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23 for 2023



  • flamingo747
    Some really interesting ideas here, I'm going to start drawing up my 2024 list :D
    Married 40y.o. mum of an autistic 11y.o. Carer/SAHM.
    OS '24 Fashion On The Ration: 0(34 preloved)/67 coupons used - OS '24 Declutter Challenge: 633/500 items gone 🏅 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 - Now aiming for 750!
    Feb GC: (1st-29th inc) £161.45/£495
     ((OS 2023 Decluttering: 740 items 🏅 🏅 🏅  🌟 . OS 2023 Fashion on the ration: 14/15 used))

  • slm6002
    slm6002 Posts: 3,759 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Time is flying by and I never got round to posting last month so here is an update to the end of September

    1. Loose 23lb in weight - Very slow going but 15/23 
    2. Donate at least 23 items to the food bank - 23+/23 COMPLETED
    3. Enter 23 competitions a month - 9/12 months completed with at least 23 each month
    4. Spend 23 min on 'me' each week - Still doing well on this one and have completed this each week
    5. Listen to 23 books - only the 1 still - much rather be on here than reading novels or listening to books.  Need to make time for this one 
    6. Watch 23 new films - 23/23 COMPLETED - I have enjoyed this rather than watching the same few films over and over again.  Will continue with this
    7. 23 sessions of crafty making things for fun - 20/23 - Cross stitch but I also learnt to crochet in the summer holidays
    8. Save £23 each month - 9/12
    9. Get rid of 23 bags of stuff that we no longer need in the house - 23/23 - COMPLETED but still carrying on
    10. Swim 23 miles - Still not yet to started this one - Maybe one to transfer to next year as unlikely to happen
    11. Try 23 new or forgotten hobbies - only the 6/23 so far - Crochet was learnt in the holidays
    12. Help friends / family 23 times - 23/23 - COMPLETED but carrying on
    13. 23 fun family days - 23/23 - COMPLETED over the holidays but still have a few bits booked for the rest of the year
    14. 23 hours of sorting paperwork - 20/23
    15. 23 surveys a month - 9/12 months with at least 23 surveys. 
    16. Buy second hand 23 times rather than brand new - not really bought anything this year as yet
    17. Drink 23 glasses of plain water a week rather than the fizzy I normally drink - always improving but not 23 glasses a week
    18. Walk rather drive 23 times - 23/23 COMPLETED over the summer holidays 
    19. 23 random acts of kindness - 17/23 
    20. 23 fruit and veg a week - not every week so far but getting close - Still the same for this one
    21. Enjoy 23 fun and free activities - 20/23 several added over the summer holidays 
    22. Send 23 letters to Postpals children - 20/23
    23. 23 early nights to get a proper nights sleep - 23/23 - COMPLETED

    It helped having the summer holidays as I had more time to do things.   
    Me, DD1 18, DS 16, DD2 13, Debt Free 04/18, Single Mum since 11/19
  • tinkerbelluk
    tinkerbelluk Posts: 843 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 8 October 2023 at 3:36PM
    Great to see everyone doing so well, Can't believe we only have 4 months left, I need to seriously get my a**e in gear to achieve some of these!

