What small DFW things will you do this week? w/c 13/03



  • DawnW
    DawnW Posts: 7,458 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    edited 14 March 2017 at 8:43PM
    Afternoon all :)
    A bit cold and windy here, but not raining (so far at least!)
    Ziggy, sorry to hear about your son's schoolmate. So sad :( And we have a similar situation re GP appointments here, unfortunately :mad:

    Joy of joys, OH has just come in and informed me that his vehicle needs a new exhaust :(

    Today's list:
    Curtains washed last night on line to dry Done, now folded and in the airing cupboard (they don't need ironing :j:T)
    Dog walks x 2 (I done so far) OH did #2
    Pack and post 4 ebay items Done
    Clean disaster area that is my conservatory :oDone
    Hoover through rest of downstairs OH did this :T
    Put away throws and cushions not currently in use Throws are away, cushions have only made it up as far as the landing so far :o
    Rest of sausage casserole made yesterday for dinner tonight Done
    Make an apple crumble using apples from the freezer, for dessert Done, yummy with caramel swirl ice cream from yesterday's Iceland trip :D

    Coffee to finish then I will head off to the post office. Will take dog, and that will do for his second walk!
  • crazy_cat_lady
    crazy_cat_lady Posts: 7,063 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Afternoon everyone :D
    I woke up this morning feeling fantastic. I had the best night's sleep I'd had in months, woke up naturally, without a headache.
    Promptly followed by a real challenge of a teaching day. The worst I've had in months. I'm trying to keep smiling and think I've almost made it but the truth is I fancy sitting down and crying at the moment. No big deal - I've gotten through worse than this and I will have an early night tonight and forget that today ever existed.
    Not much else to report - too busy to even keep track of my nsd's this month.
  • crazy_cat_lady
    crazy_cat_lady Posts: 7,063 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    PS Hope that you're feeling better soon after the dental work DNMS.
    Sad news Ziggy, and I really hope that you get an appointment soon at the docs.
    Slugs (ugh) - love my house at night time. The cats just ignore them so I do too.
  • determined_new_ms
    ziggy what sad news. Hope ds is ok x
    DF as at 30/12/16
    Womblng 2020:
    NSD Jan 2/18 YTD: 2
  • foxgloves
    foxgloves Posts: 11,252 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary
    edited 14 March 2017 at 6:27PM
    Hello Tuesday Savers,
    Quite busy today, though did sit down for an hour at lunch time. Today's money saving activity:
    *Free fitness delivering leaflets. No encounters with unpleasant dogs, I'm pleased to say!
    *Turned my big fruit cake out of its tin......then realised I don't have a storage tin or cake dome the right size or shape to store it. Have quadruple wrapped it in foil for now....& left it out of the pantry. Our pantry is visited annually by a mouse & I'd hate for him to pop in & think I'd made him a 23cm fruit cake....that would be very pleasant for him, but not at all money saving for me. Hmmmm......may have to buy large square cake dome, as also have to transport finished decorated effort 80 miles. Better start looking at (hopefully sensible) prices.
    *Postie brought 8 balls of wombled sock yarn from my sis. Her friend was giving away her yarn stash....not a concept my brain really computes!
    *Bought bag of YS granola - £1.
    *Sowed rest of my March seeds (all free packets) as this did not get finished the other day because I ran out of compost. Watered everything else in greenhouse.
    *Potted up baby chilli plants & cloched with cut down clear plastic bottles.
    *Ran out of seed labels - no way am I buying any, so brought a load of used ones indoors & scrubbed the writing off, also made a few extra cut from saved plastic spread tubs.
    *Picked some more rocket.
    *Made tomorrow's packed lunch.
    *Received a free full size product to test, so that's something that needn't go on this week's shopping list.
    *mr f is apparently bringing free Thornton's truffles home, courtesy of O2 Priorities.
    *Dinner as per meal plans - am making stroganoff & rice, using the l/o pork I cubed & froze a couple of weeks ago.
    *Paid £18.80 knitting money across to our Loan Pay Down Fund.
    *Recycled huge paddibag into my wrappings stash as it looks useful for posting one of my ebay items which is up tomorrow.
    *Did laundry overnight on cheap tariff & it's all dried really well out on the line today. Haven't used the heated airer for two weeks. Also turned spare bedroom radiator down a notch.
    OK, that's my money saving efforts. Tomorrow I am home all day with no meetings & (hopefully) no interruptions so if it isn't raining, I intend to get down to the veggie garden for a big de-cluttering session.
    Cheers all,
    F x
    "For each of our actions there are only consequences" (James Lovelock)"For in the true nature of things......every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold & silver" (Martin Luther King Jnr)
  • foxgloves
    foxgloves Posts: 11,252 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary
    DNMS - Yes, you did remember correctly......I do make a runner bean trench ready for planting out my beans. I think this is a really old idea aimed at retaining moisture around the roots of the bean, though they are quite hungry plants so it maybe feeds them a bit too. I don't really know if there's an official way of doing this. I dig out a trench where the bean canes/wigwams or whatever are going to go. I line it with a few thicknesses of newspaper, then spend 2 or 3 weeks tipping my kitchen veggie waste in. I use any veggie scraps, though prefer to avoid too many potato peelings as the eyes tend to shoot & you don't really want them growing & taking the food & water intended for your beans. Anyway, when I've got a decent layer, I back fill it with soil & water well & it just sits there rotting down by itself & friendly earthworms ready for you to plant your beans out at the end of May (or often beginning of June for me seeing as I live a lot further North than you). I'm nowhere near starting my bean trench yet for this year, but will defo be doing it next month.
    F x
    "For each of our actions there are only consequences" (James Lovelock)"For in the true nature of things......every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold & silver" (Martin Luther King Jnr)
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Sorry to hear your news Ziggy hugs
    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
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    YORKSHIRELASS Posts: 6,322 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Heard that on the news Ziggy, awful.

