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Real-life MMD: Can I ask guests to bring a bottle?



  • Bella73
    Bella73 Posts: 547 Forumite
    We always supply the food and soft drinks and tell everyone to bring any alcohol they want to drink, it always works fine and it's what all our friends do as well. As long as you are clear when invite is issued, people have a choice they either come and bring alcohol or don't have to come, we've never had anyone not come along bearing alcohol if they drink.
  • Scotsbob what nonsense. I'm Scottish and have never been to a party up here where people don't bring their own drink. On the other hand when I've been to parties down south I've seen people regularly turn up empty handed. So it looks like the Scots aren't the tight ones....
    I would say it's perfectly reasonable to add BYOB to the invitations/messages
  • I always take a bottle to a party. Sometimes I'm not sure on the etiquette of bringing a bottle, and will bury it in the bottom of my bag to pull out if it was a BYOB event!

    You can either ask attendees to BYOB or say simply 'I will have some wines and spirits, but not enough for everyone, so please feel free to bring a bottle!'
  • I would expect everyone to bring something, but in my ex
  • Sorry - pressed send.

    I would expect everyone to bring a bottle. The problem is that they won't all drink what they bring. Most people I know being wine but then drink beer, soft drinks, etc. Not sure how to get around that. 'Bring a bottle of what you fancy' isn't that explicit. If you are unlucky you might end up with lots of expensive drink that is no use to you.
  • chocky
    chocky Posts: 57 Forumite
    I had someone who turned up for a party with a miniature bottle of whiskey! AND took it home at the end of the evening because it hadnt been drunk lol
    chockychocky :A
  • Cloudane
    Cloudane Posts: 527 Forumite
    500 Posts First Anniversary
    I cannot believe people are suggesting that others should "bring your own bottle"!!!! Unbelievable. I bet no one comes to your parties if you ever hold them!!!

    *disengage MSE Sanctimoniousness(TM) mode*

    Needs an "s". It's "bottle(s)" or better still, "bottles". Tis not much of a party with only one bottle per person :D :beer:
  • MrsE_2
    MrsE_2 Posts: 24,162 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Isn't it funny how polarised opinions are on this?
    There are those of us who think it's perfectly acceptable & those who want to booze all night at others expense :-)
  • I would ask everyone to bring something for themselves... that way the costs are kept down and everyone drinks what they like to drink.. I don't see how anyone could be offended by asking? It's only polite.
    "When I'm rolling in the benjamin's, I will throw you and your dog a bone, good night."
  • twigpig
    twigpig Posts: 1,210 Forumite
    This is a tough one for me, as I don't drink. I'd hope that the hosts would have soft drinks available and wouldn't really think to take them. I'd probably take a bottle of wine for the host and maybe even a plant or suitable gift but I wouldn't bring a load of soft drinks...... Like the punch idea that someone suggested :)
    TTC #3..........
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