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Weekly Flylady Thread 29th August 2011

pigpen Posts: 41,068 Forumite
Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
edited 31 August 2011 at 10:00PM in Old style MoneySaving
Welcome to the weekly Flylady thread. If you need help organising your week when it comes to housework, or just the motivation to do the dreaded housework tasks you have to do, come and join us, hopefully make it a little easier. You never know, you might start to enjoy it!

There are levels 1, 2 and 3. Level 1 being very basic it has been requested that this is just vital tasks for basic cleanliness, level 2 usually has some decluttering and clearing, level 3 which is more advanced and time consuming. If you want to do level 2 you add the tasks on level 1 with the level 2 tasks, if you want to do level 3 you add the tasks on, easy peasy. Choose a level to aim for but be realistic, if you've got a busy day on or are just starting etc aim for level one, if you get higher then great, if not then not to worry its only suggestions. Every room comes back around next week. Trust me some days I'll only be doing level one myself. Then for our super high flyers there are the extras.. a mixture of decluttering, cleaning and general improvement of your home. Don't feel you have to do any of it, just do what you can, anything you do which you didn't before is a step forward and to be rejoiced!


Also adding a declutter mission each day. Another one where it's up to you if you want to do it or if you need to. This follows requests from members who are looking to declutter. Binbag dances, hotspot clearing, cupboard sorts, drawer sorts etc will all be on this list. Any problems with this or any suggestions do please just ask.

A few of the basics before we start the week
Hotspots are any areas which if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!
Daily routines/todailies are anything you need to do today and every day stuff like laundry, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc

Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.

Fling Boogie/binbag dance - stick on some loud music, grab a binbag or carrier bag and whizz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.
Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis
HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning, exercising or ironing.. other music may be used if you prefer!
5GC five minutes gardening.. make it lovely for your family and enjoy it!
Other abbreviations you may find useful
WM ~ Washing machine
TD ~ Tumble dryer
SC ~ Slowcooker
BM ~ Breadmaker
DW ~ Dishwasher
SOAADFA ~ Sit on 'bottom' and do 'nothing'
KH/XH/FW ~ Ex-husband and other not so polite versions
DH/DD/DS/DW/DP ~ Dear husband/daughter/son/wife/partner/whatever
OH/SO ~ Other half/significant other
NN ~ nice neighbour
Toxic (friend/mother/sister/whoever) ~ person in your life that seems to exist to make your life miserable
AF ~ Aunt Flo 'time of the month'.. nothing to do with flying but it comes up often.
ETA ~ Editted to add
gibble ~ miscellaneous crap that appears forever homeless
Dot-to-dot ~ this is a AnW'sMum's way of tidying - pick a small area (not a whole room) like a chair/coffee/table/shelf/worktop or wherever- thats your first 'dot' - totally clear it - clean it - and only put back what should be there - deal with what you have removed (not just move it somewhere else) then if you have time move on and do the same to another 'dot' -the idea is just like a dot to dot puzzle, you aim to join up all the dots and have a tidy room. The trick is to keep each dot tidy until you get them all joined up!
RoD ~ Room of Doom, the one room that feels like it is a permanent pit and cannot be used to its potential!

The Spoon Theory

Ok here goes this week!

Monday ~ Bank Holiday..
Cos I am SOOOOOOOOOO nice!

Do your dailies
tackle a frog or 5

and spend the rest of the day doing nice things with your family!

Tuesday ~ pick a room...
Level One
Declutter and vacuum/mop the floor
pile up all the hotspot into one mountain and pend 15 minutes sorting through it!
Level Two
Dust and deweb
Wash soft furnishings that need doing.. throws, curtains, blinds, nets.. whatevers..
Tidy up a cupboard/drawer or other storage vessel
Level Three
Wash stinky pet bedding/clean tanks etc
Wipe doors and skirtings and paintwork
Binbag dance

  1. Wash windows
  2. HHI.. or HH-something else if you do not I
  3. Tidy up your lists.. Toots, Frog, Christmas etc
  4. Get those final bits sorted for back to school/work
Wednesday ~ Bedroom and Landing
Level One
Strip and wash the bedding, remake bed before bedtime!
Declutter the floor and vacuum it! See if you can find a bit of floor you've not seen in a while!
Level Two
binbag dance
Sort a box of junk/cupboard/drawer
Dust and deweb
Level Three
Wash any curtains/nets/pillows etc that are in need
Tidy up the shoes and clothes that are scattered about
Tidy the linen cupboard

  1. HHI
  2. wash windows
  3. wipe paintwork
  4. Catch up on a job you've been putting off... phonecalls, filing etc..
Thursday ~ pick a room...
Level One
Declutter and vacuum/mop the floor
Clear window sills
Level Two
Dust and deweb
Scrub down kitchen units/table
Tidy up a cupboard/drawer or other storage vessel
Level Three
Clean filters and door seals on relevant appliances
Wipe doors and skirtings and paintwork
Binbag dance

