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Paying into an ISA opened in March 2024

Can I still pay into an ISA that I opened on 23/03/2024 - I thought that once the old tax year ended that was my lot thanks


  • amanda1024
    amanda1024 Posts: 413 Forumite
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 100 Posts
    It depends on the terms of the particular account, but in general yes you can still pay in
  • littleD
    littleD Posts: 101 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Thank you for replying - I opened the account with £1000.00 is there a limit on what I can pay into this do you know, I haven't opened an ISA since this date with any provider - but was hoping to do so in this tax  year - just confused with how much I can deposit - as I mentioned I thought I'd lost the chance to add more funds to last years.
  • Dazed_and_C0nfused
    Dazed_and_C0nfused Posts: 14,501 Forumite
    Fourth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    edited 13 April at 1:52PM
    littleD said:
    Thank you for replying - I opened the account with £1000.00 is there a limit on what I can pay into this do you know, I haven't opened an ISA since this date with any provider - but was hoping to do so in this tax  year - just confused with how much I can deposit - as I mentioned I thought I'd lost the chance to add more funds to last years.

    I suspect you are getting confused.

    You have lost the chance to use the 2023-24 subscription.

    But you may be able to add funds to an existing Cash ISA using some of this tax year's subscription.

    There are a couple of things to consider, will your provider allow it (fixed rate products generally have a limited funding window which could be an issue).

    Do you want to use that ISA in 2024-25?

    With the new ISA rules that might not be an issue but I'm no expert on the new ISA rules.
  • slinger2
    slinger2 Posts: 420 Forumite
    Name Dropper 100 Posts
    Anything you pay in now will count as part of your 2024/25 allowance (so max £20k). As noted you need to find out whether you can still pay in or whether its been closed to new money.
  • littleD
    littleD Posts: 101 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi, thanks - this is definitely where I'm confused - I called the provider who let me know I could still pay into the ISA I opened in March with £1,000 - providing I don't exceed the £20,000 limit - so I asked can I pay £9,000 into the last years ISA and open another with £10,000 the answer is NO 
  • Dazed_and_C0nfused
    Dazed_and_C0nfused Posts: 14,501 Forumite
    Fourth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    littleD said:
    Hi, thanks - this is definitely where I'm confused - I called the provider who let me know I could still pay into the ISA I opened in March with £1,000 - providing I don't exceed the £20,000 limit - so I asked can I pay £9,000 into the last years ISA and open another with £10,000 the answer is NO 
    Is it a fixed term cash ISA with limited funding window?
  • littleD
    littleD Posts: 101 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi not sure its is Fixed Rate Cash ISA with Kent @ 5.07%
  • Dazed_and_C0nfused
    Dazed_and_C0nfused Posts: 14,501 Forumite
    Fourth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    littleD said:
    Hi not sure its is Fixed Rate Cash ISA with Kent @ 5.07%
    That might be product 93, and I can't trace T&C's for it.

    But similar (lower interest rate) product 96 doesn't appear to have a limited funding window.

    Maybe the issue is you referring to 2023-24.

    You have missed the boat there to add funds using your 2023-24 subscription but may be able to add to it ISA using your 2024-25 subscription.

    Maybe worth wording your question differently to Kent?
  • surreysaver
    surreysaver Posts: 4,271 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    littleD said:
    Hi, thanks - this is definitely where I'm confused - I called the provider who let me know I could still pay into the ISA I opened in March with £1,000 - providing I don't exceed the £20,000 limit - so I asked can I pay £9,000 into the last years ISA and open another with £10,000 the answer is NO 
    But you could open another ISA with another provider 
    I consider myself to be a male feminist. Is that allowed?
  • littleD
    littleD Posts: 101 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    So could I pay £9,000 into last years Isa out od this years allowance and open another with a different  provider with the £10k left of my allowance??? Thank you
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