    @YorksLass - OMG I can't believe you managed to do the kitchen for under £23 that's absolutely amazing
    As for me, this is where I stood at the end of September, in all honesty, I really struggled last month so definitely need to make more of an effort this month:
    • Answer 223 journal prompts of self-discovery and awareness - 9/223 - No progress on this at all!
    • Build 23 Lego sets - 4/23 - This is more of a winter evening thing so not stressing it!
    • Complete things of master to do list - 5/23 - Whoop Whoop, Finally managed to make a start on this one!  🙌
    • Donations to charity - 2 this month, bringing the total to 22/23
    • Enter 23 competitions per month - Still love this so 9/12 months done
    • Go for 23 walks or bike rides over 30 mins - Only managed another 1 last month but have finally admitted defeat and have gone to the doc over the problems I'm having with my hip, so hopefully this can start again soon - 8/23
    • Have 23 date nights – None this month, so really need to put some effort in with this one - 3/23 
    • Have 23 fun family adventures - None in Sept, but I blame the children going back to school - 7/23
    • Learn / Do 23 new things - None again last month so stuck at 4/23
    • Listen to 23 new albums - Another I didn't bother with last month so stuck at 15/23
    • Listen to 23 podcasts - Managed 1 last month so now at 12/23
    • Lose 23% of my body weight - Slowly but surly with this one, however stuck at 32% of reaching this goal
    • Make 23 new meals - Nothing on this last month, I'm much more of a winter cook - 5/23
    • Play 23 board games - Another one with no progress on last month - 17/23 
    • Practice 23 mins of mindfulness each week - Fully on track with this
    • Save £2023 over the year - Added £214.79 last month so this one is looking within touching distance! - £1865.30/£2023 
    • Sell 23 things on ebay / booty sites - Managed another 6 last month, so really happy with that  - 16/23
    • Spend 23 mins each week organising photos - Yeah!!! Not even started this yet - 0/52 😂
    • Treat / do something for myself 23 times - No progress on this last month, as we're going on holiday later this month and I'm holding off until then - 16/23
    ⭐🌟⭐Completed (but still adding to)⭐🌟⭐
    • Read 23 Books - Another 3 last month bringing the total to 29/23
    • Do 23 things with family and friends - another 3 last month bringing the current total to 28/23
    • Have 23 no tech evenings -Another 3 last month, bringing the total to 32/23
    • Watch 23 new to me films / documentaries / TV shows - 4 more again last month bringing this to 24/23 
    You laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same
  • YorksLass
    YorksLass Posts: 1,727 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    @tinkerbelluk - Thanks, I didn't think it was possible either but, tbf, I already had the materials languishing in the Cupboard of Doom to use up so the outlay was minimal!  And it's a small kitchen too.   :)

    On the weight loss front, keep going and you'll eventually get past that "stuck" stage.  Ask me how I know.   :D   
    Be kind to others and to yourself too.
  • IrishRose12
    IrishRose12 Posts: 1,734 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Another check in today from me :) 

    1.   Read 23 books - 20/23 read - about to start number 21 tonight.

    2.   Sell 23 things - 117/23 - have absolutley smashed this one! 

    3.   Watch 23 films - 24/23  have enjoyed this one.

    4.   Walk for 23 minutes 5 times a week. - haven't been walking as much this past month thanks to covid affecting my breathing, but I'm doing well so far.

    5.  Save 23 of each coin and note -  Have put this on the back burner for the year now unfortunately. 

    6.   Declutter 23 items a week from the house - smashing this one.  I've 2 black bags waiting to go to the charity shop. 

    7.   Save an extra £23 a month - on target with this one

    8.   23 minutes of mindfulness a week. - TBH I keep forgetting about this but I've been doing better lol.

    9.   Loose 23lb in weight - Haven't put anymore weigght on since last month, but not lost any either,  This week hopefully. 

    10.  Donate at least 23 items to the food bank - a bag donated to Tesco collection today and another few bits to go to Lidl's collection trolley tomorrow.

    11.  Get rid of 23 bags of stuff that we no longer need in the house - so far 53 bags have now gone since the start of the year!

    12.  Listen to 23 Audiobooks - 6/23 listened to - I'm getting better at this one, currently listening to one. 

    13.  Listen to 23 different music albums - 20 /23

    14.  Have 23 no tech evenings -  5 this month so far. 

    15.  Save £2023 over the year - Unfortunatley this won't be happening this year.

    16.  Treat / do something for myself 23 times - have managed 25/23  I'm chuffed with myself lol.

    17.  Save £23 every fortnight towards Christmas 2023 -  Direct Debit set up for this. On target still.

    18.  23 gardening jobs - 30/23 - 1 more tidy up needed and thats the garden done for the year

    19.  Make the 23rd of each month a "Me" day. - Been doing better with this one too. HAve set a reminder on my phone lol

    20.  Spend 23 minutes a day decluttering - still doingn this one.

    21.  Make or bake 23 things instead of spending money on takeaways/bakery etc - 23 complete

    22.  Have 23 no spend days every month. - Doing this easily now. 

    23.  Make 23 extra payments to my debts - got my 1st wage sinnce July today so I've paid off £100 so far, hopefully I'll add to this iver the month.

    I'm beginning to get into Christmas mode now so think I'll start thinking about my next years list for this challenge.  24 in 2024.  I've enjoyed this one!

    Pay all debt off by Christmas 2024 £537/£3,500£1 a day challenge 2024 - £91/£730 Declutter a bag a week in 2024 6/52Lose 24lb - 3/24lbs Read 1 book per week - 5/52Pay off credit card debt 7/100%
  • tinkerbelluk
    tinkerbelluk Posts: 843 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 18 October 2023 at 6:37AM
    @IrishRose12 I can't believe how well you're doing with yours and I'm slightly jealous of your selling figure, I have loads I could sell but am lacking time and motivation to push on with this one. I seriously need to focus on this in the run up to the festive period.  Any tips you can pass on, on where's best to list things?

