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fleas, fleas and more fleas....



  • purplegirluk1

    I went with this as it was the only thing that I could find that I could use on my 9 week old. She was totally infested with fleas and I had to do something to help her. I have only used one tablet even though it does say that another tablet can be used 24 hours later if they are still present. I hope that it is safe, she has been fine, no difference at all (apart from less fleas of course) so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Thank you so much for taking such an interest in this product, I too am very interested in its possible issues. It seems to be a very good product idea, but as you say sometimes these things can cause more harm than good. Please keep me updated if you do find out any more.
  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I went with this as it was the only thing that I could find that I could use on my 9 week old. She was totally infested with fleas and I had to do something to help her. I have only used one tablet even though it does say that another tablet can be used 24 hours later if they are still present. I hope that it is safe, she has been fine, no difference at all (apart from less fleas of course) so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Thank you so much for taking such an interest in this product, I too am very interested in its possible issues. It seems to be a very good product idea, but as you say sometimes these things can cause more harm than good. Please keep me updated if you do find out any more.

    Most of the literature I've found has been about the Capstar product, which also contains 11.4mg of Nitenpyram (in the smallest size packs) and is made by a reputable vet drug company called Novartis, so I should think they're pretty similar, although I'm still puzzled as to how Johnson's got a licence to sell this product under a different name, unless there's something else in the list of ingredients that makes it different in some way :confused:

    Your kitten should be absolutely fine as it's safe to use from 4 weeks of age, and certainly the Capstar product is being recommended by several vets on their websites. I've emailed a vet I know to try get some more info about it so I'll let you know what he has to say about it :)

    The important thing is to get rid of the fleas at this stage, and if she's been as bad as you say it would be worth popping her to the vet for a checkup anyway as she could well be anaemic if she's been infested since birth and never been treated until you got her. She will also need worming too, as presumably this wasn't done either prior to you getting her, and she'll almost definitely be infested with them because of the fleas.

    Good luck with her and let me know how you get on :)
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    It is that what you do, good or bad,
    will come back to you three times as strong!

  • aeuerby
    aeuerby Posts: 782 Forumite
    When my moggies had fleas earlier this year I tried everything to get rid of them. I didn't want to use chemicals if I could avoid it so resorted to hoovering everyday (and eventually wore out my hoover and had to get a new one!) and cedar oil sprayed onto the carpets. Nothing was working and one moggy was starting to pull her fur out.

    I had to admit defeat and ordered this stuff

    It's a spray that you put on your carpets and soft furnishings. I only de-flead the carpet as I was working on the principle that fleas don't live on the cats they just jump on them to feed and lay eggs. The eggs then fall off into the carpet.

    It worked and within a day my poor moggies had stopped scratching. This happend around March and touch wood there are no more of the critters in the floor! It's supposed to last for around 12 months and so far so good!

  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    aeuerby wrote:

    I had to admit defeat and ordered this stuff

    That's one of the best, if not the best, household sprays on the market to use and is highly recommended :D
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    It is that what you do, good or bad,
    will come back to you three times as strong!

  • skintchick
    skintchick Posts: 15,114 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    sooz wrote:
    ..friends cat once brought in through the flap a half dead, still flapping pigeon :eek: cats for you

    I once had a cat that brought live rabbits in! Country cats.....they're 'ard.
    :cool: DFW Nerd Club member 023...DFD 9.2.2007 :cool:
    :heartpuls married 21 6 08 :A Angel babies' birth dates 3.10.08 * 4.3.11 * 11.11.11 * 17.3.12 * 2.7.12 :heart2: My live baby's birth date 22 7 09 :heart2: I'm due another baby at the end of July 2014! :j
  • Sofa_Sogood
    Sofa_Sogood Posts: 5,258 Forumite
    I've got a morbid fear of getting fleas in the house :( but my friend's Mum told me a tip (after I thought one had jumped on me at another house - around the ankle area as mentioned above.)

    She said if it ever happened again, to go to the bathroom, dampen a piece of soap, and dab it all over my legs. They obviously stick to the bar of soap (but I suppose sellotape would work just as well ... it's just that we don't always have sellotape to hand do we? ;))

    As for flea collars? Vet took ours off the dog, and OH swore blind that it had burned his fingers as he fitted it.

    Hope the blighters take a hike sooz , and soon :)
  • silverfoxdude

    I have used Frontline for about 4 years now. It does seem to cost a fair bit. I buy the pipettes and put one on when the warmer weather starts then re-apply about 6 week intervals. He hasnt had fleas at all this summer, (btw he was only born in Jan this year, I had another cat but he died :-( ). When my last darling cat had fleas it scared the poo out of me cos I'd never had cats before or the unwelcome critters, I watched the fleas drop off near on instantly. Then I washed all that I could around the home. The vet told me that the stuff bought at shops etc wasnt worth the money one bit and she said they shouldnt even be allowed to advertise that they work, cos only chemicals really do the job

    Good luck
  • wolvesinwales
    I had a terrible time with fleas the year before last a real infestation that drove me mad i eventually cleared them out of the house by buying every product available.
    My neice is a vet and reccomended Frontline pippetes on my cat and don't bother treating the dog because the cat fleas are the problem, she said to treat all year round. I now do this and have had no trouble since.
    Blimey what was that ?
    That was your life mate
    Oh I wasn’t quite ready can I have another go ?
    Sorry mate only one per person.
  • chloejane_2
    we have had cats for a long time and only when my old cat was mateing with some manky tom cat down the road did we have flees and we got them really bad, we then got a dog last year still flee free, then got a puppy a few weeks ago and have only just got rid of (hopefully) the worst of the flees, but as i sit here dog has just started to manically scratch lol so think i need to re spray house, thankfully me and kids dont really get bitten but OH does and quite badly too so have to be vey nice to him as its me that keeps aquiring these pets lol.
  • make_life_easier
    Itching like mad after reading this thread. :o My dog (Golden Labrador) has been itching like mad too recently I defleed him with advantage 400 about 6 weeks ago as he was in contact with another dog who had fleas.

    I washed all his bedding and give everywhere a good hovering but I had to deflee and hover again only yesterday as he can't stop itching, he keeps scratching his ears too but I'm baffled how to get rid of them, I was wondering if I should buy some of that Acclaim household flea spray to spray rugs and furniture ??( I don't allow him on the settee but he sneaks on when I am out of the room) any advise please.

    thanks Andrea
    became debt free December 06
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