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OS Saturday 2nd June

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for sat 2 june. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well

Morning all:j not often i post first, where is everyone? still snoozing away:D

Cant sleep so came down for a peek on here, mouth is slowly getting better:j managed to eat more last night so thats great.

Off to see pirates 3 in afternoon, will have to get there early as every day this week they have been sold out, so was advised even though we have booked tickets doesnt mean we will get in!

Try and catch up on cleaning today as havent done much since i have been not well and dh hasnt done much, he's not very good at multi-tasking!:rotfl:



  • mrs_mix
    mrs_mix Posts: 1,800 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning Kyle and all who follow
    just a quick hello from me today as I'm just about to get everything ready to go out and won't be home until later
    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all
    have a good day

    pam xx
    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • trigger2
    trigger2 Posts: 360 Forumite
    morning all, hoping for some sunshine here today ! Hope you are all well & hugs to those who need them. Here I'm taking the kids to Clarks today to get feet measured & new shoes as they haven't had any for about a year :o DS has got a friend staying whose parents are away so will have to amuse 3 of them as cheap as poss, hence the hoping for sunshine !!! hugs to all that need them :grouphug:
  • N9eav
    N9eav Posts: 4,742 Forumite
    Morning. Horrible and wet again. Won't be doing much outside today... Probably go to a town somewhere and look for a new duvet cover and shower curtain. Well the missus will, I will scout about for a bargain or some more fishing tackle.

    May take the train as the roads are sure to be a mess.

    I still hate this new forum format.. I guess I will get used to it. Too old to change I guess.

    Have a nice one...
    NO to pasty tax We won!!!! Just shows that people power works! Don't be apathetic to your cause!
  • charlies_mum
    charlies_mum Posts: 8,118 Forumite
    Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Morning all :wave:

    Sorry N9eav, but it is a lovely sunny day here.

    Was told yesterday that we have potato blight on our new allotment, and my BIL has chopped the top off all his potatoes to try to stop it. I have been having a mooch around, and I'm not convinced that's the problem, so might have to tell him he's butchered them for nothing :eek:

    I have made an Indian curry for the past few Saturdays, but tonight we have decided to have one delivered, so I can sit with my feet up and a glass of wine :T Suppose it's too much to hope that there will be something good on telly to watch :D

    Hope everyone has a good day, and :grouphug: if needed x
    You're only young once, but you can be immature forever :D
  • newster
    newster Posts: 89 Forumite
    Busy day for me today. Have church cleaning to do in a little while. Then I need to pop into our nearest larger town to pick up some things. Want to see if our local Wilkinsons have some of these stardrops everyone keeps on about :-) Then we're off to DH mums. She live a 45 min drive from where we live. I have to cut her hair. Then off to my brother's he lives in the same city as Dh's mum. I have to pick a matress up from him to take to my dad when we visit next week. (My parents live in Dorset) Tonight we have a prayer and praise evening at the church, and tomorrow their is supposed to be a church picnic, weather permitting, so I will have to get sandwiches made up ready for that. I need to do them tonight, because tomorrow, some of us are going to Gatwick to pick my daughter and granddaughters up, they are arriving from America, then we are joining the picnikers. So it's all go, go, go :-)

    Everyone have a blessed and prosperous day.

    Hugs to all.
    JAMIEDODGER Posts: 4,339 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    morning all:)

    went to see a good friens last night, had a really nice time and a good laugh with her and her husband. Its nice to catch up in person rather than on the phone:)

    this morning I have to take ds2 to Arundel as he has a cricket match at 10am. I am a bit slack this morning as I am still in bed with laptop :D dd is still asleep and the three boys are downstairs watching telly.

    lots of houseworky type stuff to do today and more baking!

    breakfast - cereal/toast
    lunch - sarnies/soup
    dinner - everyone here tonight so probably fish fingers (except me i will have pasta with some pesto thrown in

    have to pick ds2 up at lunchtime so i think we will stay in the rest of the day making cakes:) all good fun:)

    oooh, as i am going to Arundel, I might pop into the animal feed centre they have just between here and there. Should be able to pick up a sack of kitten food (much cheaper than from supermarket). There i go again, spending June's grocery money and my month doesnt start until monday lol

    whatever you are doing and wherever you are doing it have a great day:D

    JD x
    November NSD's - 7
  • yellowmonkey
    yellowmonkey Posts: 7,052 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all.

    Hope you are all well and dandy.

    Not up to a lot today as i have work this afternoon.:mad: . Still last one and then 2 days off.

    Going to cook a roast tomorrow without the aid of my favorite Aunt Bessie. Even going to have a go at my own yorkshire puddings:eek: .

