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Weekly Flylady Thread 19th December 2011

juliejim Posts: 7,943 Forumite
First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
edited 23 December 2011 at 10:54PM in Old style MoneySaving
Last week before the big day - lots of flying to be done!

Welcome to the weekly Flylady thread. If you need help organising your week or getting motivated when it comes to housework then come and join us.

There are 3 levels per day with Level 1 being very basic, level 2 in the middle, up to 3 which is more advanced and time consuming. Feel free to mix and match to suit your own personal circumstances.

Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up

These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than welcome to post and follow your own lists.

Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the clutter and make flying easier.

A few of the basics before we start the week

Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!

Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc.

Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.

Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.

Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis
HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. other music may be used if you prefer!

Click here to read Toots wonderful welcome guide
Ok here goes this week!

Monday - kitchen and dining room
Level one
Clear and sweep/mop/hoover the floors
Clear work surfaces and table
Level Two
Wipe the work surfaces
Clear and clean window sills
15 minutes wiping anything that is grubby
Level three
Clean cooker and/or hob
Sort pets out - clean out/wash bedding, etc. - no pongy pets over Christmas please.
Make sure you have everything bought/ordered/list made for the weekend.

Tuesday - Living Room, hall, downstairs loo, any other downstairs rooms you've missed

Level One
Declutter floors even if it's just into a box or binbag to hide away.
Sweep/mop/hoover floors and stairs
Level Two
Dust all dusty areas
Last minute check on presents - have you got everything?
HH wrap
Level Three
S&S downstairs loo
Straighten Christmas tree
HH me time

Wednesday - Upstairs or Downstairs if it's a bungalow or a topsy-turvy house!
Level One
Declutter floors - either put away or into a box or bin bag so at least it's tidy
Hoover/sweep/mop all upstairs
Level Two
Clean bath/shower, sink, toilet
Strip, wash and remake all beds
HH Wrap
Level Three
HH me time
Dust all dusty bits

Thursday - Nearly there!

Catch up on previous days' lists!
Toy boxes banished upstairs
Sort out the plan for Christmas Eve - present drop offs, etc.
Last minute baking
Check when the binmen are coming - or not as the case may be!
Check when payments need to be made - set them up in advance if possible.
Flick through the TV guide and highlight anything you want to watch.
HH Wrap

Friday - Are we ready yet?

Take the turkey out of the freezer to defrost!
S & S kitchen
S & S bathroom and loos
HHC decluttering downstairs
Hoover downstairs
Get rid of the washing up before bed
HH Wrap
Last minute shopping - bread, milk, etc - hopefully you're not still shopping for presents!
HH me time

Christmas Eve
Prepare veg - store in cold water overnight
Mix yorkie batter for tomorrow
Prepare any other bits - stuffing, etc
Presents!! - I don't want anyone wrapping at midnight!
Fill those stockings
Do washing up before bed
Charge camera
Get binbags ready!
Put your feet up with a drink or two!

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone, enjoy your special time and look forward to the New Year!

NST #10 Steps 7K 2/30 10K 2/12 5 a day 3/30 NSD 0/20
MBNA £5500


  • juliejim
    juliejim Posts: 7,943 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 24 December 2011 at 1:19PM
    :xmastree:Christmas Challenges:xmassmile

    • Make sure you have all the shopping you need to take you through to next week.. milk and bread especially! It is Boxing Day on Monday and Bank Holiday Tuesday so some shops are not open.. the big supermarkets are.
    • Make sure the last of the presents are wrapped!
    • Have we located stockings?
    • Make sure your timetable for christmas day is sorted and everyone knows their tasks.. who is spud peeling? Who is stuffing the bird etc..?
    • Phone someone you 'forgot' to post a card/present to in time.. just so they know you've not forgotten them!
    • Get out any special Christmas crockery and placemats - make sure it is all clean and ready for use.
    • Have you posted everything - last day for First Class mail is Tuesday!

    Christmas Eve Challenge- We want everyone ready for the big day by 12 midday on the 24th!! Are you ready to join in?


    bonnie bumpkins
    The Dragon

    Back by special request:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    The challenge is to have all your ironing done by New Year's Eve - to start 2012 with an empty ironing basket.

    Do you think you can rise to the challenge? let me know and i will add you to the list

    Mrs Chaos DH
    Mrs B

    this is not a competition - there is no prize except feeling good that you are starting a new year with an empty basket - try to encourage each other - we all want to succeed :D
    dont wait until the week (or day) before to get started:eek: - try to do a little bit as often as you can.
    NST #10 Steps 7K 2/30 10K 2/12 5 a day 3/30 NSD 0/20
    MBNA £5500
  • hex2
    hex2 Posts: 4,736 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Count me in please - thanks for the thread JulieJim

    My (perhaps unrealistic) aim is to have everything wrapped and finished by midday on Christmas Eve as per Nattys suggestion
    'If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need' Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • The_Dragon
    The_Dragon Posts: 9,749 Forumite
    Okay I am in until Friday lunchtime :D
    Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with catsup :D
    NSD 15/20, OS WL 21-6 (4) :(C.R.A.P R.O.L.L.Z #44 Twisted Firestarter, VSP #57 - £39.43
    :p Every Penny's a Prisoner :p
  • skintmum2012
    I am going to see if I am up to the challange this week I spent all of friday getting my messy house to a state I can join in.
    February GC £261.97/24 NSDS 10/12
    march 300/290 NSD 12/6
    ARPIL 300/ 238.23 NSD'S 10/3

  • Jojo_the_Tightfisted
    Monday - kitchen and dining room
    Level one
    [STRIKE]Clear and sweep[/STRIKE]/mop/hoover the floors
    [STRIKE]Clear work surfaces and table[/STRIKE]
    Level Two
    [STRIKE]Wipe the work surfaces[/STRIKE]
    Clear and clean window sills
    15 minutes wiping anything that is grubby
    Level three
    [STRIKE]Clean cooker and/or hob[/STRIKE]
    Sort pets out - clean out/wash bedding, etc. - no pongy pets over Christmas please.
    Make sure you have everything bought/ordered/list made for the weekend.

