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FRUGAL LIVING CHALLENGE part 3, July - Dec 2010



  • slowlyfading
    slowlyfading Posts: 13,429 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    :hello: everyone!

    We finally have the internet at home! :j so I can do a proper catch up later :D
    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
    Personal Finance Blogger + YouTuber / In pursuit of FIRE
  • Erme
    Erme Posts: 3,597 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped! Debt-free and Proud!
    I'm actually struggling to eat right now so fish please use your magic powers....I am off to a new kirk on Sabbath....hope everyone is well. I'm just installing open office cos without going to like Office 2010 which I can't afford right now nothing pretty much will print - argh!

    Hope everyone is well...pray about the food and the routine...My CPN has cancer and I saw her for the first time today since she started chemo and her wig looks really nice but like the chemo has taken a toll on her face...Also TD's Ma died last night...

    At least I have the magimix so I can go home and make scrummy bread later

    But boy it's getting dark early....Winter is coming....

    Nuala what exactly is wrong with you these days? Budget went derriere up this week cos had to buy vits...budget has gone derriere up this month from overspending on FP's....


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  • slowlyfading
    slowlyfading Posts: 13,429 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Hope you manage to eat something soon Erme.

    August has been an expensive month, but then I always knew it would be as what with moving house and all that. It's been a good month though! Obviously ;) haha. I've been looking at wedding venues today and we're off to see somewhere on Sunday - woop! I'm getting excited already, it's mental!

    School on Tuesday though, eeek...!
    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
    Personal Finance Blogger + YouTuber / In pursuit of FIRE
  • slowlyfading
    slowlyfading Posts: 13,429 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Just realised how much quieter this thread in now - I hope it's because people are out having fun and whatnot, I do miss learning about what other people are doing though!

    Oh well, guess that's life I suppose.
    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
    Personal Finance Blogger + YouTuber / In pursuit of FIRE
  • NualaBuala
    NualaBuala Posts: 2,507 Forumite
    Hi everyone :wave:

    Hey Erme, hope you're able to eat something, how are you doing today? I'm so sorry to hear about the people close to you. Have you got other people to support you right now? Cos your life sounds quite hectic these days what with applying for jobs and everything and I'm sure you could do with it. How come you're going to a different kirk? (Is that the same as church?) I'm not too bad, thanks for asking but some days are horrendous - I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (pain) and M.E. (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but some people don't like that name for it). Depression-wise I've been ok but there are times I feel it's starting up again and I have to fight hard to keep it at bay. What I find hard is pacing myself and not burning myself out on a good day - am supposed to ration out my energy gradually.
    Just realised how much quieter this thread in now - I hope it's because people are out having fun and whatnot, I do miss learning about what other people are doing though!

    Oh well, guess that's life I suppose.
    Yeah, it has gone quiet but I guess people are busy in their gardens harvesting veg etc - or perhaps getting ready for winter! How are the wedding plans coming along? I forget, did you do one of your placements in the school you'll be teaching in? No matter either way - you will be great! Just keep reminding yourself of the gift you're giving the students. A good teacher who cares (and you very obviously do) can be life-changing. So I know you won''t need it but Good Luck! :)

    It's lovely here today, sunny with a breeze - just a touch of Autumn in the air. On the frugal front today: I think I will try for a NSD. I have plenty of food in, all I need is milk really but that can wait. If I have the energy I will make a big pot of lurking-sad-veggies soup which is a lot tastier than it sounds! :)

    Hugs all around if anyone is in need and hope you all have a great day.
    Trying to spend less time on MSE so I can get more done ... it's not going great so far! :)
    Sorry if I don't reply to posts - I'm having MAJOR trouble keeping up these days!

    Frugal Living Challenge 2011

    Sealed Pot #671 :A DFW Nerd #1185
  • chika
    chika Posts: 848 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I agree, this thread is really quiet now. I like reading about what people have been upto too. Just the little thing like what people have had for tea make me smile and inspire me. I'm probably feeling it a bit more as I've just realised that all my mates have moved away from the city where I went to uni and my mates at home are too far away to see often. I'm just feeling a little sad and lonely at the moment. Also I don't get paid until the 15th so really feeling the squeeze. I want to visit my family but can't afford the diesel :(

    However school starts next week so hopefully there will be some nice friendly teachers to make friends with. I've spent the past couple of weeks trying to prepare for the new term. Neverending task. How are you getting along SF? Good luck with the NSD Nuala.
    There are many things in life that will catch your eye, only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.
  • slowlyfading
    slowlyfading Posts: 13,429 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Nuala - I didn't do my placement in my school - this is a whole new school to get used to! :) Looking forward to getting started in a way now, just want it out of the way so I can feel less nervous! :rotfl: We're going to see a venue in the morning which looks lovely in pictures online, so I'll let you know how it goes!

