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Pork Belly?



  • foreverskint
    foreverskint Posts: 1,009 Forumite
    First Post
    I have a lovely piece of belly pork out of the freezer to cook tomorrow, but I would kike some suggestions as to how to cook it. Do i cook it long and slow of as a normal piece of roast pork.

    Any simple ideas please as I have an ear infection and that nasty dizzy thing, where you feel as though you will fall off the floor, so i'm not up to much._pale_
    Answers on a postcard please:D
  • Murtle
    Murtle Posts: 4,154 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I cook belly pork either under the grill, in the oven (180 for about 20 minutes), or on a BBQ....

    I usually marinde it, or failing that cover it in some sauce and then keep reapplying whilst it's cooking

    Hope that helps

    and I hope more importantly you are feeling better soon.

    x x x
  • gravitytolls
    gravitytolls Posts: 13,558 Forumite
    I strip it, cut off the thick rind, then marinade it in:

    brown sugar/honey
    soy sauce/worcester
    apple or orange juice.

    Also add some apple or other fruit if you fancy.

    Then cook slowly in the oven for about 1.1/2 hours.

    It's yummy is belly, full of flavour.
    I ave a dodgy H, so sometimes I will sound dead common, on occasion dead stupid and rarely, pig ignorant. Sometimes I may be these things, but I will always blame it on my dodgy H.

    Sorry, I'm a bit of a grumble weed today, no offence intended ... well it might be, but I'll be sorry.
  • margaret_3
    margaret_3 Posts: 1,123 Forumite
    I have a lovely piece of belly pork out of the freezer to cook tomorrow, but I would kike some suggestions as to how to cook it. Do i cook it long and slow of as a normal piece of roast pork.

    Any simple ideas please as I have an ear infection and that nasty dizzy thing, where you feel as though you will fall off the floor, so i'm not up to much._pale_
    Answers on a postcard please:D

    Oh dear! Is it Menières? Be careful not to put salt on it as salt invites vertigo and loss of balance.
    The way I do belly is to make a fried rice dish. I chop and fry onions until they are soft and add the belly cut up in about 1" pieces. I then add frozen peas and anything else one puts in their fried. I am very lucky in that I have low sodium soya sauce and I use a splash of that. It is very good and much better for you than low sodium salt which is bad for you.
    I hope you feel better as it's a vile condition.
  • Jay-Jay_4
    Jay-Jay_4 Posts: 7,351 Forumite
    Hope you feel better soon :( and hope your belly tastes lovely.......ooohhh!!! you know what I mean :D;)
    Just run, run and keep on running!

  • foreverskint
    foreverskint Posts: 1,009 Forumite
    First Post
    found this web site whilst looking for more recipies.

    Now just off to find out what char sui sauce is:confused:
    Thaks everyone for your get well soon stuff. Actually have oh running around after me so perhaps I won't be too well till Monday. What do you think:whistle: :shhh:
  • margaret_3
    margaret_3 Posts: 1,123 Forumite
    found this web site whilst looking for more recipies.

    Now just off to find out what char sui sauce is:confused:
    Thaks everyone for your get well soon stuff. Actually have oh running around after me so perhaps I won't be too well till Monday. What do you think:whistle: :shhh:

    You've a while to go. I've had my husband ruinning after me for 5 years!!!!!!
  • Noozan
    Noozan Posts: 1,058 Forumite
    First Post
    I have a lovely piece of belly pork out of the freezer to cook tomorrow, but I would kike some suggestions as to how to cook it. Do i cook it long and slow of as a normal piece of roast pork.

    Put the belly with fat side down and cut nearly through the meat into 3/4 inch wide "strips" (As if you were going to slice it up but don't cut through the fat) Dust with 5 spice. Rub in a 50/50 mix of hoi sin and yellow bean sauce; make sure you rub into all the bits in between where you've "sliced". Put it in a dish with the fat side facing up and leave uncovered for a few hours, this is to let the fat dry out a little. (I usually put it inside the microwave or oven to keep flies off it)

    Preheat oven to gas mark very very hot. Put pork on trivet in roasting tray and roast until the fat is crisp and has bubbled up (About 40 to 50 mins ish). Remove and leave to rest for 10 mins. Turn upside down and slice through your "precuts" and then cut again so that you have little cubes of meat. Serve with a 50/50 mix of ketchup and english mustard as a dipping sauce. :beer:

    Sounds long winded but it's not and it's deeeeeeeelicious!
    I have the mind of a criminal genius. I keep it in the freezer next to Mother....
  • foreverskint
    foreverskint Posts: 1,009 Forumite
    First Post
    Thanks all for your lovely suggestions.
    In the end I was so ill today, I shoved it in the oven and roasted it as is, and Oh and DD had it with freshly made white bread. Apparenly very scrummy. I shall be trying out the other recipies with my next peice of belly. Definately a cut worth buying, for flavour alone.

    To those that have sent their best wishes, thanks, just to let you know it probably is menieres, I had to go to the hospital this morning as it was so bad, and have to go back to the ENT dept soon, for more tests. Have some tablets now that seem to be controlling the symptoms a bit so I'm feeling much better now.
  • gravitytolls
    gravitytolls Posts: 13,558 Forumite
    So sorry everybody, I didn't realise that medical advice was against the rules.
    It wasn't anything controversial I don't think, just the sort of thing your surgery might suggest, but ahving read the rules, I now realise that I did indeed break them.

    So once again, apologies.

    I do feel sorry for you, and you didn't get to eat your belly either.

    Hopefully you can get some proper medical advice and fast acting medicine too.

    Take care, and hope you are soon feeling more yourself.
    I ave a dodgy H, so sometimes I will sound dead common, on occasion dead stupid and rarely, pig ignorant. Sometimes I may be these things, but I will always blame it on my dodgy H.

    Sorry, I'm a bit of a grumble weed today, no offence intended ... well it might be, but I'll be sorry.
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