    Will let you know how it goes unless i am in hospital with food poisioning:rotfl: :rotfl:

    Hope you all have a good one

  • stefejb
    stefejb Posts: 1,725 Forumite
    Morning all
    N9eav - I don't like the new colours either :(

    having a quick tidy up here and packing lunchy things for a day out. myself and dd are going to the anti-poverty demo in central london today - looks like a lovely day for it and there are loads of actvities going on. I have promised to get us back for dr who so wish me luck.
    Tonight I must pack for my trip to the Cayman Islands - only four more sleeps woo-hoo. Dsis says her co. have given her soem spending money so it shouldn't cost a thing but I'm not sure I beleive her as I suspect she paid for my flight. I shouldn't worry about it cos she says it's all a belated 40th birthday present ( a year belated :) ) and she does earn very good money. We are meeting up at Crand cayman airport before going to the hotel which is a bit scary - hope we find each other :)
    DD's foot is much much better - thanks to all who wished her well - I have had to cancel my half day on Tuesday though as I took two days off work :(
    Have a great day all those up already and those to follw
    I'm going to feed our children non-organic food and with the money saved take them to the zoo - half man half biscuit 2008
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    :hello: Goood Morning fellow OS'ers :D:D

    ((Shez)) - sorry to hear about your job :(

    Aril - :T That's great news for your DH, hope he gets many, many more :D

    Catznine - ((hugs)) Your poor friend has sooooo much to adjust to, no wonder she is feeling bitter while she gets used to such a life changing overhaul! She needs to grieve for what she is losing and come to terms with how drastically it will alter her life. I'm sure your support is the best medicine for her soul right now - you are giving her the permission and freedom to air her thoughts and her emotions; priceless! I know it's hard for you to absorb -especially when you have all that dental work to face and with your DH's job being downgraded too; just ensure that you find moments in the day for "me time" and if you do meditations, now is the time to really use them for yourself ((hugs))

    Thank you to everyone for the good wishes yesterday and the lovely tidbit's of advice (much appreciated) :T :T :T

    I was outside that garage, having almost frog marched the lads and myself down there, by 0915hrs ... only for him to ask for my cover note! I proudly stated it was all ok, didn't need a cover note because I fully insured the car by phone on Wednesday :D Then he tells me he couldn't tax the car without my insurance documents :wall: :wall: These still hadn't arrived by post :( Now I really did frog march home at a pace to rival any distance runner - it's all uphill too! I'd forgotten just how exhilerating and stressbusting a good old stomp can be :o :rotfl: So, lesson learned ;)

    Utilised my time card making.

    Postie didn't arrive until .... 1300hrs! I almost ripped the post out of his hands and yes, there it was ... but they'd spelt my name wrong!!! Blow pobs, ran down to the garage, waving said documents at the garage man and eyeing the forecourt for my car. End of saga. He went and paid the £35 road tax ( <
    ) still can't get over *that*) and she became mine-all-mine :j :j :j

    Donned sunnies :cool: made sure all the windows were done UP (sweltering weather) put on the air con, slid the CD into the player, belted the lads and off-I-jolly-well-WENT!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

    Couldn't stop out too long though, my poor 11yo said he was feeling a tad unwell - when I stopped stroking the gearstick and dash board long enough to notice, yes I could see he wasn't at all well :o Feverish in fact :o

    The moment I pulled on the drive, he went indoors and took himself off to bed - then raced to the bathroom - poor mite :(

    D13yo was being a real tease and kept referring to my music and me generally as the dinosaur :rolleyes: So I thought he needed a lesson in *my* kind of teasing ... went to do a judo throw in him and *bash* .. ouchie, kicked something metal and hard. I think I've broken my toe :o It's very swollen and red looking and hurts. As is the one next to it. That'll teach me ;)

    So, no sprinting around the village for me this weekend then!

    I'll put the ironing board on it's lowest setting and sit and iron today, it's painful to stand on them for long.

    Have a wonderful day and ((hugs)) for those who need/want them :wave:
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • Shez
    Shez Posts: 2,180 Forumite
    Morning everyone and those to follow!

    thanks for all the hugs/wishes/pms yesterday re my job - what stars you are :A
    Last nite me and DH had some wine and got out the CDs and reminised, which was nice and I realised I should play my music more often - it often gets side tracked now with CITV and CBEEBIES!:rotfl:
    Well now Im gonna be at home I will be able to play and do some flylady boogies whilst kids are in school!:D Plus have a nice list of jobs for DH to do (no rest for the wicked!:rotfl: )

    Sun is shining in Ye Olde London Towne, a good couple of days in store - so will be able to get the kids out somewhere after being housebound with all that rain in the week!:D

    kyle - enjoy the film, I cant wait to go!!! I cant take the kids though as its a 12A.
    yellowmonkey - nothing wrong with aunt bessies yorky puds!!;)
    bargainrzl - at last went to Borough Market the other day (v.expensive stuff there!) and I saw The Globe Pub from bridget jones so that made my day!

    How is moggins getting on these days? I dont seem to have seen her posting when Im on or have they been on the days I havent been on?
    Hope things are still going ok?!

    queenie - just read yr post, had to laugh! new car sounds fab!!!

    Have a good saturday all
    Shez xx
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