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How much do you live on per month?



  • Lucy1010
    Lucy1010 Posts: 362 Forumite
    WOW all these new posts to read! Fabulous!!!

    Thanks everyone :)

    I haven't had much time for the forum lately, logging on with my iphone is only good in an emergency! My laptop is fixed now so I can now contribute more!

    I have to say that I feel a lot happier having upped my monthly budget this month. I know this wont help me pay my debts quicker but I seriously felt myself becoming miserable living on such a tight allowance. Life is too short and treating myself on the odd little thing makes me happy :)

    Back to singleton life.... I am starting to enjoy being by myself and watching whatever I like on TV. I love eating at the times I want and spending ages at the gym without having to rush home to help cook dinner. HOWEVER I still have no idea how you girls manage to walk into a bar by yourselves, spend the evening drinking and looking at other people... no way, not doing it, I seriously would have a better time at home in my garden with a glass of wine away from my own paranoia! :rotfl:

    Beachie.... I like how you stick around on this thread, we need more mens perspectives so don't go anywhere :)

    Oh and just to add the ex wants me back but it's all too late, I have been through too much to go back and it's rather exciting thinking about what could be out there for me :)

    P.S to the girls in their 30's.... I felt exactly like you when I was your age, I LOVED being single, I hated it when I had a boyfriend and would end the relationship even if it was going well.

    I wish I could feel like that again but I don't. If a nice man walked into my life now I would be over the moon! I love being part of a couple, I love hugs and kisses and being told "I love you" xx
    Debt Bust LBM 01/01/2013 - [STRIKE]£11,115.28[/STRIKE] £10,593.81

    Debt free date: Sept 2014 :beer:
  • curlygirl1971
    curlygirl1971 Posts: 1,367 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Lucy1010 wrote: »
    Oh and just to add the ex wants me back but it's all too late, I have been through too much to go back and it's rather exciting thinking about what could be out there for me :)

    Pah! It's hillllllllarious when that happens! It makes you want to parade up and down their street with balloons, carnival floats and marching bands singing any one or all of the following:-

    McAlmott Butler 'Yes'
    Cher 'Strong Enough'
    Lily Allen 'Smile'
    Ray Charles 'Hit the Road Jack'
    Divine 'Walk like a man'
    Queen 'Anther one bites the dust'

    Or completely off topic
    'Get this party started' either Pink or Shirley Bassie stylie depending on your mood

    (......jesus I should have done him a mix tape)
  • vka1
    vka1 Posts: 113 Forumite
    Pah! It's hillllllllarious when that happens! It makes you want to parade up and down their street with balloons, carnival floats and marching bands singing any one or all of the following:-

    McAlmott Butler 'Yes'
    Cher 'Strong Enough'
    Lily Allen 'Smile'
    Ray Charles 'Hit the Road Jack'
    Divine 'Walk like a man'
    Queen 'Anther one bites the dust'

    Or completely off topic
    'Get this party started' either Pink or Shirley Bassie stylie depending on your mood

    (......jesus I should have done him a mix tape)

    Who'd have thought there could be so much giggling to be done over personal finances! Brilliant song choices.....

    Love it.
  • Lucy1010
    Lucy1010 Posts: 362 Forumite
    Pah! It's hillllllllarious when that happens! It makes you want to parade up and down their street with balloons, carnival floats and marching bands singing any one or all of the following:-

    McAlmott Butler 'Yes'
    Cher 'Strong Enough'
    Lily Allen 'Smile'
    Ray Charles 'Hit the Road Jack'
    Divine 'Walk like a man'
    Queen 'Anther one bites the dust'

    Or completely off topic
    'Get this party started' either Pink or Shirley Bassie stylie depending on your mood

    (......jesus I should have done him a mix tape)

    LOL LOL LOL!!! :rotfl:
    Debt Bust LBM 01/01/2013 - [STRIKE]£11,115.28[/STRIKE] £10,593.81

    Debt free date: Sept 2014 :beer:
  • Lucy1010
    Lucy1010 Posts: 362 Forumite
    By the way I feel very lucky that this thread has drawn in the loveliest of people... !

