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2011 mfw



  • curlygirl1971
    curlygirl1971 Posts: 1,367 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Thanks for your efforts Cake
  • fluffysox
    fluffysox Posts: 1,060 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    March Update:

    OP of £50, made up entirely of Halifax Rewards: £30, Ebay and amazon sales (after fees) and quidco cashback.
    Restricting the OPs at the moment because we've just bought a car using up most of our income after bills and we're having work done on our house still- always hard to know exactly how much cash will be needed. Still, we're getting there :D.
    2016 MFW OPd £2000, 2015 MFW OPd 3000 then bought new bigger house with bigger mortgage.
    MFW OPd 2014 £2000 2013 £9700 2012 £2848.39 2011 £2509.58 2010 £11000 2009 £112002008 £4939 :D
    Beautiful boys born May 2011 and October 2013 :)
  • blizeH
    blizeH Posts: 1,378 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Managed to pay off close to 20% of my mortgage now! \o/ So happy, but also bordering on obsessive which isn't healthy. Need to actually treat myself once in a while (ie actually have a holiday, even if it isn't a particularly flash one) instead of obsessing over how much I can save towards my next overpayment.

    (edit) would have updated the spreadsheet form but I seem to have disappeared off there! My bad, I guess I'll need to re-sign up for this new year huh.
  • pavlovs_dog
    pavlovs_dog Posts: 10,204 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    #217 with another £104 OP to report. That brings March's OPs to £262 when we add in the money reported in post 474.

    We have now OP'ed £442 of our £1500 target, or 29.5%. In other terms, this more than equals the amount of money from our £710 monthly payment that goes towards paying off the capital rather than the interest.

    The OP money has come from our normal £50 monthly OPs for March and Feb and money made through tutoring.
    know thyself
    Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus...
  • BAGirl
    BAGirl Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited 29 March 2011 at 2:18AM
    Just wanted to say Hello, Just started the challenge today. Hoping to make my first OP in April.
  • curlygirl1971
    curlygirl1971 Posts: 1,367 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Welcome!!!! We love new people to join our [STRIKE]cult[/STRIKE] challenge :D

    Make sure you get your number from Cake21 and you let her know what your goal is

    Keep checking in and let us know how you get on - share any triumphs and trips
  • blizeH
    blizeH Posts: 1,378 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    #205 reporting in... just (stupidly) put my entire new car fund into a mortgage overpayment - £3,500.

    The problem is, I have a limit for how much I can put in this year, so I figured it'd be a good time to pay off (and start saving for the car again) just in case I manage to meet my limit for next year too. The problem is there are only two more days left in this period, and the transfer will probably take 3 days, oops.

    My target is an additional £7k to overpay between now and Christmas, a new car is well and truly off the cards now unfortunately.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 3,401 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    i am aiming to clear my mortgage by 2014 but i am saving rather than over paying-i get 4pc less tax on my savings and my mortgage is 2pc on a svr but İO--l do wonder what the pros and cons are of doing it my way as opposed to overpaying? -i seem to feel more secure with savings in the bank and know i cant ever get 55k from my lender again.--i would join here on my strange path!
    mfw'11 No68- 55k mortgage İO--little to nothing saved! i must do better.
  • Kerry_Woman
    Kerry_Woman Posts: 3,134 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker Name Dropper 10 Posts
    No.41 reporting. Made my £100 o/p today.
    Frugal Living Challenge 2024 Mortgage free as of 1st August 2013
  • sassyblue
    sassyblue Posts: 3,783 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hiya all, No.87 here reporting a payment of £500 taking us to £1,400 overpaid so far this year.

    I have to say l thought this was going to be easier than it is, but we're doing it all the same!! :beer:

    Happy moneysaving all.
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