friend so hopefully that should go through ok. Another item I'm waiting to hear back on as the buyer has now gone quiet and not replied to messages re. collecting grrrr!

    Weigh in last night was 2.5lb which got me my 2.5 stone award and takes me to 35lb / 37lb. Hopefully target will be reached within a couple of weeks (esp once the running kicks off!) and then I don't need to pay anymore :j Had a freebie night last night as well as I had lost 10% of my start weight 10 weeks ago and have kept it off for 19 weeks so that was all good :D

    Need to post the eBay items today, still waiting on a couple to pay - hopefully they'll do so before I go to the post office with the rest.

    The to do list still pretty much stands. I never appreciated how little time you actually get to do bits with a little one to entertain. Especially as at the minute he's teething and very cuddly and reluctant to nap anywhere other than on me - not that I'm complaining, I'll miss these times when he's too big for mummy cuddles.

    Right best check the accounts before braving this vile weather to walk the woofs and feed the neds.

    Have a good day x
  • ScattySkewbald
    Things are still ticking away nicely awaiting payday (2 weeks and counting.....) £8 fb sale has gone through and I've transferred the money to the cc so currently just 85p off my payment target! Have a £5 bid on eBay to so providing all goes to plan target will be met at the weekend.

    Checked the neds meds situation - I've 4 months for the shettie and 2 months for the big lad in stock, so aim for the next couple of months is £120 for the big lads meds. I think I'll split all sales 50:50 between cc and vet account as I get too frustrated not making any overpayments!

    I've had the green light from the OH to return to work 3 days a week :T . Although it'll be a massive drop to my pre mat leave wages, it will also mean we're £350 a month better off than what I've been contributing whilst on mat leave so hopefully should be very doable. If I can focus on getting the cc cleared asap and living as we have been for a little longer, it could potentially mean by the end of next year we'll be debt free and hopefully have a couple of k in the bank towards a new car for OH (which will no doubt be our next big expense!) A dream at the moment but without these dreams I've nothing to strive for and no incentive.
  • milasavesmoney
    milasavesmoney Posts: 1,787 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Repaying debts and making plans to save toward!!!! Excellent!
    Overprepare, then go with the flow.
    [Regina Brett]
  • DebtFree2012
    DebtFree2012 Posts: 3,573 Forumite
    You have to dream!
    I second taking time out for yourself and also that enjoy every minute, it's so easy to get on with life as we're all really busy, then all of a sudden they are 5 and 9 (yes really, mine were only born recently I am sure!!!). I actually found myself getting broody for the first time in 5 years the other day.
    Super well done on the weight loss and the sales. What on earth are you finding to sell after so many sales? LOL
    Debt - CCV £3792
    CCB £1383 (took a hit for a holiday)

    Loan 1 £1787
    Loan 2 £1683
    Total £8601 Was £39302
  • Kittencat
    Kittencat Posts: 699 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi there
    I just want to say hi really, I'm on my lunch break at work so this will be a quick one.

    I enjoy reading your diary and I want to say keep going. I was in your situation. We had a baby (long awaited- took 8 year)had maternity leave for the year and we coped really well, so we decided that I could take a career break and just cope on one wage. I took 2.5 years off work and went back 25 hours last year. You just cope. Now I have a wage and it gets put in saving because we can manage. Its hard at the beginning but I found as my little one got older (shes 4 now and in full time pre school, they start full time earlier here in Wales than in England) we don't have to fork out on child care.

    Working 3 days will be nice for you actually, you will do ok, xx
  • ScattySkewbald
    Thanks Kittencat it's all a bit daunting at the moment, but I'm determined not to let work be a black cloud hovering over the rest of my mat leave. After seeing one of my colleagues last week, I'm not sure how accommodating work are going to be. What will be will be, and whichever way it goes, I'll either have a job or redundancy pay - little man comes first.

    DF most of what I'm selling are little mans outgrown clothes (he had a lot of Joules, Boden etc all bought second hand, so fetch decent prices whilst owing me nothing!), my maternity clothes (they'll be too big if we do go on to have another as I'm a stone lighter than my pre pregnancy weight and besides they're taking up precious space. Again most were bought second hand) and bits and pieces from the tack room that are surplus to requirement (I'm a self confessed rug-a-holic!). They sales will dry up soon enough, but if I can carry on until I'm back at work at least I know the cc is being paid.

    Boden very kindly sent me a £10 voucher yesterday. Not sure why I keep getting them (must have at least 3 a year!) but definitely not complaining! Have used it to but DS a lovely little polo shirt for the grand sum of £1.60 delivered! I'll get more than that on eBay once he's outgrown it ;)

    Sales have been slow this week - currently on £6 but it's better than nothing. They finish this evening. I've also been sent a deal from eBay -100 free listings and 25% off final fees for today only, so need to make the most of this. Have a few drafts ready just need to crack on with a few more.

    Swag$, I'm half way to my next giftcard. Trying to just spend 15 minutes am and pm - usually before DS wakes up and whilst I'm multi tasking cooking tea, as don't want to be glued to the iPad with little man around. Even just £5 a month would be great.

    Right better check the accounts- 11 days to payday and counting.....
  • ScattySkewbald
    Happy Monday everyone! Well at least the sun's shining here so that's something!

    Last nights sales finished at £8.19, so a slight increase. However, I have a buyer that claims she hasn't received her item posted last Monday, so PayPal have ringfenced £7 ish to refund them :mad:, so that pretty much wipes out this weeks sales :( Hoping they turn up today, but it's looking unlikely. Will have a chat at the post office later and pick up the relevant claim form, although I have heard it's a right PITA to complete.

    I've relisted all the non sellers and a few additional. I have another 4 or 5 items ended tonight, but no bids so far and very few watchers. Think I'm going to have to start bundling some bits together and see if that generates anymore interest.

    Have a good day everyone x
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