  1. Wash windows
  2. Sort out having chimneys swept/boilers serviced etc ready for winter
  3. Organise car tax/MOT/insurance papers, household insurances extended warrantie.. make sure everything is up to date and filed appropriately!
  4. HHI.. or HH-something else if you do not I
Friday ~ Study and Bathroom
Level One

Spend half an hour doing something for yourself! Coffee with a friend, hair appointment... whatever
Declutter the floors!
Level Two
vacuum/mop floors
wash the bathmats/shower curtains or anything else that needs it
scrub the fixtures! polish the mirrors and taps
Level Three
Clean and sort a cupboard or shelf and recycle all hose empties
dust and defrag the pc and declutter 50 unwanted emails and 5 links from your favourites.
Wipe over the desk and any chairs that are in these rooms
  1. empty and wash out bins
  2. wash windows
  3. wipe doors and paintwork
  4. wash any stinky pet beds.. or the pets themselves if you wish
LB moment 10/06 Debt Free date 6/6/14
Hope to be debt free until the day I die
Mortgage-free Wannabee (05/08/30)
6/6/14 £72,454.65 (5.65% int.)
08/12/2023 £33602.00 (4.81% int.)


  • tootifruities
    tootifruities Posts: 1,384 Forumite
    edited 29 August 2011 at 11:18AM
    I hope you will find the following helpful but please dont be afraid to ask anything -no matter how silly it might seem.We all have the t-shirt!
    If you want to get your house ship-shape then you have definitely come to the right place!
    Dont worry if you dont have time to post or read all the thread.

    Hope we see more of you!

    1. A new thread starts on a Sunday evening via a link from the current thread so keep a watch out and dive in! (Click on the big writing)
    2. Make sure you read the first post carefully as it contains all the info and abbreviations that we use!
    3. A new list is added to the 1st post every evening by pigpen-the order changes every week
    4. Dont get stressed with the mess just try to do the list to whatever level you can manage depending on your home circumstances - work, children, OH's!
    5. Even if you only manage level 1 everyday when you come back to that room next week you will find it is easier and as time goes on it becomes more manageable and you will see huge differences. I know it sounds impossible but I can vouch for the fact it works!
    6. Remember your home didnt get in a mess overnight so dont expect it to get tidy in a day!! Dont try to do the whole house at once - you will tire yourself out and sicken yourself -we have all tried it! BABYSTEPS -little and often and you will be amazed at the improvement.
    7. Post what you have done and forget about what you missed. There is no such thing as failure here!
    8. If you want to post a list and strike out what you have done -choose the 'go advanced' (its down at the bottom of the messages) and then highlight the line you want to strike out -press the S with the line through it (its near the end of the list of symbols above your page) and it will say'strike' at each end -when you post your message it will show with a line through it!
    9. If you want to answer a particular post then press 'quote' and you will then be able to type a reply. To help keep the thread tidy & short if there is only a small bit of the post that you want to reply to then just delete the bits you dont want but be sure to leave the 'quote' at each end.
    10. Dont worry if you cant keep up with the thread it moves very fast -just pop in and post so everybody know hows you are doing!
    11. To defrag your pc (it appears on the list!) go to Start>>All progs>> Accessories >>System tools >>Disk defragmenter. You should do both C &D discs but 'C' is the important one - the more often you do it the less time it will take.
    12. All posts should include some mention of the flying you have been doing - except at the weekend when we can chat more!
    13. Frog list - this is a short term list of annoying or horrid jobs that you have been putting off doing for too long - stop procrastinating! watch this for a better explanation!
    14. originally posted by Mudbath .."A 60 in 60 is putting away or chucking or charity bagging 60 things in 60 minutes ... a genius idea:rotfl:xx"
    15. Toots'list this is a master list of absolutely everything you want to get done in the house and garden and your life in general - I went through each room and noted everything - this is a long term list - some things could take you up to a year!
    The support, encouragement and friendship on here is simply THE BEST! ask any questions and we will give you our tuppence worth - sometimes sensible sometimes totally insane!

    We dont bite -well most of us dont -have fun!!
    WELCOME to the totally bonkers mad house!!

    :heart: R.I.P.:heart:
    Money Saving Diva
    :heart: R.I.P.:heart:
    Money Saving Diva
  • seafarers_wife
    seafarers_wife Posts: 2,154 Forumite
    edited 28 August 2011 at 7:01PM
    Im in again this week :)

    Monday ~ Bank Holiday..
    Cos I am SOOOOOOOOOO nice!

    Do your dailies
    tackle a frog or 5

    and spend the rest of the day doing nice things with your family!