    All I have to do now is

    Clean. Everything. Except the front room, as that's looking good :)

    [STRIKE]Get the futon delivered.[/STRIKE]

    [STRIKE]Put the old sofa out[/STRIKE]/on Freecycle or call council to book collection.

    [STRIKE]Put away mega cat food delivery tomorrow at 12.
    Wrap presents.

    Yell at Minion again. She still has her room to do. And all her clean washing to put away.

    [STRIKE]Move a bathroom cabinet from downstairs to upstairs bathroom as I'm fed up with bottles everywhere.
    Oh, and buy;

    Cream Soda
    Duck eggs

    For Christmas Dinner/Boxing Day breakfast


    tickets for the pub and club for Friday and Christmas Eve.

    I also

    Assembled the futon (no instructions but we worked it out)

    cleaned the shower room - loo, sink, mirror, shelf, bleached possible mould spores (or spider poo - hard to tell which when it's just tiny dots that come off) and the floor.

    Cleared a load of toiletries off to upstairs.
    Put all the upstairs toiletries into the cupboard.

    WM X 2
    TD X 1

    Cleared little glass shelves by front door (they accumulate post)


    Took armchair up to bedroom

    And sat through Minion watching roughly FIVE Christmas films.

    I will go mad at her shortly. But I'm convincing myself that she has actually loaded, unloaded and reloaded the DW, done a few things in the sink and mopped up her spilt lemonade herself.

    So there is an slight improvement on usual.
    I could dream to wide extremes, I could do or die: I could yawn and be withdrawn and watch the world go by.
    colinw wrote: »
    Yup you are officially Rock n Roll :D
  • paulies_nixie
    Thanks for the thread :)

    I'm in this week :) Probably a bit lurk-tastic but I've gotta sort this house :)
    And I must remember to leave the letter santa left in my care at some young chaps house tomorrow :)
    Gonna go sort some washing that I've managed to forget in the washing machine :( Fingers crossed it's okay, but I'm suspecting a rewash. :)

    Hugs sticks and spoons as neeeded - and possibly some extra, you know, cos it's Chrimble and OMG we're probably all gonna need them :rotfl:
    "I know that Prince Charming doesn’t come save me, we save each other and fight back to back against all comers that’s what marriage is to me. Nothing passive, no being carried off on a white steed, give me my own damn horse and lets ride into the sunset side by side." - Laurell K. Hamilton.
  • nicki_2
    nicki_2 Posts: 7,321 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    *sneaks back in after being AWOL for months*

    Hello all :D I'm going to try to fly this week, my house needs a good clean throughout and I need to get on top of all the jobs I keep putting off. Maybe if I start now I'll be able to keep it up in the new year ;):rotfl: I'll be mostly lurking though, I have a stack of things to do so will just be copying out the list and working from that otherwise I'll never get the jobs done :o:rotfl:

    Catch you all through the week :wave:
    Creeping back in for accountability after falling off the wagon in 2016.
    Need to get back to old style in modern ways, watching the pennies and getting stuff done!
  • seafarers_wife
    just going to be fluttering next week, house is relatively tidy but gets to CHAOS very quickly at the moment. DH is being very good and doing loads of housework and more than his share of baby stuff so very glad of that at the moment.

    Will post pic of baby Benjamin later when have time to get on big pc.
  • Natty68
    Natty68 Posts: 3,351 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Count me in for this week please :D Thank you to FCC for the lists and keeping us all under control. :D

    Monday - kitchen and dining room
    Level one
    Clear and sweep/mop/hoover the floors
    Clear work surfaces and table
    Level Two
    Wipe the work surfaces
    Clear and clean window sills
    15 minutes wiping anything that is grubby
    Level three
    Clean cooker and/or hob
    Sort pets out - clean out/wash bedding, etc. - no pongy pets over Christmas please.
    Make sure you have everything bought/ordered/list made for the weekend.

    Natty's Challenge - to finish all cooking/wrapping/shopping/tidying/hoovering etc... by midday Christmas Eve :D
    Mortgage Free as of 20.9.17
    Declutter challenge 2023, 2024 🏅 🏅⭐️⭐️
    DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️
  • MrsChaos
    MrsChaos Posts: 2,069 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Evening all

    Welcome (back) to old friends and new people!

    Bonnie - sending positive vibes for the interview.
    Valli - Thinking of the poor boy. How awful for him.
    Hex - I'm in awe of your culinary skills. Bottomless (expensive) pit residing here, too. He'll learn when he has to buy his own food, I suppose.

    Today didn't go according to plan. We went to M'hall late and build-a-bear was so busy. Didn't get back until mid-afternoon, but I helped DS2 tidy a corner of his room, do a bit more laundry and cook tea. Might make some florentines now, too. I found a Mary Berry recipe on the web and have all the ingredients (after a quick stop at Mr T's when I dropped OH off in town).

    Can I please sign OH up for the ironing challenge? Although I may have to do the sheet myself. And I'd love to do the Christmas Eve one, although I may give myself an extension until teatime.

    Back tomorrow with a list. Hugs and spoons as needed! x
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