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robert peston-imisim



  • Biggles
    Biggles Posts: 8,209 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    pen1 wrote: »
    I think you've misunderstood the reason- he has a speech impediment
    One of the links does mention a stammer; the other hints at a stammer but mentions his blog is just as annoying.

    It's mainly his delivery I find annoying, the reason for the poor delivery isn't relevant if he doesn't do a good job.
  • Doomcow
    Doomcow Posts: 1,729 Forumite
    pen1 wrote: »
    He's a journalist/reporter- not a cheerleader for economic prospects.

    Isn't the UK economy partly in this position because too many people preferred to prolong the "good times", rather than accept a much-needed dose of reality?

    thats not my point. my point is that its all doom & gloom and other financial "experts" have mentioned we need to balance this with some positivity to bring us out of these "economic bad-times". so no, i dont expect some sort of "cheerleader for economic prospects" but i do expect some unbiased, undamaging, unsensationalistic journalism
    Mr & Mrs Doomcow Wedding Fund: £10200/£18000 (by 04/2012) (spent £2000)
    meiow meiow purr meep merp purr urble purrup :)

    requires further financing
  • 23rdian
    23rdian Posts: 95 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I don't mind him. He tells it like it is and people need to hear it. So what if he has a few connections. He strikes me as a realist and has a clue unlike Declan Curry.
  • Maisie11
    Maisie11 Posts: 206 Forumite
    I thought that financial journalists were meant to report the news not give endless opinions on what THEY think it going to happen. He definitely gives the impression that he in unaffected by all of the doom and gloom and I jsut want to slap his smug face. Bit like Harriet Harperson whose one aim in life it seems is to make us all equal. Unfortunately she chooses to send her children to grammar schools surely the most selective system of all.
  • 23rdian
    23rdian Posts: 95 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I thought that financial journalists were meant to report the news not give endless opinions

    It's called analysis. Anyone can report what they are told by others.
  • melbury
    melbury Posts: 13,251 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped! First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Makes you wonder, if he hadn't leaked the info about Northern Rock, would we be in the state we are today? He seems to love being the bearer of bad news, I can't stand him:mad:
    Stopped smoking 27/12/2007, but could start again at any time :eek:

  • Belnahua
    Belnahua Posts: 1,493 Forumite
    Cashback Cashier
    melbury wrote: »
    Makes you wonder, if he hadn't leaked the info about Northern Rock, would we be in the state we are today? He seems to love being the bearer of bad news, I can't stand him:mad:

    I said exactly the same thing and got really shouted down!

    I have often wondered the same. If he hadn't announced on BBC News that Northern Rock was going bust, would the run on the banks happened, and would the problems today have happened so soon and such a speed? I'm sure they would've happened, but showing banks unable to give people their own money made us all worried about the entire banking system. Which no doubt had an immediate knock on effect, instead of perhaps the markets taking a little time to adjust.

    I often wonder, just how much is down to him. It is known in the City as the Peston effect isn't it?
    A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
  • What a relief to find that I am not alone in thinking that Mr Peston has a lot to answer. With the advent of 24 hour news and Mr Peston spouting his negative spin on all events, eventually everyone starts to beleive what they hear and hey presto, we're all doomed!

    I bet if he won the lottery, he would find a way to see the nagative side. I refuse to watch him now and he is know in our house as doctor doom!

    Don't worry though, when we do get out of this resession, he won't be able to report positive news and will have to resign.
  • RayWolfe
    RayWolfe Posts: 3,045 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Belnahua wrote: »
    I have often wondered the same. If he hadn't announced on BBC News that Northern Rock was going bust, would the run on the banks happened, and would the problems today have happened so soon and such a speed?
    Yea, sure.
    All those Icelandic, Irish, French, Swiss banks, let alone American banks would still be OK if that wretched Mr Peston had just kept his mouth shut.
    Bad show, bought the whole world to this point ... AND it's OUR licence fees that pay his salary. The man should be horse-whipped.
  • Belnahua
    Belnahua Posts: 1,493 Forumite
    Cashback Cashier
    RayWolfe wrote: »
    Yea, sure.
    All those Icelandic, Irish, French, Swiss banks, let alone American banks would still be OK if that wretched Mr Peston had just kept his mouth shut.

    Ok I'll rephrase it for you, as you obviously didn't understand it the first time.

    If he hadn't spouted off with his bad news, would everything that happened, happened just quite so quick.

    Even city traders said they panicked when Peston gave bad news, whether it was founded in truth or not. This is my point. They panicked because an ill informed doom mongerer spread gossip. They called it the "Peston Effect".

    So just how much quicker did he expedite the fall of the banks?

    Runs are started by gossip, and he started it.
    A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
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