    chika - To be honest, I probably haven't done as much as I should have - there's always more stuff to do right? how are you feeling? I'm hoping to make some friends ASAP though I'm not that good at speaking to people - have to get past that I suppose!
    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
    Personal Finance Blogger + YouTuber / In pursuit of FIRE
  • Winchelsea
    Winchelsea Posts: 693 Forumite
    Nuala I've just eaten the 'lurking vegetables' soup with lurking cheese grated on top - and it was delicious. Will top up with one of the oranges lurking in the fruit bowl, and will feel I've eaten really well! Had a packed lunch in Castle Park in Bristol earlier, and am about to knock up some more BM bread, as want to have a sandwich lunch again tomorrow with some new friends.

    Have not spent from my food budget for several days. Went away camping for two nights with DD4 and 2 DGKs (should have been 3 nights but rain stopped play!), and food eaten then (whether 'out' or cooked on the camping stove) came out of the holiday budget, so may end up in credit this month. Need to, as still unsure about how much I'm going to have to pay towards DH's room etc at the nursing home.

    I agree chika - it's so interesting hearing how other people are coping.

    Good luck with the new job slowly fading, and hope you, Erme are getting some appetite back. Also, hope you are feeling OK at the moment Nuala. I'm very bad at wishing people well when they need it, but always mean to, IYKWIM.
    Keeping three cats, the car and myself on a small budget, and enjoying life while we're at it!
  • JayneC
    JayneC Posts: 912 Forumite
    Hi all,

    Just popping by to say hello.:wave:

    Went to the off grid festival last weekend and had a great time (despite forgetting the picnic bag with all the crockery and cutlery!!:o) Did pee down quite a bit but tent held out!! We were useless putting it up and neaby campers had to come to our rescue, lol! Now inspired to live life more in touch with the earth - deperately trying to come up with a plan to work for self as not looking forward to getting back to the desk!! There were home schoolers there and DS now realises school not compulsary! Would love to teach him at home but just can't give up work without alternative income stream!! Although may be able to go part time when debts paid off (another year I estimate). He's starting high school this year so just had to fork out £150 for uniform, etc...:( ex OH gave me £50 towards it so that'll go towards CC as already budgeted for uniform;).

    Am doing ok with budget so far but know it's not completely acurate as been a bit hit and miss completing spreadsheet!!

    Chickens still not laying yet but eating lots of kitchen scraps and providing manure.

    In the garden I am very excited that I actually have cucumbers on my cucumber plant - I've never managed to actually successfully grow cucumbers before!Lots of green tomatoes, had one ripe one and 3 more nearly there. Courgette still producing. Leeks doing well, have a couple of brocolli that have survived slugs plus a few celery plants so we'll see if they amke it to maturity. Rocket still going strong, carrots quite disappointing. Am slowly making progress in my other [STRIKE]jungle[/STRIKE] garden - managed to prune my way to next doors fence yesterday! Pulled up copiuos amounts of nettles and brambles - compost heap now as tall as me!! picked lots of blackberries and made large jar of jam.

    Today got back to baking (showers all day so gardening got postponed) and made brownies and hobnobs.

    Also managed to claen the bathroom - why is it taht I always feel the need to claen the house when I get back from hols?!!:p

    Anyway think I've rambled enough so will leave it there:D
    Official DFW nerd - 282 'Proud To Be Dealing With My Debts'
    C.R.A.P.R.O.L.L.Z member # 56
  • Frugaldom
    Frugaldom Posts: 6,942 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 29 August 2010 at 9:13AM
    I'm still about, just never have the time to update on here after updating elsewhere and keeping on top of frugaldom. The challenge on here has taken a different route from my original concept and I can't change my challenge to suit, sorry. :D

    Hope everyone is doing well - my current project is decorating the kitchen before winter. At least we have our logburner installed and I've also splashed out and taken advantage of the Argos/Homebase half price offers and treated myself to a corner bench set for the 'new' kitchen. Much more economical space wise and a safer distance from the logburner, which heats the whole house in under an hour. :D Just need to move a few units before the bench set arrives, reinstall them elsewhere, then get the actual decorating jobs done - painting & curtain making.

    Good luck all you 'back to school' people, hope the transition from hols back to school routine isn't too traumatic.
    I reserve the right not to spend.
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