    Did someone say they were starting a thread for the 30's? Can you up the age limit please! hee hee xx
    Debt Bust LBM 01/01/2013 - [STRIKE]£11,115.28[/STRIKE] £10,593.81

    Debt free date: Sept 2014 :beer:
  • beachie
    beachie Posts: 463 Forumite
    Lucy1010 wrote: »
    Beachie.... I like how you stick around on this thread, we need more mens perspectives so don't go anywhere :)

    Aw, thank you very much. Have been so busy the last couple of weeks I have not had much time to post.

    Been getting my finances sorted out and am slowly getting there I think on a monthly basis. Still got a very long to go, but am excited that I am getting close to the 1st digit of my mortgage changing from a 9 to an 8. :rotfl:

    This time next year I will hopefully be in a much better place with my car and credit cards paid off, but then again my interest on my mortgage will be higher if I can't get a fixed rate. :mad:
    Mortgage: [STRIKE]Jan 11 - £91830 [/STRIKE][STRIKE] Jan 12 - £89'199[/STRIKE] May 14 - £69'999 Car Loan: [STRIKE]Jan 11 - £3658 [/STRIKE] July 12 - £0! Credit Card: [STRIKE] Jan 11 - £3300 Jan 12 - £2250 [/STRIKE] Oct 13 - £0

    MFiT-T3:#43 (Half Mortgage) April 13 - £10719/£42875 (25.00%)
  • Erme
    Erme Posts: 3,597 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped! Debt-free and Proud!
    Those of us who are smokers should really roll our own! I have done for 9 years, 1 50gram pouch for about £12 can aldt me 3 and sometimes 4 weeks. Even with filters and papers its less than £15 a month. Would cost me at least £82/£90 a month if I smoked ordinary ones! :-)

    So true...Some of us can't reduce the cig budget just yet but I've just started reading this thread and I dread to think how much cigs would cost me if I bought tailor mades...

    Tops budget on ryo (roll your own) should be about £30 a week and I'm a very heavy smoker...try an independant tobacconist if you can bare the stuff or there's milder cheaper tobaccos from anywhere (eg. Amber Leaf, Gold Leaf etc)..You don't have to buy the most expensive tobacco in the shop and it really does save money. If you're unsure get filters to start off with. If you've got probs rolling (it's an art - I actually roll back to front) you can get a rolling machine....

    Anyhow will get round to reading the rest of the thread later.....Blessings with your quest and HUGS

    I believe in the power of PAD
    Come and join us on the Payment a Day thread
  • Erme
    Erme Posts: 3,597 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped! Debt-free and Proud!
    beachie wrote: »
    Don't feel guilty mate. I'm going out next week. I don't normally eat like the above every week! When you live alone there is no point cooking.

    Main reason is just to balance the month out as made some big overpayments to my credit card.

    Actually this makes me question stuff. Yes when you're tired it can be awful trying to cook something from scratch so I keep my supplies of rice, lentils and some sauce well stocked up for sos...but even so..I find my mental health a lot worse if I don't....
    joolzred wrote: »
    Nope, it makes me feel proud and self-sufficient.

    I haven't had to ask anyone for any financial help at all since I was 24 (and ill and in some student debt still) which is now 16 years ago.

    How resourceful and independent would people who've never had to think about what stuff costs be in an emergency situation?

    Pride is not always a good feeling. Pride for me it's not what this is about and made me leave one of the threads on here for that reason. I felt ppl were trying to save money for the wrong reasons. Pride cometh before a fall...Nope I hate pride worst than my nicotine addiction come to think of it...
    Lucy1010 wrote: »
    The trouble is I find places like Aldi and Lidil a bit depressing and I end up feeling sorry for myself shopping there.

    Firstly hardly any loose veg... what does a single person need a huge bag of carrots and the like for? It just gets wasted.

    Secondly, I hate to sound mean but in my experience, waiting in line behind smelly people makes me want to abandon the shopping trolley and run to Tesco.

    Thirdly, I can't keep up with the cashier! It's all so stressful keeping people waiting whilst packing the bags and trying to pay at the same time.

