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TalkTalk TV (formerly Blinkbox) feedback discussion

Former_MSE_Becca Posts: 250 Forumite
edited 13 January 2016 at 4:35PM in Shop but don't drop

This thread is specifically to discuss feedback for
TalkTalk TV (formerly Blinkbox) (Link)

If you've streamed online movies or TV with TalkTalk TV, we'd love to know how it was for you, so we can improve the guide. Click reply to leave your feedback.

Please note, any posts that include individual referral links will be removed by the Forum Team when reported. Please keep this forum thread for just discussing online movie streaming services.

To read about online movie streaming in general, read the main
Watch Movies Online guide

Thanks for your help,
MSE Weleid


  • Beware at the moment binkbox does NOT work with some samsung tvs. You cannot pause ff or rewind which means if the film glitches you have to watch from the beginning. Try a free tv episode before you rent a film. This has been going on two months now with no resolution.
  • Monkeyboy99
    Monkeyboy99 Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited 23 February 2012 at 7:42PM
    I have a newish Samsung TV and as we don't watch many films I thought Blinkbox would be the best option, it worked a dream, could FF, Rewind and pause from the TV remote.

    I paid £3.49 for a new release but I have now bought with Tesco vouchers some 3 rentals for £2 worth of points! There is a limited amount (238 as I write)

    I havn't tried it yet but got the codes, mine expire on 20 Aug but could not see when they expired on the site.

    Unable to post link as site wont let me, just search Tesco Clubcard Rewards.

    Enjoy your films.
  • Niowrtt
    Niowrtt Posts: 105 Forumite
    stevehaley wrote: »
    Beware at the moment binkbox does NOT work with some samsung tvs.

    An update on this - I was trying to check the status of this problem on the blinkbox website and found that the issues had not been updated or marked as resolved, but deleted! The information currently exists only as ghosts in Google's cache. The same search brought me here.

    So I checked and am currently watching a film, pausing, rewinding and fast forwarding without any problems. So it seems that this has been quietly resolved without the need for a firmware update or download.

    I am thankful that this has been resolved as I was beginning to think that I'd wasted a £50 voucher. However I'm not all that happy with how blinkbox have 'disappeared' the issue and how it took some 3 months to resolve.
  • Niowrtt wrote: »
    An update on this - I was trying to check the status of this problem on the blinkbox website and found that the issues had not been updated or marked as resolved, but deleted! The information currently exists only as ghosts in Google's cache. The same search brought me here.

    So I checked and am currently watching a film, pausing, rewinding and fast forwarding without any problems. So it seems that this has been quietly resolved without the need for a firmware update or download.

    I am thankful that this has been resolved as I was beginning to think that I'd wasted a £50 voucher. However I'm not all that happy with how blinkbox have 'disappeared' the issue and how it took some 3 months to resolve.


    I'd be interested to know (a) which Samsung TV model you have and (b) whether you have continued to use the blinkbox service without any issues. Like you, I have a £50 voucher burning a hole in my pocket, and I've already experienced the well-documented problems with the blinkbox app failing. I have a D6530.

    I also had noticed that the thread on the blinkbox website had mysteriously vanished, and I was encouraged by your experience of what appears to be a resolution to the issue, albeit on the quiet. However, before I endure the frustration of not being able to see the end of a rented feature film yet again, I'd like some reassurance that it's working OK. To this end, I submitted a question to the blinkbox support desk, and received the reply that the problem has not yet been resolved.

    So, I'm curious to know whether, in your experience, the behaviour you observed previously (e.g. application crashing after about an hour of viewing, failure to reliably fast forward or rewind) is no longer apparent at all - or are you still seeing the odd glitch?

  • I_luv_cats
    I_luv_cats Posts: 14,446 Forumite
    Photogenic Part of the Furniture Name Dropper 10 Posts
    I streamed Contagion for 99p and the playback (netbook to tv) was flawless

    compliments inclusive streaming services like Netfix as I can view something recently released for 99p with their special code. (Mondays? and this Easter weekend)

    Some of the offer titles
    (older ones) are already inclusive with a Netflix etc. subscription so you need to check first.

    I would have watched Johnny English Reborn had I not already seen it.

    Shame nothing else took my fancy out of the 20+ on offer.

  • empressemma
    empressemma Posts: 194 Forumite
    I have a blinkbox/xbox query...

    We successfully watched contagion via the xbox last weekend (although had to buy it on the website for it to appear on the xbox-blinkbox video library.

    However, I can't seem to see how to watch any of the free films via the xbox.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

  • intgom
    intgom Posts: 9 Forumite
    Blinkbox and Samsung have NOT fixed the fast forward / connection error problem, certainly not for me.

    I have been complaining to Blinkbox for about 6 months about this but all they do is blame Samsung. Interestingly, Samsung are silent on the matter so it's anyone guess where the problem lies (Blinkbox say it's the way that Smarthub uses Flash).

    I can usually watch a movie from beginning to end if I do not pause, rewind or fast forward. If I pause, it sometimes continues playback but if it crashes out with a connection error then I am almost always unable to fast forward without constant connection errors.

    The frustrating part is that Blinkbox seems to offer the best selection of instantly watchable movies and their PC browser-based interface is pretty good too.

    Perhaps on-demand movies on TV is still an immature technology.

  • tyllwyd
    tyllwyd Posts: 5,496 Forumite
    edited 21 May 2012 at 3:50PM
    We've been watching blinkbox through an Xbox 360 for a month or so now, and I'm pretty pleased with it overall. We struggle find time to watch lots of movies, so the pay as you go set up works OK for us. Quality seems OK - probably not as good as a dvd on our set up but good enough that it's not an issue.

    It is fiddly having to order the films online before you can watch them on your xbox, and annoying that the free stuff doesn't appear on the xbox. The other irritation is that I haven't found a way to select more than one film and then pay for them all in one go - at the moment I'm checking them out one at a time which is a bit of a pain!

    The best feature is the 99p movie mondays - they offer a different selection of 12 or so films every Monday. You have to order them on Monday with the code, but you have 30 days to start watching the films, and they seem to include one or two recent films so it is worth doing. (BTW today (Monday 21st) they've got a Sci Fi selection.)
  • rogercr
    rogercr Posts: 30 Forumite
    MSE_Becca wrote: »

    This thread is specifically to discuss feedback for
    My attention to BLINKBOX was drawn to me by constant blinkbox updates each time I turn my Samson TV to the internet. I normally watch Lovefilm without problem but on this occasion tried a free film on Blinkbox. My link to blinkbox crashed about 6 or 7 times during watching the film and on all but one occasion the film played from the start. I was able to fast forward so I did eventually finish the film. It seems these problems have been going on for several months according to the forums and so I wont presently be subscribing to the network. It's a shame these constant uppdates are having no effect!
  • You may have the same problem as me. My Blinkbox goes into update mode everytime I go on to internet tv on my Samsung tv, but everytime the update fails, I get a quick error message flashing on the screen but it's gone before I can read it, then I can only click on "ok", so the update isn't actually happening.
    This is then a never ending cycle.
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