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Nigel Poole & Mcginn?

I heard today that Nigel Poole and Mcginn have gone bust -they are/were(?) the biggest estate agent in Redditch and surrounding area. Does anyone know what happened or if this is even true? And what happens to the houses on there books? (I am interested in one of them!)



  • Doozergirl
    Doozergirl Posts: 33,947 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    There was an article in the paper the other week - they've merged with Town & Country (Worcester agent) - Jeremy McGinn is still with them so I suspect that Nigel Poole's part of the business has perhaps been bought by Town & Country?

    They're still advertising in the paper this week :confused:
    Everything that is supposed to be in heaven is already here on earth.
  • Doozergirl
    Doozergirl Posts: 33,947 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Town & Country is delighted to announce a new chapter in its history with its merger with Nigel Poole & McGinn on Friday 2 May 2008. The move greatly increases the size of the Town & Country Group, bringing 7 additional regional offices and resulting in offices in 9 locations across Worcestershire and the Warwickshire borders as well as a presence on Park Lane, London. The new Firm, Town & Country Poole & McGinn, will employ around 100 people across the region and carries in excess of 800 residential sales properties as well as over 500 properties under management.

    The Firm will be headed by James Edwards and Jeremy McGinn who together bring over 30 years of agency and 10 years of commercial experience. “The enlargement of the business will enable us to offer a greater spread of services across the region, we will provide a superb office network and great opportunities for our clients and staff. The message for our clients is that it is very much business as usual, the quality personal service that has always been the hallmark of both businesses will remain unchanged” says James Edwards, Managing Director of the new Firm.

    “The merging of the Town & Country and Nigel Poole & McGinn is a match made in heaven,” says Jeremy McGinn, Operations Director. “The two businesses have very similar cultures which place an emphasis on clients and staff; an offering that puts us at the top of the regional marketplace.”
    Everything that is supposed to be in heaven is already here on earth.
  • nixinix
    nixinix Posts: 246 Forumite
    Thanks Doozergirl. I missed that article, and I thought I had looked as well.... I know a couple of their offices seem to have closed down. I heard that Nigel Poole had overstreched himself (the business) with overseas ventures and also he was involved with Dodd homes who have already gone bust, so he may have lost money there too (I think, allegedly...I am going on hearsay so hence my reticence).
  • Doozergirl
    Doozergirl Posts: 33,947 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Ooh was he involved with Dodd Homes and the Pinacle debacle??

    They've just bought Linda Gillespie out within the last few weeks. Which offices have closed? Have they changed name - I did see that lots of properties on rightmove have changed over to Town & Country already.
    Everything that is supposed to be in heaven is already here on earth.
  • nixinix
    nixinix Posts: 246 Forumite
    I think he had money invested with Dodd/pinacle, which if he did he obv. lost!

    And also (this is mainly through other people) that Astwood Bank has closed, but Nigel Poole properties are now in Linda Gillespies window (which you have just explained) and Studley seems to have closed.

    Where abouts are you Doozergirl?
  • Doozergirl
    Doozergirl Posts: 33,947 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    I'm in Bromsgrove but used to live in F.eckenham. You? :)
    Everything that is supposed to be in heaven is already here on earth.
  • nixinix
    nixinix Posts: 246 Forumite
    Redditch - but want to be in Studley LOL!

    I am so glad you responded I only heard today (I only really use the internet to look at houses and Nigel Pooles website is still fully functioning) I don't seem to have time to read the papers so missed that one. Thank you :)

    I m really surprised as I thought they were ok; well based on the number of houses on their books but their service isn't great. I viewed a house in studley last year which I was REALLY interested in, I rang them (as they didn't chase me up) to tell them but that unfortunately my circs. had changed (threat of redundancy) and I wasn't able to even offer at present so I said I would get back to them in a couple of months when hopefully my situation had resolved and have never heard from them and the house is still on the market. Unfortunately my situation hasn't changed and I just keep looking at the house and seeing what else is terrible service!

  • Doozergirl
    Doozergirl Posts: 33,947 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    I hope your circs change soon.

    We sold through Astwood bank twice and I found them to be very good - bit disappointed they never had an office over this way as I felt that Jeremy McGinn values realistically and knows his market well. The ladies in the office were always lovely and I got timely feedback :)

    I wonder if Studley has closed whether they would merge those properties into either Astwood Bank or Redditch - they wouldn't just let them go. I always noticed that properties can spend a very long time on the market in Studley - I wonder if they have unrealistic expectations because it's a 'village'. Houses in !!!!enham take ages to sell because no-one can afford them! Four bed semi for half a million anyone? :rolleyes: Prices are very different to Redditch itself.

    Move to Astwood Bank! I really like it with the butcher, the baker and the indian takeaway! We were a bit deprived of anything in !!!!enham except a pint, tents and riding gear, lol!
    Everything that is supposed to be in heaven is already here on earth.
  • nixinix
    nixinix Posts: 246 Forumite
    I want the Studley schools (my ds starts nursery in Sep there) in-laws live in Astwood Bank and it was an option but sometimes I think it may be a little too close!!!

    I am hoping that the housing market/ and our redundancy situation may sort themselves to our advantage so we are able to get a better buy and get more for our money! !!!!enham is really expensive - it has a lovelly village community, they do loads of fetes and events etc (I used to work as photog for local paper and was always going to !!!!enham to diff. events through the summer) not suer I think it is worth the money though.....maybe thats just because I can't afford it LOL!
  • Doozergirl
    Doozergirl Posts: 33,947 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    nixinix wrote: »
    I want the Studley schools (my ds starts nursery in Sep there) in-laws live in Astwood Bank and it was an option but sometimes I think it may be a little too close!!!

    I am hoping that the housing market/ and our redundancy situation may sort themselves to our advantage so we are able to get a better buy and get more for our money! !!!!enham is really expensive - it has a lovelly village community, they do loads of fetes and events etc (I used to work as photog for local paper and was always going to !!!!enham to diff. events through the summer) not suer I think it is worth the money though.....maybe thats just because I can't afford it LOL!

    I get the point on the in laws!

    And yes, you're right, !!!!enham isn't worth the price which is why we now have a larger detached house with garage and lots of parking, still with character for slightly less than the price that we sold our little three bed semi for :o It's also why very little sells in the village.

    The school in !!!!enham is wonderful though. My little boy is leaving at the end of term though - we're completely the wrong side of Bromsgrove now and it's an hour round trip every morning for us (and a small fortune in petrol!) but if I could have reasonably kept him there, I would.

    He used to have swimming lessons in Studley - the staff were all young but they were great with the kids, I recommend them :) There's supposed to be a nice restaurant there too - you'll have to try them all out and let me know... when you've bagged yourself a bit of a bargain on the house front ;)
    Everything that is supposed to be in heaven is already here on earth.
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