    Hope tomorrow is a better day CCL.

    Very anxious today, not helped by waking up during the night from a bad dream. Left the slow cooker on high by mistake, chilli was a bit overdone. DS1 was complaining - thankfully out of my earshot or he would have had a pot full of chilli dumped on his head. Still upset me a bit though, especially as I am struggling with 2 jobs and trying to do the best I can with the very little money at the moment.

    Anyway, moan over. I need a good nights sleep. As CCL says I shall just forget that today ever existed.
  • ziggy2407
    ziggy2407 Posts: 4,081 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    ziggy2407 wrote: »
    Good Morning All

    Overcast and chilly here, DS came home very withdrawn and sad yesterday as a boy in the year above him had died in a kickboxing tournament at the weekend. Sat here waiting for a Dr to call me back (the surgery rang me 3/4 weeks ago to say a Dr wanted to see me, they couldn't give me an appointment as none available but told me to ring in a morning from 8.15 which I've been doing but all gone by time I get through, was so blimming fed up this morning asked for Dr to call me back - why? what's it about? My response I don't know as he asked to see me - someone will call you back - can't get an appointment but happily still taking on new patients :mad:) Today

    Packed lunch for DH & DS - Done
    Check Bank - Done
    Continue watching "A Touch of Frost" boxset on Firestick (best pressie we've ever been bought, saved us a fortune so far) - In progress
    Filing & shredding - Done
    Continue purge on emails - Done a few
    Surveys -
    Enter a few comps - Done a few
    All meals from cupboards/fridge/freezer - Done
    Check: Lucky Phone, Ashleigh, Numberplatelotto, FPL - Done
    Read - Done

    Have a great day all!

    C x

    A good day considering, DS still very subdued - thanks for all your thoughts and best wishes.
    My saga with the Drs is still ongoing - Dr rang me back (one not familiar with my case) didn't know why she was ringing me but thinks Dr just wants a catch-up following my tests, nothing to worry about, although there was an infection/inflammation marker on one of the tests that came back high but nothing to worry about (told me this 3 times in the 5 min conversation), I explained that I received a call from them asking me to make an appointment which I have been trying to do for the last 4 weeks - oh well just make an advance appointment and come in whenever, although they do have appointments free next week but she wouldn't be able to allocate me one because it wouldn't be fair so I need to ring reception and make appointment. I rang reception only to be told no appointments available for 4 weeks, I told them I'd spoken to a Dr and she told me there are appointments available next week - well yes but we can't book them you have to book it yourself online - how?, well you have to come into the surgery first with your passport and we set you up. Never knew they did online bookings, why has no-one mentioned these before. So frustrated, but at least tomorrow is anther day that I can try and sort it.

    In other news DH is still awaiting his phone call regarding his op and mum is fully settled in her new flat, loving it but still a worry (4 phone calls before 8.45am today).

    Take care all, hug your loved ones tight. Night all x

    Goodreads 2024 Challenge: 32/80
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  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    ZiggyThe call sounds very un reassuring. The whole online appointment thing is good/annoying in equal measures. At least once it's set up you can use it as a faster tool but doesn't help right now.

    Yorkshire Hugs. How annoying to feel your food wasn't appreciated.
    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
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