    Okay simple answer to the veg issue. Veg bags from the pound shop. I had a huge barnie in the local Asda the other week for over pricing a cabbage (that even with the veg bags I was never going to eat...I now shop @ Aldi or Morrisons for veg cos they're that wee bit smaller and not designed to feed an army!!!

    Also check your receipts..often one price marked and another price (more expensive) when it goes through the till. Preferably whilst you're still in the supermarket :)

    Having just done the ironing (part of huge pile that's been there for months) I forwent the local bargain time @ Mr M for like getting my online magazine and doing the above..eek. I have no menu plan anyways. It would have been a wasted visit...

    Menu plan, menu plan, menu plan but have some sos meals to hand (See my rice and lentils of above)

    And I still haven't put the ice cream maker in the freezer for tomorrow's ice cream :eek: (refuse to pay full price for things like ice cream makers - gotten from charity shop last year. Got my pop corn maker for healthy cheap snacks the other week for £2 from a charity shop:))...

    So yeah...like I said I was just downloading this mag I simplyhave to start reading soon and thought I'd catch up on a few posts..Hopefully by the time I've gotten to p. 35 or so Lucy will have taken some tips on board and gotten some encouragement...:A

    I believe in the power of PAD
    Come and join us on the Payment a Day thread
  • curlygirl1971
    curlygirl1971 Posts: 1,367 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Sorry Lucy1010 isn't here any more - she's moved to Las Vegas and become a go-go girl. Tips are good.
  • Erme
    Erme Posts: 3,597 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped! Debt-free and Proud!
    I do apologise...I'm WAY behind on this thread and didn't notice till just now Lucy had quit the weed...go Lucy :J
    Cyril wrote: »
    I don't suppose you've come across a giving up chocolate forum have you, I need to quit with someone's help.
    Anyone please ...... Would save me about £8 a week.

    Okay Cyril...I'm the MSE anorexic......(really it's not that funny)...so here are my tops tips on choc without the expense (or calories)

    As far as I see it you have two options - either the decent 70% proof stuff you keep in the freezer and take out 1-2 chunks when you need it or if you want the fats then it's a freddo or the other one with caramel (I forget it's name 17p) or a fudge.....(again about 17p) - 2-3 of those per day and you're sorted...

    My crime these days is the 'morning doughnut'...yes bargains can be had by shopping around but even cheaper is the 'morning pancake' which is essentially the same as a doughnut but cheaper (carbs, fat, sugar in liberal quantities) or homemade popcorn (not quite as good as pancake though)...leftovers or burnt bits fed to your pets (my ratties love 'em)
    Cyril wrote: »
    Good luck and remember to let us know how you do.

    Do you have a Wilkinsons close because i've just learnt that their household items are so much cheaper the a supermarket. I wish I'd found them ages ago.

    I don't have Wilkos (what travesty!!!) but I do have home bargains and a pound shop :D
    Lucy1010 wrote: »
    Are you single? If so I need some tips on how to keep to a budget of £20 p/w. (Single people need to get out more or they go crazy sitting at home alone) I don't have to stick to this budget but I want to pay my debts off really quickly so that I can be in the same position as you.... :)

    Lucy this is easy hun...You join couchsurfing.org - find your local group and go to the meets. If they're in a pub you spend the night on a pint of tap water.....Simple. Not only will couchsurfing get you cheap nights out with a bunch of equally broke young people (generally) but could also provide cheap places to stay in the long term. :)...Nothing like megabus and couchsurfing :)

    Otherwise if you just want to meet up for coffee with friends you get the 's' card (top up pre payment card) and put £5-10 per month on it...take you own plastic cup in (gotten from the £shop) and make sure you get the whipped cream/soya/syrup (these are free if you reg the card online) and then sit there all pm with your 75p filtered coffee chilling....Just make sure (this is the one exception to the doughnut rule) you get your cake before you go to Mr S cheap otherwise you'll spend a small fortune on muffins...:eek: So best get that first...You also get one free refill on this deal as well :)

    Right more coffee (maybe an espresso? been out of milk for days...not got round to getting anymore :(. I have an espresso machine - cheap which best buy - though Argos have good deals in their sales on their signature lines - which also reduces my coffees out budget :A)

    I believe in the power of PAD
    Come and join us on the Payment a Day thread
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