    1. shredding -WIP
    2. filing
    3. prepare house for winter (list on preping for winter thread)
    4. install cat flap
    5. change cat details with vet
    6. more curtain things to be added to make them hang better
    7. book antenatal apts - to do 3oth august when next at hospital
    8. load all cds on computer and then copy to hard drive and then music magpie the oldies
    9. put all dvds onto spreadsheet as bought duplicate today that didnt realise OH had

    sorting out stuff

    1. chartity shop/clothes bank/shoe bank stuff in babys room thats already sorted
    2. sort out blue tesco bag of mixed carp
    3. sainsburys carrier bag for life
    4. sainsburys carrier bag for life
    5. tesco carrier bag for life
    6. marks carier bag from car
    7. tesco bag from car
  • mummyroysof3
    mummyroysof3 Posts: 4,566 Forumite
    me too..we going away on friday and im dreading the packing and getting ready to leave
    Have a Bsc Hons open degree from the Open University 2015 :j:D:eek::T
  • toottifrootti
    toottifrootti Posts: 6,427 Forumite
    I doubt if I will be in but will lurk.

    have a good week everyone.
    Peace will be mine
    could do better - must try harder
    Live each day as if its your last
    DFW Nerd #1000 Proud to be dealing with my debts

  • Mrs_B
    Mrs_B Posts: 333 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Thanks Pigpen.

    I have been having a long hard think with myself and think I really should be capable of tackling 5 frogs tomorrow - Toots List currently standing at 160+, albeit that some of them are mere reminders to forward documents from one computer to another, whilst others are currently hoooooge tasks which are on the list as "one" until I have time/start actually working on them when I can split them down into tadpoles, or frogspawn or whatever the current phraseology is. :p

    And I have also decided that I will make sure I do something nice with Mr B seeing as we both had a day off at the same time - too easy for us both to be rushing round getting jobs and chores done - time to stop and enjoy the day. :)
    Work is not my Hobby
  • dancemum
    dancemum Posts: 2,562 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    I will be in but not at home.

    All beds changed, house spick and span (nearly), Kitty off on hols already, Clothes packed, Food packed, Toys packed, paperwork ready, car checked, just a few toiletries left to gather if I can be bothered. DS2 is screaming his head off as he has realised we wont have wifi in our villa. Could be an interesting week. I'm booked for a luxury manicure on Thursday :) which is our 4th wedding anniversary.

    Healing vibes to those in need especially LL,
    Toots hope you are ok
  • wendywitch
    wendywitch Posts: 1,291 Forumite
    I hope to be in again this week, how much I'll get done I don't know. I have the boyfriendish bloke coming down for the second court date so I'll be focused on that :(
    It's DD2's birthday on Saturday and she'd like some friends to sleep. Originally they were going to have the tent in the garden but it's rained so much over the last few days that it might not be possible now.

    I'm really pleased with what I managed to achieved this week as I've never done so much. The few jobs that I haven't managed to do yet WILL be done tomorrow

    Monday ~ Kitchen and dining area
    Level One
    mop the floor
    Level Two
    Level Three
    Sorted cupboard under stairs
    Sorted medicine cupboard
    1 x DW
    2 x WM have to put dressing gown back in as it smells of cheese!
    3rd load just gone in
    ½ on airer ½ in TD as it started to rain
    Tuesday ~ Living room, Hall and Stairs
    Level One

    Declutter the floors
    Vacuum said decluttered floors!
    Level Two
    Wipe the sofas if needed
    Level Three
    binbag dance
    Filing and shredding
    Letters sent
    Phoned csa
    Wednesday ~ Master Bedroom & landing
    Level One :j
    Level Two :j
    Level Three :j
    Thursday ~ Barfroom, loo and study!
    Level One

    Level Two
    Vacuum/mop floors
    Level Three
    Empty and wash out any bins
    Friday ~ Childrens pits, Spare or neglected rooms
    Level One
    declutter and vacuum the floor!
    Level Two
    Level Three
    Dust and deweb neglected areas x1
    Tell someone you wouldn't normally that you love them.. life is too short not to let them know!
    Spend half an hour on YOURSELF!!! not the cat or a child or anyone else.. just you!
    Finish school shopping
    Put away Tesco shop
    1 x DW
    2 x WM
    Finished shredding & filing
    1 x DW
    Changed Cat litter
  • boddy
    boddy Posts: 3,326 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    Im in thanks pigpen and Toots. Going to have an early night as I have not been sleeping too good.
    Will do a quick tidy and sort the cat out.
  • cat_smith
    cat_smith Posts: 1,258 Forumite
    Hi flyers. Haven't killed anyone yet:rotfl:

    Good day today. Lots of walking, work and healthy eating and didn't dwell on the fact that my DH can be a bit tactless at times.:D

    Tomorrow going to cinema with DS and BIL. Then all back here for another roast dinner I don't have to cook. (Chicken tonight, Pork tomorrow - hard work)

    LW - agree with everybody. Tell them to accomodate your needs or take a hike.

    Glad to see LL is out. We can now all send (((hugs))) and spoons directly.

    See you all tomorrow.
    GC Mar 13 £47.36/£150
  • grumswifie
    grumswifie Posts: 152 Forumite
    Thankds everyone, will try and buckle down this week!
    Sealed pot challenge member no 1057
    No toiletries in 2011, well shampoo, toothpaste or deodurant!
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