Attaching images to messages
Anyone know of a way I can attach an image to either a personal message or a public posting without having to use a remote server? Nothing important really, just haven't got a server that I can use and want to post a piccy
Forum running slow this morning.
Webby - It's like walking in treacle this morning in the forums and searches are just throwing errors or timing out. Thought you'd like to know. There appears to be a significant delay (4-12s) between request and response on the forums server.
The "Search" this Forum option
Unless I'm missing something I've found the Search this Forum button at the top of the page to be very poor indded. Can anyone enlighten me please?
Suggestion for increasing tips email subscribers
Martin is asking us to tell others...... and I spend a lot of my time doing just that but how about if it was made really easy for people - perhaps this site could have one of those "tell a friend about this..." buttons / links such that the user just has to enter the email(s) of their friends who they think would be…
Hi folks, I'm happy to announce the appointment of our Junior Developer, William. William will be working with us to until Christmas, working to improve the site in all aspects so keep an eye on things. Most changes will be back-end but you might see some subtle ones appear. As usual, we'll be calling upon the regulars to…
test - please ignore
One hour sneak preview
Hiya Thought regulars may like a sneak preview and peek at the new 'Tart Alert'. If you do have a peek, please try it and put your mobile in. It isn't live yet, but we're going to try a text message as a test soon. So it'd be great to hear if you've got it and any other thoughts This link will be taken down in an hour…
Your help required (please) -sorted now
We've changed the formatting on the main site today - so that the green bar is on every page (hooray). The only problem is it means a few things have formatting issues. If a table in the article is too wide it goes over the border and misformats the whole thing. If you have a spare five minutes would you click on some…
How do i 'rename' a link to shorten it?
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but after posting a really long link in the Ebay section that didn't come out properly, I thought I ought to learn. If i want to post a link, how do I call it something, rather than it showing up as it actually looks when you copy it? As when people say something like "have a look HERE"…
Ok! Who's picking on me at MSE HQ?
On several occasions recently, I have tried to post a reply to a thread and after typing out my drivel well thought out remarks, I click on the post button and get an error message. It says something like: There has already been a message sent from your ip less than 5 seconds ago. Please try later. Now I KNOW it wasn't…
Mods - a more convenient location for this board?
Maybe i'm just being very lazy but I do find it a bit annoying having to scroll all the way down to get to the 'Quick grab it while you can', 'Shop but dont drop' and 'I wanna' message boards. Since these are the most popular boards by far is there any chance they could be re-located up near the top of the chat forum…
Topic Summary Cutter Mod
I have just posted because new threads were being made when old threads got a bit long and it makes the board a bit harder to follow, it seems the problem is in the boards topic summary function when you click reply. so i did a little research and found a mod that can be installed so that the amount of posts shown in the…
How do I mark a post to find it later?
f there's a way to mark a post (either by colour or symbol) so that you can search for it later, please could someone let me know how to do it. Unfortunately, some threads start with info that doesn't detail what the post is really about - eg "Yummy yummy" might actually be about "Bargain chocolates at *** this weekend" (I…
Trouble with MSE website - Please help
At work I can read the MSE chat boards, but when I get home and want to have a look I can't get on. All I get is the 'this page can't be displayed' page. Why?? Can anyone help me please?
small prob with cut-n-pasting links?
Hi, Just discovered MSE and I liked some pages so much I wanted to cut and paste the URLs to friends using Outlook. However the URLs end with a comma, and Outlook fails to include this final comma as part of the hyperlink, with the result that people think they've received an email with a dud link -- and never get to see…
Minor bug
The "• Frequently Asked Questions" link links to the wrong site: http://forum.moneysavingexpert.com/signup.phtml Thought you'd like to know.
While I have been unable to get into the chat part of the site earlier I had a look around and while I understand the orange is used to make things stand out .........................I have to say ...........on the BEST 'BUYS' it is ok as it isn't too big a block of orange :-/ But oh boy does it hit you right between the…
getting back to site after voting in poll
I dont know if its just me, but when you vote in the lastest poll on the main site it takes you to the votes so far and then its a real pain getting back to the main site or chat. You have to click on the previous poll and then click home and then go back to chat. Is it just that this annoys? :-/
Ok silly question but how do you....
Hey guys I have been posting on MSE for a fair bit now but I have never been sure how to do one thing: When I want to put a link in my post, I click on the insert hyperlink button and enter my url. This is fine and shows the url to everyone but how do you make it so you just click on the word you enter and it takes you to…
Should we have a soap box forum?
I have been reading this site for a couple of months now and have made some great savings - 18866 to mention just one. I really enjoy reading through the threads and seeing what bargains/savings people have made, Boots being a particular fav!! However, I am finding this all far less enjoyable as many of the threads are now…