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New year Old Style resolutions...

With the financial situation getting worse and worse, I expect that most people will be trying to cut costs even more in 2009. What are you resolving to do in 2009 to be more OS?:)



  • Esor
    Esor Posts: 83 Forumite
    This is an interesting one. Personally I have already bought myself a page to a day diary (only a couple of quid) as I used one all of last year and it really helped me to be more organised but I didn't this year and things have been a bit more chaotic. I've started cooking from scratch over the last few weeks and I intend to carry that on more in the new year, especially batch cooking and freezing as I am starting a new (albeit part time) job in Jan. Might not seem like huge things but these will be my things to build on.
  • ragz_2
    ragz_2 Posts: 3,254 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I was hoping to find a thread like this as I have been making money plans for 09 recently.
    6 months ago my OH lost his job and had to build up a gardening business from scratch which left us really tight on cash, overdrawn and in debt to family, living totally hand-to-mouth and having to be really frugal. In the last few months we have finally got some things paid off, OH is working almost full time and thanks to tax credits and housing benefit we are now managing ok and actually have more money to spend now then we ever have done as a family. This still is not a lot really but to me we seem quite rich and I have been guilty of treating ourselves and the kids more and byuing better/pricier food, clothes etc just for the novelty of it!
    I have totally splurged on Christmas this year as we finally could buy presents and some nice foods so I am really looking forward to having some treats this year (when I was a child my family were REALLY poor, didn't even have electric etc - though we were in a caravan!) so I think I deserver it!
    Anyway, due to the current financial climate and the fact that we do still have some small debts top pay (and some of OH's old very big ones which will probably catch up with us one day!) and the fact that I would like us to have a holiday for once next year (only a week camping, but needs saving for as OH is self-employed so no paid holiday. Plus I expect we will have an income tax bill at some point so need to save for that.
    Once Christmas is over I plan to properly to the money calculator thing, save receipts and work out just how much we spend, then cut it down.
    First thing I will do is start meal planning better, bacth cooking more (when I learned to make better use of the space in my tiny freezer) and spend less on groceries. I am buying things we need for Christmas presents like walking boots and trainers for OH and a stereo for the both of us, nice ladies razor and a lovely jumper for me, stuff I couldn't justify buying for the sake of it and will save us money for a few years.
    We already don't really use a lot of gas and electric compared to a lot of people as I grew up without it so don't take things like lights for granted! But I will try to use my washing line whenever I possibly can rather than the dryer.
    Maybe sell a few things on ebay and even come up with a little money making idea of my own, at home with two toddlers so limited!
    I will set us a budget and make a savings plan, after paying off anything I need to, obviously.

    Sorry, realise I have rambled for ages!
    June Grocery Challenge £493.33/£500 July £/£500
    2 adults, 3 teens
    Progress is easier to acheive than perfection.
  • fedupfreda
    New year OS resolutions?

    1) Get some fruit trees in the garden, also raspberries and strawberries
    2) Carry on with making the homebrew
    3) Get (or obtain plans for making) a cheap apple press (cider - hic!)
    4) Get some backup lighting - either wind up lantern or paraffin lamp
    5) Save £10 a week - by Xmas 2009 I should have £500!:j
    6) Start keeping chickens

    Oh, and its not particularly OS but I am concentrating on clearing £2k of credit card debt, so will be living as frugally as possible.

    Look forward to reading other peoples ideas.
    SMILE....they will wonder what you are up to...........;)
  • Sarellie8
    This year my DD wanted to do a veggie patch in the back garden but due to moving house at the beginning of the year other things seemed to take over.

    So 2009 will be the start of our own veggie garden. Never done it before and tips will be thankfully received.

    PS - We dont have a very big garden but we do have quite a bit of hard standing at the top so was thinking of grow bags or large tubs??

    Sealed Pot Challenge #247 £400
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  • jorichste
    my new year OS resolutions. I'm lucky to not really have to be os, but I would prefer to spend less on the everyday stuff and have more for treats.
    1 keep a spending diary ( and MAKE oh use it)
    2 carry on cooking from scratch, will have to learn some new recipes/techniques, chicke curry and chicken pie may get quite boring soon!
    3 try to reduce electric consumption
    4 keep persevering with the growing veggies, they are all starting to grow well now
    5 almost forgot this one, I am limiting the washing to 1 load per day. I think I have a washing addiction, I can find 3-4 loads a day if I'm home all day, quilts , pillows, covers, cushions, I'll wash everything in sight, but no more. If its not dirty its not getting washed
  • halight
    halight Posts: 3,629 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I will.
    Carry on with my growing my own veg.
    start up again my home made wine.
    i need to start cutting down on spending as our income is to drop yet again.
    do payment a day on my CC.
    carry on doing my online servays.
    loook to earn some extra income.
    :jYou can have everything you wont in lfe, If you only help enough other people to get what they wont.:j
  • kiwichick
    kiwichick Posts: 1,857 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Lovely thread LALALADYBIRD x

    My OS 09 Resolutions are as follows;

    1-To take part in the Grocery Challenges.
    2-To start making HM bread again and convert the children to it!!
    3-To build the henhouse and get our 4 chickens.
    4-To wean my 3 young children off processed rubbish like chips and onto HM and eating veg other than just broccoli!!
    5-Take part in the savings challenges on the DFW boards were I have recently posted my SOA.

    There will be more as I have time to think about them x

    WW Start Weight 18/04/12 = 19st 11lbs
    Weight today = 17st 6.5lbs
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  • Essex-girl_2
    I love threads like this and this is one of my favourite things about this time of year that it feels like you can really make a new start in Jan.

    Anyway these are a mixture of OS & MSE generally
    • Continue menu planning - this does make every day easier & saves so much money.
    • Will do regular shopping each week and really go for the grocery challenge
    • Have more regular baking days rather that the hit & miss of now, family do love the hm stuff & this will save more money
    • Have a couple of 'cheap' food nights each week - j pots/omelettes etc
    • Continue making bread and not buying sliced loaves
    • Spending diary
    • Get in routine with housework
    • Aim for more NSD's per week
    • Declutter house and list loads of stuff on ebay - if it doesnt sell then charity shop it.
    • Really plan out our veggie patch for maximum savings
    Think thats it for now but more will come Im sure.

    Thought of some more -
    • Use local butchers & greengrocers more - need to organise my shopping better so get in routine of maybe - meat, veg then the supermarket
    Probably will be back later to add some more again.
  • Hardup_Hester
    I need to take some photos over the Christmas hols so I can ebay some more items.
    I'm pretty frugal with food & nearly always cook from scratch so there aren't many savings I can make there.
    I shall start knitting scarves in January as they seem to be selling again, I also need to look for some new ideas & wools.
    I shall make better use of my raised bed that hubby built last year & grow more veg.
    I need to declutter my spare room so I can work in there more easily.
    I shall find out soon if I have a lodger from school in January, if not I need to advertise for one.
    I have also signed up as a dog boarder & hope to get work during the summer holidays as I only work part time then.

    Never let success go to your head, never let failure go to your heart.
  • nickynoo08
    nickynoo08 Posts: 1,860 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I love threads like this. My new years os resolutions will be....
    • Make more food from scratch
    • Batch cook and freeze more meals
    • Continue with gc challenge
    • Grow my own herbs
    • Get myself into some sort of routine for cleaning my house!
    • Make birthday and xmas cards instead of buying
    • For xmas i might attempt to do some homemade gifts, i wanted to do some this year but time and patience got the better of me:rolleyes:
    I'm sure there are many more things i want to do too but its too early for my brain to function properly:p
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