    @slm6002 - I've taken up cross stitch as well, but desperate to add crochet to the list this year. Did you learn online or did someone show you?
    You laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same
  • slm6002
    slm6002 Posts: 3,759 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    @tinkerbelluk I went to our local library where they have a knit and natta.  The lovely ladies there took us under their wings and once a week over the 6 week summer hols they taught us.  I had done it when I was a Brownie for a badge but couldn't remember what I was doing.  We are hoping to go back this half term with some projects further along.

    You should see if there is something similar near you.  People are always willing to pass on skills if you want to learn.  I needed someone to ask when it didn't look quite right so online clips didn't work for me.
    Me, DD1 18, DS 16, DD2 13, Debt Free 04/18, Single Mum since 11/19
  • IrishRose12
    IrishRose12 Posts: 1,734 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker

    1.   Read 23 books - 23/23 read 

    2.   Sell 23 things - 143/23 - have absolutley smashed this one! 

    3.   Watch 23 films - 27/23  have enjoyed this one.

    4.   Walk for 23 minutes 5 times a week. - starting to get back to this one, still a bit out of breath from covid but much better now. 

    5.  Save 23 of each coin and note -  Have put this on the back burner for the year now unfortunately. 

    6.   Declutter 23 items a week from the house - I have an exercise bike that needs removing, but none of my ocal charity shops will take it.  Going to put it on FB this weekend to try. 

    7.   Save an extra £23 a month - done

    8.   23 minutes of mindfulness a week. - Doing well with this one now after always forgetting lol.

    9.   Loose 23lb in weight - I've managed to but more one :(  But I hope to smah this target next year.

    10.  Donate at least 23 items to the food bank - went through theh cupboards and shelves this morning so have a bag of still in date food ready to donate

    11.  Get rid of 23 bags of stuff that we no longer need in the house - 59 bags have left this year so far!

    12.  Listen to 23 Audiobooks - 8/23 listened to -I've found I'm enjoying these now, but won't make 23 as  I can't afford to keep subscribing.   

    13.  Listen to 23 different music albums - 23 /23

    14.  Have 23 no tech evenings -   3 this month so far. 

    15.  Save £2023 over the year - Unfortunatley this won't be happening this year.

    16.  Treat / do something for myself 23 times - have managed 26/23  I'm chuffed with myself lol.

    17.  Save £23 every fortnight towards Christmas 2023 -  Direct Debit set up for this. On target still.

    18.  23 gardening jobs - 30/23 - 1 more tidy up needed and thats the garden done for the year

    19.  Make the 23rd of each month a "Me" day. - I've been very good at remebering about this, have actually enjoyed it. 

    20.  Spend 23 minutes a day decluttering - still going.

    21.  Make or bake 23 things instead of spending money on takeaways/bakery etc - 23 complete

    22.  Have 23 no spend days every month. - Doing this easily now. 

    23.  Make 23 extra payments to my debts - making the extra payments but with christmas I'm now adding to it 

    @tinkerbelluk I'm sorry I'm only seeing your post R.E my selling.

    I have signed up to vinted and have been doing well on there.  It takes a while and there are some very very fussy people on there, and some chancers but I've been lucky so far.

    I only put on bits and pieces and list them at low prices, an extra £5 here and £7 there always adds up.  The lowest thing I've sold was for £3 but every little extra helps IMO lol.

    Pay all debt off by Christmas 2024 £537/£3,500£1 a day challenge 2024 - £91/£730 Declutter a bag a week in 2024 6/52Lose 24lb - 3/24lbs Read 1 book per week - 5/52Pay off credit card debt 7/100%
  • slm6002
    slm6002 Posts: 3,759 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Only a few months to go now.  Here is where I'm up to

