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Saving to move out - my savings diary

mandatory Posts: 243 Forumite
Combo Breaker First Anniversary
edited 21 December 2012 at 3:32PM in How much have you saved?
Hi everyone! I've read a lot of savings diaries over the last week or so and it's really made me want to write my own... so here I am! :j

I'm 25 and I live with my grandparents but I've been here for five years and I'd really like to live on my own now. They are lovely people and played a big part in my upbringing but they're smokers and I'm asthmatic so when I'm in the house I'm confined to my room, plus I love to cook and would appreciate my own space to do it in.

I've been working for almost a year now, and I would've been working after I graduated in 2008 but a long spell of weight-related ill health, depression and then training to work as an accounting technician (which I LOVED) have set me back considerably. I'm on an entry-level salary at the moment and have yet to make any student loan repayments as I'm right on the threshold level for repayments (£15k), but this is expected to change in April when my manager leaves and I get promoted. :) It's a nice feeling to actually have some money for a change rather than constantly worry about where my future is heading and I can actually start living!

Monthly income is around £1,050 and I don't have many outgoings;

Rent - £200
Bus - £48
Internet - £20
Mobile - £15
Magazines - some are quarterly but average at £10 p/m
Weight Watchers pass - £21 (this will stop when I get to goal)
Clothes - variable due to constant weight loss
Food - variable, I cook my own meals and it's a combination of my nan shopping or me shopping. I cook from scratch and favour batch cooking when I cook for myself but I pay for my own snacks and take my own lunch to work
Music lessons - variable but average at £25 p/m, will go up once I prepare for my first exam
Etc - Books I usually buy secondhand or borrow from the library, I don't go out much (I have a very quiet social life due to shyness and studying to become chartered), but I do buy the odd treat (using vouchers where possible)

I also have a standing order to send £50 to my Post Office eSaver on payday every month, and I have just transferred my M&S ISA to the Post Office ahead of the rate drop in December.

Finally I have a Natwest 0% credit card which I use for course related fees (which are then repaid by the company) and any other big expenses. There is currently £950 on it and I have £750 in another savings account (Virgin Money) that I use just for the CC. It would usually match but I just paid for theatre tickets (the Lion King) for next year. Whenever I spend on the CC I put the amount I've 'spent' into the savings account. I'll account for the tickets over the next two paydays but I'm not too worried at the moment (my sisters will eventually pay me back!).

I've been looking at flat/apartment prices in Birmingham and I've seen a few I like at around the £100-120k mark just to give me a guide. I'd like to aim for a 10-15% deposit initially and then an amount for related fees, so I'm putting money into my ISA when I can (around £400 to £500 depending on what's going out that month). I currently have £3,700-ish in there and £340 in my Post Office eSaver (trying not to touch it as I plan on having a cheapy Christmas, already made my intentions clear to family!).

So that's a bit about my situation! Hopefully this will keep me on track for my dream of moving out and finally becoming an independent lady. :o (It helps that I love budgeting, I study it!)



  • wannaberichbtch
    You sound really determined and off to a good start, I will follow your thread with interest as I have a similar starting amount, but a larger target of about 30k which I hope to achieve in about 4.5 years. I also spent a lot of time with my grandmother and miss her terribly since she's gone. What gave me a boost this year was opening a First Direct account and regular saver, it's a decent rate so not tempted to dip into it. Also reading The Richest Man in Babylon gave me some inspiration. Look forward to reading about your progress, and wish you luck.
  • mandatory
    You sound really determined and off to a good start, I will follow your thread with interest as I have a similar starting amount, but a larger target of about 30k which I hope to achieve in about 4.5 years. I also spent a lot of time with my grandmother and miss her terribly since she's gone. What gave me a boost this year was opening a First Direct account and regular saver, it's a decent rate so not tempted to dip into it. Also reading The Richest Man in Babylon gave me some inspiration. Look forward to reading about your progress, and wish you luck.

    Thank you! I'm trying to be as motivated as possible since I don't want to be unprepared and fall into financial difficulties as soon as I move out. I have family members who have rushed into moving out and have found themselves struggling, I don't want to go down that route. I'm very close to my nan and she does so much for me, so I don't want to move too far away so I can still visit every week. I did have a look at the First Direct account and regular saver but I'm not earning enough for it! I'd love to switch when my earnings go up.

    £30k over four years sounds achievable, I wish you all the best! I may up my target to £20k if I decide that I want to hang around a little longer or if I decide to move to a different city once I qualify. Still trying to decide that one! :)
  • mandatory
    Nothing big but I moved £20 into my savings account yesterday! I was rearranging my budget for the rest of this month, and as I have exams next week I am planning to stay inside and not spend much until the last weekend in November when I have a trip to London. The train tickets were booked in advance and my sister will pay me back for that. :) This week is all about revising but I hope to do some comping in what little spare time I have.
  • mandatory
    Complaining to Virgin Media has paid off - I had been getting terrible service and frequent outages over the past few months, causing me to miss several online lectures, so they are crediting my next bill with £15. It will be going straight into savings when the credit appears! :T I'm also expecting a refund on some faulty headphones but the refund will be going to the credit card.
  • mandatory
    I think that I may apply for a Nationwide Save to Buy account after reading around on the MSE forums. It should put me in the right mindset and really get me motivated! I'll put £50 extra a month into the account to start off, hopefully that will get the ball rolling for a deposit. I'll pop into my local branch for an application form this weekend. :j

    On another note, payday next week so I'll be updating my savings totals then! :D
  • Good work mandatory,

    Small but well thought out steps very quickly add up over time to get you to your goals. Batch cooking is a massive time, cost and energy saver!

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  • gothrockchic1
    Good Luck Mandatory!! The first step is to make sure you have a savings account, preferably an ISA with the best interest rate you can get.
  • mandatory
    @MSE Forum Manager - I'm actually a fan of batch cooking already (as it helps with controlling my weight) but the only thing stopping me from really getting into it is freezer space. I have to share with family and the freezer is very full! Speaking of which, I have some pumpkin to use up for soup, this calls for some freezer space. :D

    @gothrockchic1 - Thanks! My ISA is now with the Post Office (3.01%) and I received my confirmation letter today, which is great news. I'm also tempted to open a regular savings account with the West Brom (there are two branches I can easily get to) to make the most of the 4.10% rate. My only concern is having too many savings accounts! At the moment I have my ISA, Virgin Money savings, Post Office savings and then on Saturday hopefully my Nationwide Save to Buy, and then a regular savings... although I may move my Virgin Money savings to the Post Office and keep track of what I owe to my credit card in a spreadsheet. This could get very complicated otherwise...
  • nyc_451
    nyc_451 Posts: 502 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Losing weight, studying and saving money - great things things so many people try to achieve!! I also need to do the same, and you inspired me even more, he he...
  • mandatory
    blue_mango wrote: »
    Losing weight, studying and saving money - great things things so many people try to achieve!! I also need to do the same, and you inspired me even more, he he...

    I hope I can inspire more people! It's a very long slog but very do-able with enough motivation... I should call it the three S's - slimming, studying and saving! There are times where I do feel a bit overwhelmed (such as now, in the midst of revision ready for next week's exams and trying not to reach for the chocolate) but it should all pay off in the end. I'm looking forward to the day I qualify, move out and be slim at the same time. :D
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