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Trying for a Baby Part 8



  • amyloofoo
    amyloofoo Posts: 1,804 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 7 December 2012 at 8:16PM
    time2deal wrote: »
    Hi Ladies,

    Could I ask for a volunteer to take over the lists? Bad news today, and I'm going to have to leave this thread while I work out how to cope.


    Oooooh, big and very dodgy hugs :grouphug:

    Hope it's nothing too serious :o

    If no-one else can do it, then I will... but I'm on quite a few nights next week so someone else might be better :o

    Edit: Have just seen the other thread and it's obviously much more serious than I was hoping. So sorry hun, we're always here (or able to be PMed) if you need us - hope you have lots of support and help in RL available to you and that you and DH are taking care of each other :grouphug: I'm not really sure what else to say, but thinking of you.
  • tinkwings
    tinkwings Posts: 3,288 Forumite
    time2deal wrote: »
    Hi Ladies,

    Could I ask for a volunteer to take over the lists? Bad news today, and I'm going to have to leave this thread while I work out how to cope.


    HUGE HUGS Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    If you can think it........it will happen
  • vic3
    vic3 Posts: 804 Forumite
    edited 7 December 2012 at 8:51PM
    amyloofoo wrote: »

    Vic - Sorry for CD1, but come join us in the wine and chocolate corner - it's good! Although I suppose it's the chocolate and chocolate corner for you, I'll have your wine ;)

    Double chocolate? :T Just eaten four chocolate fingers. I only stopped cos I ate the rest of the box last night (CD1) lol.

    congratulations lao_cat :)

    I'm sorry you're having a hard time T2D. I don't know the full story but I hope you have people to support you x
    DS born November 2013 :smileyhea
  • amyloofoo
    amyloofoo Posts: 1,804 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Right everyone, I'm going to give the lists ago, but may get it horribly wrong so please be kind :rotfl: If I make a boo-boo, please highlight in fuschia (like changes) so I can notice quickly :grin:
  • amyloofoo
    amyloofoo Posts: 1,804 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 7 December 2012 at 10:49PM
    Testing List

    12/12/12 Rumfeeble - the perfect date for a lovely Christmas surprise :) Fingers crossed for you hun!

    December graduates

    -Winner of November BFP predictions: No-one even close! Need a few more this month... and it's started with Lao_Cat, congratulations! :j:j:j

    December BFP predictions

    becca0417 - 4
    vic3 - 5
    Squ1rrel - 6
    NoAngel - 6
    Elsie - 7
    Birdie85 - 7
    kellykins - 7
    Miffymoo - 7
    Metranil Vavin - 8
    lao_cat - 9
    onlywayisup - 10
    Purcy81 - 10
    Marie1 - 10
    Vesper - 10
    Avis - 11
    lemonmelon - 11
    Courgette - 12 (including self)
    kte - 12
    rumfeeble - 12
    Amyloofoo - a CRAZILY optimistic 13. Lets all hope!

    Thread Graduates:

    Hopefor3 BFP 08/11/12
    Anderson BFP 13/11/12
    Lao_Cat BFP 07/12/12
  • becca0417
    becca0417 Posts: 3,114 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    T2d so so sorry xxx huge hugs & love to you xx

    Amy I'm happy to do it whenever so if your on nights ill do them xx
    First baby due 3/3/14 - Team Yellow! Our little girl born 25/2/14 :D
  • hugs TTD - I hope you're RL and online support helps x
  • T2D, sending you massive hugs, if there's anything we can do to help just let us know. Thinking of you xx
  • purcy81
    purcy81 Posts: 571 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Big hugs t2d xx
  • Those elephants look great Rinks -you are very talented

    Congratulations Lao-Cat - have you worked out your edd yet?

    MV - hope you are having fun. I think a few drinks are fine, it is Christmas after all :D

    AFM, one successful BD last night. Shame it was too late for of, but all good practice.
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