    1. Loose 23lb in weight - Very slow going but 15/23 
    2. Donate at least 23 items to the food bank - 23+/23 COMPLETED
    3. Enter 23 competitions a month - 10/12 months
    4. Spend 23 min on 'me' each week - Still doing well on this one and have completed this each week
    5. Listen to 23 books - 10/23 - since getting my hearing aids I can play them directly into my ears which is much easier.
    6. Watch 23 new films - 23/23 COMPLETED - I have enjoyed this rather than watching the same few films over and over again.  Will continue with this
    7. 23 sessions of crafty making things for fun - 23/23 - COMPLETED
    8. Save £23 each month - 10/12
    9. Get rid of 23 bags of stuff that we no longer need in the house - 23/23 - COMPLETED but still carrying on
    10. Swim 23 miles - Still not yet to started this one - Maybe one to transfer to next year as unlikely to happen
    11. Try 23 new or forgotten hobbies - only the 6/23 so far - Crochet was learnt in the holidays
    12. Help friends / family 23 times - 23/23 - COMPLETED but carrying on
    13. 23 fun family days - 23/23 - COMPLETED over the holidays but still have a few bits booked for the rest of the year
    14. 23 hours of sorting paperwork - 22/23
    15. 23 surveys a month - 10/12 months with at least 23 surveys. 
    16. Buy second hand 23 times rather than brand new - not really bought anything this year as yet
    17. Drink 23 glasses of plain water a week rather than the fizzy I normally drink - always improving but not 23 glasses a week
    18. Walk rather drive 23 times - 23/23 COMPLETED over the summer holidays 
    19. 23 random acts of kindness - 20/23 
    20. 23 fruit and veg a week - not every week so far but getting close - Still the same for this one
    21. Enjoy 23 fun and free activities - 22/23  
    22. Send 23 letters to Postpals children - 23/23 COMPLETED
    23. 23 early nights to get a proper nights sleep - 23/23 - COMPLETED
    Me, DD1 18, DS 16, DD2 13, Debt Free 04/18, Single Mum since 11/19
  • tinkerbelluk
    Sorry I've been missing was on holiday and struggling to get back into things since I got back!  Anyway WHOOP WHOOP, we're nearly at the end and I'm in awe of how well everyone has done  <3

    As for me, this is my Oct & Nov updates.  No way am I going to hit all of the remaining ones this month, but I keep on thinking back to how I wouldn't have progressed on any so for me, this is a challenge worth doing.

    • Answer 223 journal prompts of self-discovery and awareness - 9/223 - No progress on this at all!
    • Build 23 Lego sets - 4/23 - LOL, no chance of hitting this, but will get a few sets done before the year ends
    • Complete things of master to-do list - 5/23 - Ummm.......Need to try and get some done these next 2 weeks!
    • Enter 23 competitions per month - 10/12 months done. I lost focus with this when we returned so I missed November by a whisker  :'( 
    • Go for 23 walks or bike rides over 30 mins - Starting Physio for my hip today so haven't really progressed with this as still in massive amounts of pain - 8/23
    • Have 23 date nights – This was always going to be a challenge, as we're happy to do everything as a family but need to make sure we also prioritise ourselves next year! - 3/23 
    • Have 23 fun family adventures - Again, being hard on myself here as classing 2 1/2 weeks in Orlando as one item! - 9/23
    • Learn / Do 23 new things - Still stuck at 4/23
    • Lose 23% of my body weight - Have abandoned plans on this! Still currently lighter than when I started though! - 32% of reaching this goal
    • Make 23 new meals - Nothing on this - 5/23
    • Play 23 board games - Managed another 2 of these  - 19/23 
    • Practice 23 mins of mindfulness each week - Fully on track with this
    • Sell 23 things on ebay / booty sites - No progress, but need to get things listed this week in preparation for Christmas!  - 16/23
    • Spend 23 mins each week organising photos - Yeah!!! Still not even started this  - 0/52 😂
    • Treat / do something for myself 23 times - More embroidery threads, so another one on this - 17/23
    ⭐🌟⭐Completed (but still adding to)⭐🌟⭐
    • Read 23 Books - Total stands at 35/23
    • Do 23 things with family and friends - Total stands at 31/23
    • Have 23 no tech evenings - Lot's added on holiday, so 46/23
    • Watch 23 new to me films / documentaries / TV shows - Did a few on the plane including The Whale which was amazing bringing this to 30/23 
    • Donations to charity - Still doing this, so 26/23
    • Listen to 23 new albums - I had a blitz on this just to get it done! - 23/23
    • Listen to 23 podcasts - Another one I blitzed to get it over with! 😂- 23/23
    • Save £2023 over the year - So happy with this one! Currently standing at £2052.72/£2023 
    So all in all, not bad! I'm already starting to think about next year and how I need to carry some of these over, just need to think of a new one to add to the list  :p
    You laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same
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