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Need not Want.



  • Ilona
    Ilona Posts: 2,449 Forumite
    I needed a new battery for my camera, the one I bought with the camera a couple of years ago is about to expire. Went to the big very 'spicy food' electrical store and the daft young man said we don't stock them, they are very expensive, would be cheaper to buy a new camera. Then I went to a little independant photographic shop in the High Street and got one for £20, so I'm chuffed.

    Picked up a few yellow stickers in son of morris shop. Maybe I could have managed without them, but I like to buy something I know I'm going to use, when I see it cheap.

    PS. Could you use old clothes for packing materials?
    I love skip diving.
  • Ilona wrote: »
    I needed a new battery for my camera, the one I bought with the camera a couple of years ago is about to expire. Went to the big very 'spicy food' electrical store and the daft young man said we don't stock them, they are very expensive, would be cheaper to buy a new camera. Then I went to a little independant photographic shop in the High Street and got one for £20, so I'm chuffed.
    The little door that holds the batteries in on my camera broke off ( when I dropped it!). Kodak said they couldn't mend it,but they'd part-ex it towards a new one (i'd have to pay another £30 towards it)
    it's been 6 months and the duct tape is doing pretty well!!

  • Hi all,

    This is an excellent idea, I'm definitely on board for this!

    I need to get a train to a training course next week, but I'm going to avoid zone 1 on the Underground and save £7.20 per day. And I'm also getting a sneaky lift to the tube station which is 5 miles away instead of using the Overground, saving a whopping £17.70 per day!

    I was due to get a phone upgrade in March and was looking at the iPhone 4S as it's the same price I'm paying per month at the mo but you have to pay for the phone. Instead, I'm going to keep my iPhone 3GS I've had for a few years and get a sim only, so saving like £20 odd quid a month!

    I'm really inspired now, thanks so much OP :D
    October Grocery Challenge - £67.18/£135
    Save up £500 - £0/£500
    NSDs for October - 0/10
  • Nice one Complimentschemistry :T I can't believe it costs you £17.70 to get the train 5 miles....

    I've bit the bullet and bought myself a dehumidifier, as I think it's becoming a need. I got a weather clock for Christmas, and I've been using it to measure the humidity in my room, which has been sitting around 70% for the last few days. This explains why all my shoes and bags have been going mouldy, and why clothes smell foosty, so it will pay for itself in a few months!
  • elly68
    elly68 Posts: 2,556 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    well i had a slip yesterday and spent 10 and gave daughter 5 ,but it was a pop up charity shop so went to a good cause the treasure a large crystl ball well paperweight really to complete a look i wanted ,dart board for ds,pictionary and a simpsons game for caravan .dd got books no surprise there and paperweight egg and russian dolls all purple for her room amazing how well she can spend my money not hers lol .
    So finally debt free and it feels amazing however continuing here to stay debt free.Next declutter house and body and finally swim under that waterfall x
  • Ilona
    Ilona Posts: 2,449 Forumite
    This bad weather we're having has really cut down on my spending. I look out of the window and ask, do I really need to go out, I keep putting it off to the next day, and the next day. It's surprising how the bank balance builds up without me noticing it, a nice surprise when the statement comes.

    I have enough fresh food to last to the middle of the week, so I don't need to go near any shops. I am making the most of my time indoors with craft work. I am making a rag rug out of old teeshirts so don't need to buy anything for that. Yesterday I made a three day curry, and stewed some apples that my neighbour gave me. Keeping busy is a good distraction to spending.

    I can't think of anything that I want or need at the moment, except to save up for some trips out. I am looking forward to spending a bit on holidays, something I need to do. I needed to buy the battery for my camera the other day because I use it every day for my blog. Good luck with sorting out your wants and needs. Toodle pip.
    I love skip diving.
  • FireWyrm
    FireWyrm Posts: 6,557 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Debt-free and Proud! Combo Breaker
    Well, that was a productive couple of days. My ipad 1st gen closed out at £180 and what with a few OPIs as well, I have £225 sitting in Paypal. Ironically, I tried to sell it at cash-converters a few months ago and the most they would give me for it was £90 which I thought was a bit stingy. Very glad I put it on Ebay in the end.

    Now I'm on the hunt for something else to put on Ebay.

    In the meantime, the lockup is now cleared, so there's £70 every 4 weeks that doesnt need to happen anymore. We're still inside our grocery budget and we have petrol in the car with no need to use it for another week.
    Debt Free! Long road, but we did it
    Meet my best friend : YNAB (you need a budget)
    My other best friend is a filofax.
    Do or do not, there is no try....Yoda.

  • 365days
    365days Posts: 1,347 Forumite
    Had to do another 200 mile round trip this weekend to visit DM. She is well on the mend but needed some things doing that she wouldn't ask her friends to do. So that's £25 of fuel up in fumes:mad:......However did not succumb to Costa temptation at services.:)

    Printer is looking aneamic too so ink will soon be needed. I could live without it but DS needs for homework etc. It's things like ink and stuff like that which don't have a section on the SOA. If life could just stick to the SOA sections I would be ok!! Played the game of 'where can I pull the £25 of petrol from' Emergency budget? Entertainment budget? But am going to try to take it from my week to week budget (food and petrol) which means I have £35 for the week to feed me, DS and pets. Will have a look in the freezer in a minute and see what concoctions I can create. AND WRITE A SHOPPING LIST.

    Firewyrm...good news on your ipad. Nice little fund for up coming arrival. What's an OPI?

    Have a relisted a few things on ebay and have a few things ready for listing on local FB pages too to see if they go on there before putting on ebay.
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  • 365days wrote: »
    Printer is looking aneamic too so ink will soon be needed. I could live without it but DS needs for homework etc. It's things like ink and stuff like that which don't have a section on the SOA. If life could just stick to the SOA sections I would be ok!!

    :rotfl:Oh that's so true - I have an "anything else" section on my SOA / Spending spreadsheet and I'm often asked what it's for .... it really is "anything else" and exactly the sort of stuff like ink / paper for the printer, other bits of stationery, bits for the garden and .... well, anything else that don't fit in anywhere else!:D
    Grocery Challenge £211/£455 (01/01-31/03)
    2016 Sell: £125/£250
    £1,000 Emergency Fund Challenge #78 £3.96 / £1,000
    Vet Fund: £410.93 / £1,000
    Debt free & determined to stay that way!
  • elly68
    elly68 Posts: 2,556 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    well i have taken a leaf out of someoneelses book cant remember who suggested it but each time an email has arrived from amazon ,groupon ect i have unsubcribed de junking means i have also regained the 10-15 mins a day when i used to sit reading them .thank you who ever suggested it .
    on the shopping front i am finding i am now scanning to see what i can take out of the trolley not put in happy days .
    So finally debt free and it feels amazing however continuing here to stay debt free.Next declutter house and body and finally swim under that waterfall x
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