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The Garden Fence - help and support in tough times



  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    edited 14 March 2016 at 1:02PM
    Aw monna I did wonder if you would go back to your church. Aw monna allsorts running through my head re: asking of whys and wherefores etc. Hope you are coping with it and hoping it's a positive experience for you.

    Well I am feeling better :D too soon for the garlic to work so thinking I was already on the turn for the better (and resenting the google search that made me think it was a good idea!), chest still not right but I can function and that's all I ask for.

    Lyn there are so many people who have a lingering cold and I have heard that aside from flu it's the worst cold they've had. DH had it before me and took a good week to go. How he worked I do not know! I just hope the girls dont get it.

    We have a small charity shop in the town down the hill. I've been in a few times since moving but never found anything I needed, would be useful or liked. Today though, a skirt sewing pattern for 50p all intact. One mid calf length and perfect for summer with the other knee length which I would use in winter with my posh, expensive snow furry lined boots that I am still saving for and intending on buying in a summer sale ;) ... did I just digress. That's the problem with typing on tablets. It takes so long to get your sentence out that you lose your train of thought! Where was I? Oh yes, skirt pattern. Now my machine skills are poor and I am hyperventilating at the though of installing a zip :eek: but I have you tube :D

    I'm very excited so well worth me 50p.
  • shanks77
    shanks77 Posts: 1,182 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    edited 14 March 2016 at 3:46PM
    MrsCD wrote: »
    Just remembered something I wanted to tell you all. In a local garden centre cafe there is a sign on the wall that says,
    "The bigger you are the harder you are to kidnap! Stay safe, eat cake."

    My gp probably won't agree, but it makes me smile each time I see it.

    Oh well I am def safe the kidnappers would give themselves a hernia if they tried to pick me up lol.
    Mind you prob shouldn't eat more cake my diet starts tomorrow as I'm back to work after 2 was hols:(
    Fuddle hope you feel better soon
    Monna nice to hear your cooking skills are still in demand you must have a good reputation xx
  • pollyanna_26
    pollyanna_26 Posts: 4,839 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    Wishing all the poorlies better soon .
    Good luck with the skirt fuds , did you finish your crochet cardie ?
    Monna the very best of luck transporting your goodies , so good to see you back in the thick of things . If you have a decent garden centre nearby they may well have the mustard . I order a lot of my seeds from chase organics the cost is comparable to most seed companies and delivery is £1.85 up to £11.99 order value and around £3 for larger orders . Googling organic garden catalogue will bring up their site . You can order a free catalogue on line which I find easier than searching through all the different alphabetical groups on line . They use royal mail which I prefer to support for deliveries .
    Been a long day today actually dozed most of the way through this farming life . Must do better tomorrow as winter has arrived on the farms and if I'm not wishing for snow I love looking at it ( sorry Mar )
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    I did Polly - a big chunky grey number. I'm on with a sunburst square blanket now and an orange cotton summer jumper now. I like to be busy. :)
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Shanks: Famous last words....." The diet starts tomorrow."

    Morning all. Very bright here this morning but chilly. I was awake at some indecent hour this morning so went downstairs and made a quick cup of coffee, refreshed my hot water bottle and crept back to bed. I tend not to show my face downstairs until the chaos of breakfast, noisy and heated discussions about what LO will or won't wear today, feeding the gigantic mutt, loud reminders of what this or that person absolutely MUST do today, the frantic efforts to get the car or van to cough into life and the final, blissful departure to work/nursery are all accomplished. Then the house, the dog and I take our fingers out of our ears, breathe a sigh of relief and settle down again.

    This image of the contented three generation family is overrated in my opinion.

    Have a good day.

    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • silvasava
    silvasava Posts: 4,433 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Enjoy your peace while it lasts Monna. Forecast is dry and sunny for the next 3 days so hope it will begin to help you get that spring back in your step.
    All my intentions for today are on hold as DS2 needs me to go to his house to wait in for a tool he's ordered as they won't deliver to a different address! Do hope it comes this morning as I've no crochet or reading on at the moment. Might have a Potter in his garden :)
    Have a good day all x
    Small victories - sometimes they are all you can hope for but sometimes they are all you need - be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
  • ivyleaf
    ivyleaf Posts: 6,431 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    A derelict warehouse across the road has been demolished and they are getting ready to build houses on the site. They start work at 7.30 :( How my OH manages to sleep through the din is beyond me! I've just rung the cattery to see if they have room for the cat for a couple of days later in the week, because I feel completely battered by the noise from the building site, the busy road and the local roadworks which mean we get a lot of extra traffic along our little road :mad: I feel desperate to escape for a couple of days.

    Monnagran I do hope your DS can give you a lift, I hate to think of you managing that lot on the bus!

    Fuddle An orange cotton top sounds gorgeous! And well done for finishing your cardi :T
  • moneyistooshorttomention
    moneyistooshorttomention Posts: 17,940 Forumite
    edited 15 March 2016 at 10:22AM

    It's probably laid down somewhere or other by the local Council what hours the builders are restricted to working in - worth checking.

    When there was development going on near my last place I knew, at the outset, what the laid-down allowed workhours were and assumed that that would be abided by by those builders.

    I gave them benefit of doubt when I heard them at work after the "close of business" time they had been told one day. When I heard them at it a second day working on "after hours" I was off complaining about it to the Council. After that - they stuck to working only in their designated "work hours".

    I can't recall the precise times they were allowed to work now - but have a feeling 8.30am was the earliest time they were allowed to start work??

    Worth checking out. I've found its astonishing (downright disheartening) how few people will complain about a "wrong" if it comes to it....most people just "keep their heads down" and hope someone else does. One rarely gets thanked for being that "someone else" every blimmin' time....but that's life I don't expect anyone's thanks for the fact you've helped them out too by doing their "share of the work" by complaining on everyone's behalf.
  • burtha
    burtha Posts: 903 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi ,
    What to do today ????
    Week off and kids at school dh at work ....
    Yesterday pottered around the garden and got loads done , today as my dad would have said , the fog is as thick as pea soup ..may just have to tidy up the house , ho hum
    Ref colds , mine has left me with a barking cough, few weeks after cold has gone , sick of it now
    Monna , love the mini greenhouse lol
    We have a greenhouse frame ,that some how we have never got round to putting glass in ...For the last 2 years .... need to find a cheep way to buy it first,

    right, motivated now to Google greenhouse glass .....
    £223/ £250 GC
  • shanks77
    shanks77 Posts: 1,182 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    edited 15 March 2016 at 2:52PM
    Monna lol well I have started it how long it continues remains to be seen but I have the hospital on 25th April so must be seen to be making an effort.
    Ivy leaf our council can start work at 0730 here which I think is waaay too early but I hope that they finish quickly for your sanity.
    Silvasava be glad you are not here it is foggy and cold here def not a day you could spend in the garden.
    Ok off to do something constructive as back to work tonight after 2 wks off. I like to try and be organised so when I come home in the morning I don't have much to do to keep on top of things.
    Have a good day everyone xx
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