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Trying for a Baby Part 8



  • Ooops sorry didn't mean to offend
  • codemonkey
    codemonkey Posts: 6,534 Forumite
    You didn't offend. You're just trying to help. I'm just a bit sensitive tonight so it had the same effect as someone telling me that I'll get pregnant if I only relax.
    Eu não sou uma tartaruga. Eu sou um codigopombo.
  • Plus the ping pongs sounds painful.
  • codemonkey
    codemonkey Posts: 6,534 Forumite
    And messy. I'd have to clean it up. :rotfl:
    Eu não sou uma tartaruga. Eu sou um codigopombo.
  • abis21
    abis21 Posts: 1,120 Forumite
    I think my DH would be running away fast if I started shooting ping pong balls from my foof :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Not that I think I could - what if they got stuck inside :o I'd defo be the stupid person in A&E having to explain myself so I wouldn't dare :rotfl::rotfl:

    Ooo, thanks tinks. First one a week on wednesday - am a bit nervous :o Been crafting tonight watching strictly and xfactor. Want to get a few things to show people for ordering and a few things that people can buy and take away with them. Fingers crossed it goes ok...
    :love: Married my lobster in July 2011 :love:

    TTC # 2 since Oct 2011 - good things come to those who wait :o

    :dance: 2013 is going to be our lucky year :dance:
  • LOL code, nearly made my drink go down the wrong way then
  • time2deal
    time2deal Posts: 2,099 Forumite
    codemonkey wrote: »
    And messy. I'd have to clean it up. :rotfl:

    You could try stand up at the same time - you are very good at it! My problem is getting OH to bed. He works shifts and we have ended up just not sleeping at the same time.

    Anyway, I'm a little down today. Got some poor results from the FS, which say I have a low egg reserve left, or at least I think that is what is means. I just got a letter, so I will have to book a session. It's £65 for a phone consultation, so I want to wait until we have all the results before calling.

    I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing. If something is wrong, perhaps it's good as they can treat it, but it's hard to accept that there is a real problem. I always kind of thought it would eventually happen if I just got the timing right.

    I think perhaps things like Clomid might help, which I thought it wouldn't as I was ovulating, but it seems there is ovulation and there is OVULATION. I think I might also start a course of acupuncture as it seems to help with stronger ovulation. Sigh... just seems so far away tonight...
  • vesper
    vesper Posts: 941 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Just nipped on to say good luck Atton! Have a great day, and enjoy it, don't spend all your time pandering to other people.

    Don't think my hubby would notice me at all tonight, what ever I did. He seems to be in a world of his own, only noticed for 5 seconds that I had chocolate and he didn't. He's been on the computer all day, as I've been at my mates looking after her little boy while she got cakes baked for his 1st birthday party tomorrow.

    Congratulations to all these ladies with BFP's! Hope it's a sign of the week to come.

    Love the display Tink, would love one of them for the decorations I'm making at the moment. Hope you are doing ok.
    Remember never judge someone that makes a mistake, because in six months time it may be you that makes the next mistake.
  • anderson8
    anderson8 Posts: 1,223 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Post
    Congratulations to all the bfps!

    Maybe that's a good sign that we're starting ttc this month. About a week to wait before ov but I'm getting excited already :j
  • tinkwings
    tinkwings Posts: 3,288 Forumite
    Good luck Atton xxxxxxxxxxxx
    If you can think it........it will happen
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