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Why do some cyclists use the entire lane, use fog horns, and flashing lights?????????



  • Well, yesterday there was conversation. There were questions, and answers. You seemed genuinely interested in learning something.

    Today you challenge what you've already been told, and seem to justify this by posting a list of things that you (and I, and anyone else who chooses to own and use a motor vehicle) pay for. You include 'wear and tear' and 'vehicle cost' as things people with bikes don't also have to cover.

    If you have any sensible points or genuine questions people here will answer them. If you don't, maybe you have something better to do with your day?

    this needs a careful responds.

    firstly, i started this thread. there is always two sides to everything in life, if you dont like what you are reading, simply dont read this thread and move on, simple. there is not right or wrong way of writing, and no "doing well" or unwell" If i choose to type a list of things base on your response, i think that is fine to do so, i did not swear at you, and i was not rude towards you, you seem upset, i am not, so sorry if you are upset, but as i site, there are different views on this site.

    In regards to "sensible points" and "genuine questions" all of my comments, questions and points are valied, and senible, as everyone elses, including your own, so please, no need for the high ground here.

    thirdly, dont make assumptions what i know, i can challenge anything i choose on here, this is a open discussion, you may not like that, but sadly thats the world we live in. we all have very diffierent view points, some cross over, others dont, but difference is good, and i am sorry if you do not like that.

    in regards to suggesting i do better things with my day, thats not your call, everyone is welcome here, there no malice from me
    Trinidad - The hottest place to go
  • There's a thread in the Motoring section called "Driving on the right hand side".

    Now how are we to interpret that, a thread about driving on the right hand side of the lane, or, as is quite obvious, a thread about driving on the right hand side of a carriageway when abroad?
  • Same old story:

    Cyclists getting trolled.

    Remember trolling is a dance requiring partners.
  • prowla
    prowla Posts: 13,574 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 100 Posts
    Yes - "keep left" as opposed to "drive on the right" like they do in other countries.

    It is "keep left of the centre line of the road". Sometimes there's a marked line, sometimes not, but it just means "don't drive/ride on the right hand side of the road".

    I can't actually believe this needs spelling out...

    I know; it's unbelievable that the wording "keep to the left" can't be just accepted at face value.

    There is no mention of lanes, driving on the left or anything; it is very plainly stated.

    In contrast, the motorway section (264) states that you should drive in the left lane; thereby demonstrating that the HC will say lane when in means specifically that.

    Likewise, the rules on multi-lane carriageways (133-143) are quite clear that they refer to lanes. Rules 137 & 138 specifically refer to keeping to the left lane.

    Rule 160 is not specific to multi lane roads and simply says "keep to the left"; what could be more plainly stated?
  • almillar
    almillar Posts: 8,621 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic Second Anniversary
    Seems like flashing lights on peddal power cant be used on non on street lighting roads, thats interesting!!!!

    Wrong. Read post #123 again. And read post #130 for a clear explanation of it.
    seeing them things falshing on and off in a drivers mirror, must be very off putting,

    offputting, distracting, attention grabbing - ah, there you go, that's why they flash! So that drivers can see them!
    Your confusion seems to be with your understanding of 'lane' and 'highway'. Those words are not interchangeable.
    do explain further, this confusion you have identified

    If you are allowed to drive, you should know this! Highway is the entire width of the road, you should drive your car on the left of this, and there may be several lanes within the highway. You should drive in the middle of a lane. Cyclists are also perfectly entitled to be in the middle of a lane (the primary position) if they feel the need to be there - ie some numpty in a car behind them thinks there is space to overtake safely, when in fact there isn't. Post #153 explains this well.
    Thanks; actually, I am considering the IAM.

    I would encourage anyone to do this, very worthwhile.
  • prowla
    prowla Posts: 13,574 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 100 Posts
    Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on that point then, but I and most cyclists will still ride in the appropriate position in our lane. If that isn't far enough to the left for you then sorry, but it is what is advised by the government.

    You can disagree, but the rules of the road are clear and the advice you are choosing to follow is in contradiction to the rules which govern you and all other road users.

    Actually, on my drive to work today, I did notice cyclists positioning, and I have to say that every one kept left, in accordance with the Highway Code.
  • Norman_Castle
    Norman_Castle Posts: 11,871 Forumite
    Photogenic 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Part of the Furniture
    edited 2 September 2015 at 4:24PM
    i am sure havepaid a small forune to use our roads,
    petrol costs, congestion charge (london), insurance prem, MOT, service charge, wear and tear, cost of vehicles, green taxes, parking charges, pay and display, garages, permits etc....
    None of these are a payment to use the roads.
  • Norman_Castle
    Norman_Castle Posts: 11,871 Forumite
    Photogenic 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Part of the Furniture
    prowla wrote: »
    No, it simply says to keep left; it does not mention lanes or any other interpretation you wish to add to it.

    The wording is quite clear.
    As you say, it simply says to keep left; it does not mention lanes or any other interpretation you wish to add to it.

    The wording is quite clear
  • prowla
    prowla Posts: 13,574 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 100 Posts
    As you say, it simply says to keep left; it does not mention lanes or any other interpretation you wish to add to it.

    The wording is quite clear

    Thank you.
  • AliceBanned
    AliceBanned Posts: 3,052 Forumite
    Name Dropper Second Anniversary Combo Breaker 10 Posts
    Personally when cycling in London or the countryside on quiet lanes, I stick to the left rather than taking the lane. This thread is the first I've heard about it. I don't cower in the left though, but I do end up getting some of the potholes as I feel that is safer than moving into the middle of the road, and also because so many motorists are impatient if you do that and start blasting their horn, which is unpleasant.

    Also when on a very narrow long country lane where the motorist is forced to slow down behind me, I sometimes stop completely and let them pass. Maybe I am being too nice to them but it is irritating having them behind me waiting to get by, both for me and for them.

    I do think the OP is a venting rather than a search for information though. We cyclists get it all the time.

    Also when driving I expect a cyclist to let me pass if they are going more slowly than me. There is no point blocking the road for no purpose (I don't think it is always safer in the middle) but in London it is better to be out towards the middle more often. I've had a van door open on me and another van do a left turn almost dragging me round, despite me being in front to start with.
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