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SSE have broken into my home unlawfully



  • DawnCrush said: emmajhs said:
    So on what basis do you assert have they entered your home unlawfully, as you assert in this thread title? 
    Answered above.  They wouldn’t make immediate contact, offer a goodwill gesture and change the communication to verbal only if they hadn’t done anything wrong.
  • I have spoken to the police who have said it isn’t a police matter (it is a civil matter) but they do understand that SSE is at fault based on the information I showed them and advised me to seek advice from a solicitor and to keep communication in writing.
  • DawnCrush
    DawnCrush Posts: 220 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper
    edited 25 February 2020 at 2:11PM
    emmajhs said:
    SSE at that moment in time did have legal entry into your home - later admitted to be in error.
    No and they even said over the phone they acted unlawfully because they were acting upon a debt with the previous occupier.  They knew about a change of occupier (there is proof in email correspondence) hence why they phoned me twice yesterday evening to settle the matter with an apology and a goodwill gesture.
    You mean they have admitted that they willingly made a statement given in evidence to the court where they knew the contents were false, or did not believe them to be true?

    That would be perverting the course of justice and, if proven, could leave the offender liable to up to life imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.

    It certainly is a police matter, and usually handled by a serious/major crime division of the appropriate police force, if you have the evidence to support the allegation.
    Complain to your local police & fire commissioner, MP or even the Home Secretary, the PM or even direct to the Queen if you can (a) prove the allegation and (b) prove the police told you it was not their responsibilty to investigate, despite you having the evidence that could lead to a realistic chance of a successful conviction.
  • DawnCrush
    DawnCrush Posts: 220 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper
    edited 25 February 2020 at 2:07PM
    Even basic breaking and entering is a police matter, as it is contrary to the Theft Act 1968, as the intent would, by definition, be to cause unlawful damage to the building.
    So that too would be a police matter.

    Perhaps the police have decided, as you posted here, that entry was not unlawful as those that entered did so with the consent of the court. i.e. under the terms of a court issued entry warrant.

    But on that basis, there would be no civil claim open to you either. So go back and ask Plod on what possible grounds he had advised you there is.
  • joncombe
    joncombe Posts: 320 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    How did they break in? What damage was caused -for example, did they replace the door locks, break a window, damage the door by forcing entry? And if so has it been repaired?
  • joncombe said:
    How did they break in? What damage was caused -for example, did they replace the door locks, break a window, damage the door by forcing entry? And if so has it been repaired?
    Until they tell me how they gained entry I can only make assumptions as it wasn’t stated on the letter they left in my home.
  • Many thanks for the advice.  Regarding advice to go again to the police to demand help is pointless and a waste of time as it was only to get a crime reference number to add to a paper trail.  I’m now seeking help from professionals regarding the matter.
  • emmajhs said:
    joncombe said:
    How did they break in? What damage was caused -for example, did they replace the door locks, break a window, damage the door by forcing entry? And if so has it been repaired?
    Until they tell me how they gained entry I can only make assumptions as it wasn’t stated on the letter they left in my home.
    In the thread title, you claimed:

    "SSE have broken into my home unlawfully"

    Just to be entirely clear, are you now saying, despite after having contacted the police for advice, that that was just an assumption on your part???

  • emmajhs said:
    DawnCrush said: emmajhs said:
    So on what basis do you assert have they entered your home unlawfully, as you assert in this thread title? 
    Answered above.  They wouldn’t make immediate contact, offer a goodwill gesture and change the communication to verbal only if they hadn’t done anything wrong.
    As I understood it, you posted that today, after you contacted the supplier to complain?
    You started this thread yesterday, so presumably before the supplier got back to you.
  • Takmon
    Takmon Posts: 1,738 Forumite
    Second Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    emmajhs said:
    Update:  I emailed SSE and someone from their complaints section has phoned me twice this evening and has verbally said in so many words that they are at fault and asked me how much would I like to be compensated as they want to make a goodwill gesture.  I said I can’t put a price on someone breaking into my home and not only that, my kids were in the same room when I took the first phone call when I was upset and shouting down the phone and I said I’ve just put them to bed whilst they’re asking me questions about the phone call because they’re worried and I said how can I put a price on that.  They were apologetic and said he will liaise with relevant departments and will offer a goodwill gesture tomorrow.  He then asked if I will be pursuing legal action and I said I don’t know, I need to think about it.  I’ve never been in this situation before so I don’t know how to act.  At the moment I’m livid and feel very stressed.
    Being unable to control your temper and talk calmly when your kids are around is not SSE's fault. It's also very unfair to be shouting down the phone at the call center operative who would have had nothing at all to do with what happened at your house. In future just think logically before you start shouting down the phone because a calm, firm and logical discussion is always best when making a complaint. 
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