First sentence for rate rigging
14 years too. He would pay up to $100,000 to brokers to keep the libor rate as low as possible. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33763628
The House That £100k Built.....
On the BBC, I thought the programme is a non starter as £100k builds does not come with land. Bit of a misleading title. The latest episode featured a couple who built a house in their parents back garden for free. In the end s they spent about £85k on building a house on free land. What are your thoughts on this?
Labour! What is it good for?
Scottish Economy thriving under Tory policies...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-33535056 :beer:
Renting in your 40's and staring into the abyss
Fiona Elsted is one of the millions of people in the UK forced to turn to the private rental sector for housing. Like most renters she has been evicted by mendacious, money grabbing landlords. Her and her family have suffered from cold, damp and inadequate living spaces that cost so much in rent she is unable to save for a…
Berlin is the new Hackney for Brits
Seems that the real people that were going to be the economic dynamos of the UK's future are now leaving London in droves. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/01/creative-young-brits-quit-london-affordable-berlin Because the cost/stress of housing and living in London squeezes the life-blood, energy and creativity…
The New Workplace - let's face the future!
There's a promising series on the radio, episode 1 available now: The New Workplace http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b063zn9h In Ep 1 it was a surprise to hear that an aspiring Premier Inn manager expected to earn a bit over £20K for the responsibility to managing a complete hotel site. This is all achieved by having…
We need a land and wealth tax to replace income and transaction tax.
The OECD, the Paris-based thinktank, has argued that western welfare capitalism needs a rethink. No longer should governments rely so heavily on income taxes and transaction taxes, which are cyclical and encourage gambling on property at the expense of paid work. We need to switch to wealth and consumption taxes. The west…
Recession is history in London
It's a little while since I dined in London, but celebrating our anniversary last week, Mrs LM & I ventured to an old favourite, Le Pont de la Tour. Very decent place, costing north of £100 per person with the basic trimmings, and earning 3 knives & forks in Michelin. I washed down the pan fried foie gras and whole lobster…
What's the Future of Child Benefit?
Have you got any thoughts on what this, or any subsequent government, might seek to do to Child Benefit? What do you think they should do? Currently, households with children are paid at a rate of £20.70 per week for their first child and £13.70 per week for each subsequent child. There is no limit to the amount of…
GDP per capita returns to pre-recession levels
Following this quarter's growth figures GDP per capita has now returned to pre recession levels, and this despite population also increasing markedly since then via migration and natural change..... According to the ONS... And this at a time of record high employment, low unemployment, and with average wages rising…
A New Dawn?...
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/14/business/owner-of-gravity-payments-a-credit-card-processor-is-setting-a-new-minimum-wage-70000-a-year.html?ref=business&_r=1 I've noticed a few other examples lately of businesses adopting a more ethical and equitable way of doing things... and what is the one common factor these companies…
No skinny mannequins??
Would it be possible to create a new source of limitless renewable energy by
Launching a probe to the moon with a really long piece of string attached connected to a generator floating somewhere near the equator which by means of the earths rotation somehow powered something? Or failing that, given no upfront cost or engineering constraints what would be the best clean way of tapping limitless…
Watching You Watching Me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9fb_slBEJ0 https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150727/18592631769/vizio-latest-manufacturer-to-offer-more-ways-tvs-to-watch-purchasers.shtml I get it that if I use Facebook or Google or The Telegraph for 'free' then they will want to make money off me by using my browsing preferences to…
School's Out for Summer
Ed Balls criticises Labour's business stance Seems as if there was discord leading up to the election. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33744200
Ireland to jail bankers who caused the collapse
The senior bankers at Anglo Irish bank are due to be sentenced: http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0731/718364-anglo/ Shame we dont have the bottle to do the same thing here!
another day another innovative economy changing thread
Ok - today's great idea to help balance the books: pet tax I'm thinking dogs particularly but no harm extending to all of the little critters. They serve little benefit to wider society (although I acknowledge they provide pleasure to their owners). No-one should have one who cannot amply afford it - benefits of any kind…
Meanwhile in China....
http://www.ft.com/intl/fastft/351461 Bear in mind that share prices can only change by 10% in a day: more than that the shares get suspended for the day. If the market as a whole was down by 7.6% it's a fair guess that quite a lot of stocks on the market were suspended today. There has been quite a boom recently in Chinese…
Dirty money
Looks like London's million pound plus bracket are going to get hammered even more ... http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/jul/28/david-cameron-fight-dirty-money-uk-property-market-corruption Will it mean more rises for normal priced property as people try to stay well under a million to keep safe and save on stamp…