On the up (Hopefully)



  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Holiday tomorrow :-)

    I'm mostly packed just need to pick up a couple of little things like hayfever tablets and shower gel, really looking forward to the break I just hope the weather stays nice for us.

    I've managed to borrow most of the camping stuff apart from gas for the cooker which I bought and a gazebo which my friend bought and I need a duvet to make the bed more comfy, I needed a summer quilt anyway so it free (sort off :D). Going to get there for lunch time and then do a shop together and set off.

    All the banks and cards behaving so it's time for me to sign off until next week.
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    I'm back!! I had a lovely holiday all managed within my budget so no stress/guilt when I came back.

    My c/c payments for this month have gone out and my totals updated, over 25% paid off woohoo!!!! I also got a letter through confirming that my last payment for the windows is this month not next month so a bit extra in the pot.

    The extra money will come in handy as we have started the garden. This months budget has gone out of the window a bit as I didn't expect it to happen this quickly, I thought it would be after my next payday but it just means I need to drop down one of the credit card payments next month and then we will be back on track and with a lovely new garden!!! It doesn't affect our dfd either is just increases the payments in the last month.

    Happy days.
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hubby has signed up for extra night shifts this month to help pay for the garden so I have just signed up to a couple of survey sites (Including p1necone!!) I thought I may as well put my lonely evenings to good use!!

    Weekend mode is fast kicking in... going to go update the banks and budgets.
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Ahh just lost my post :-( so here we go again

    I've just got confirmation that the garage is being delivered and installed a week on Wednesday which means that by a week on Wednesday the garden will be all done apart from the raised planters. It's been a long time coming (almost 4 years) but I'm glad we have managed it without adding to the credit cards.

    After the garden is finished the next jobs that we are aiming to finish by the end of September are
    - front garden, new path and turf
    - driveway

    then over the winter we will concentrate on the inside
    - new kitchen, already bought but not installed
    - re grout bathroom floor and paint
    - re decorate both bedrooms and living room
    - strip hall, plaster and paint

    Busy, busy!!! all while trying to get the debts paid off by May 2016. The aim is to get the house on the market within about 18 months so we can look for something in our preferred location which move ridiculously fast so open to the idea of renting in the interim.

    Onwards and upwards!!
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Not a good day yesterday, I got home and the dog was looking very poorly so off to the vets for an emergency appointment. Turns out he has eaten something and needed an op to remove it :-( he has now had his op and it was a ball of some description, probably the boys next door as my ds only has big footballs (that the dogs pop!!!) but he has come through the op ok and it looks like he can come home tonight which I great news.
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Pooch home and feeling much better which is a relief :-)

    The garden is all finished (apart from the planters/raised bed) it looks fantastic and its so lovely to have a proper garden that I can sit out in and ds can play in. Fingers crossed for nice weather this weekend. I'm even going to treat myself to a bottle of wine and sit on the decking with a glass this evening, literally on the decking as I don't have any garden furniture!!!

    Banks all behaving themselves, even if they don't look too healthy but that will all be sorted by the end of next month and on a positive note it looks like I only need to pay for childcare one afternoon a week over the summer hols which is a result as it saves me £116/month on the figures I have budgeted for. I also have cashback pending, £200 in total, just need to decide if I want to wait and use it for xmas or withdraw the maximum amount I can as Tesco vouchers and use to treat us to a couple of days out over the summer.

    Have a good weekend mse'ers!!!
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Pay day tomorrow!! I have checked the banks and updated my budget for next month, we overspent on groceries this month and when I looked into it included a few presents wine/beer etc (we have lots of birthdays in the family in July) so the spend should have been allocated against prezzies, panic over and no need to tweak my grocery allowance.

    I've ordered a meat pack to be delivered at the weekend, for £50 I should have enough to last the month especially as I have got a few bits already in. So really just need to stock up on fresh items and a few store cupboard essentials, I don't know how I managed it but I have completed run out of any form of pasta!! and sugar so no baking :-(

    I got a little bit down yesterday and my stepdad was looking at booking a late deal to Greece and I can't do that :-( I feel like my life has been put on hold....but then I gave myself a taking to and the positive is that this time next year we will be debt free and we will be able to book that holiday, without relying on any form of credit. That is a pretty amazing feeling!! I gave hubby a boost by telling him he will be out of the overdraft by September, it would have been much sooner but he went 7 weeks without pay when he swapped from temp (weekly pay) to permanent (monthly) that is a massive achievement for him as he has used an overdraft pretty much since opening a bank account, long story involving family members having access and using it like their own (grrr) So I'm back to feeling more positive :-)
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Meat pack delivered, portioned, bagged and in the freezer. We had a lovely weekend, hubby got a unexpected bonus from his part time job which got paid onto his rewards (A Visa) card so we went for a night away as ds was at his granddads. It was money that we never expected to get and having a treat every now and again makes it all so much easier.

    Looking at a new school for ds today as I'm not very happy with his current school, the new one is also in the area we want to move to so he would be moving there at some point anyway. In light of everything I'm thinking moving him sooner rather than later is better.

    Banks are all behaving themselves I've racked up a bit more on the cashback account and I've got money that can be paid out which I might use to buy ds school uniform and get zoo tickets so that auntie/uncle who are looking after him in the school hols can have a free day out.

    Just need to sort out swapping hubbys tax codes over, at the minute his personal allowance is used on his part time job but it needs to be swapped to his main job as it's over £10,600/yr. Probably missed the cut off for his August pay but we can get it sorted for September.

    Off to do some work :-)
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Big decision made to swap ds school I feel like a weight has been lifted so it's obviously the right decision, my mum has given me some money towards his new uniform which I bought at the weekend... I like being organised :-)

    I've made a payout from the cashback account to cover some holidays treats/days out but the points haven't been converted to vouchers yet.

    In big news, using hubbys remaining bonus we paid for a deposit on a holiday next year. Really excited and it so nice to have something to look forward to. I batched cooked yesterday and I really don't fancy it for my tea but knowing I need to stay on budget so I can go on my hols definitely helps!!

    I also got some cheese vouchers through and some snacks to product test, and I've ordered a couple of freebies for my ds over the holidays thanks to Martin's email.

    Shopping day tomorrow although it's going to be a small one, tin foil, shower gel, bread, milk, ham/cheese and a few veggies should do us especially if I manage to get some flapjacks made tonight.

    Off to update my spreadsheet.
    DFD September 2017
  • sugarcube84
    sugarcube84 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Argh locked myself out of the credit card and need to go into branch with ID!!!! So change of plan I'm going to up the payment on one credit card rather than both.

    Stupid c/c!!
    DFD September 2017
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