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Adopting a dog ..........

gettingtheresometime Posts: 6,911 Forumite
First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
edited 27 November 2019 at 5:35PM in Pets & pet care
Firstly let me say this is more of a vent than a rant so please indulge me!

Our dog died suddenly a few months back and we feel ready to re-enter the dog owning world but thought going to a rescue centre would be the right thing to do.

Rescue Centre 1 rejected us because our dog wasn't neutered.

Rescue Centre 2 rejected us because we haven't got a resident dog.

Applied to foster but as I only gave rescue centre 3 a name and address rather than a telephone / email details for a referee then they aren't prepared to take our application further.

Rescue centre 4 said they would email over some forms but a week later I'm still waiting, even though I thought they might have got our contact details wrong so I emailed them so they definitely had the right details.

Getting more than a little frustrated at being told for whatever reason, I'm not good enough.


  • sheramber
    sheramber Posts: 19,805 Forumite
    First Anniversary I've been Money Tipped! First Post Name Dropper
    Many rescues are run by volunteers who have jobs and families to care for so time is limited.

    Each rescue will have their own criteria as to what they look for in an adoptive home. This is normally based on previous experience .

    There are many rescues who will have different criteria. You just need to look for one that fits with your circumstances.

    Don't take it personally.

    A re you looking for a certain type or size of dog.
  • Kim_kim
    Kim_kim Posts: 3,726 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    I think you’ve just been really unlucky and got some busy or incompetent people and some bizarre rules.

    Don’t give up, there’s a dog spending this evening in a small cage at a rescue centre would love to live with you :-)

    Contact others.
  • gettingtheresometime
    Thank you for allowing me to vent!

    I'm open to any medium size breed but hubby has expressed a preference for the same breed as our previous dog.

    I appreciate that rescues are generally run by volunteers so prepared to give them a little slack but in the case of RC3, it's a national rescue rather than just a local one if that makes sense.

    I know you're right Kim .....it's just frustrating !
  • Misty_Blue
    Have you looked for a specific-breed rescue for the breed you had before? They're often more sensible than large-scale rescue centres which can verge on being more businesses than charities.
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    A Payment A Day - £379.02 to Egg.
  • KxMx
    KxMx Posts: 10,648 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic
    edited 28 November 2019 at 5:33PM
    All the local charities who deal with cats won't allow those without a spare room and a car to foster.

    I appreciate they want the best for their animals, and they deem a car/spare room best, but I am the best in terms of love and care!

    I applied to one who I thought would be more flexible but they too said no on those grounds. I was looking at taking weaned or weaning kittens. I would have negotiated paying half taxi fares to vet appointments and as the space offered was small, letting them run around supervised living room 2-3 times a day (everything is already old and worn) but it was a flat N O.

    I was very upset, and then mad when I later found out they re-homed a cat to a 90+ lady who has partial sight. The cat returned to the charity soon after.
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    We were refused by me rescue centre as we have visiting children. We had to travel further afield but eventually found a centre who let us rehomed a little terrier cross who is currently asleep on my knee.
    Keep trying.
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • gettingtheresometime
    Misty_Blue wrote: »
    Have you looked for a specific-breed rescue for the breed you had before? They're often more sensible than large-scale rescue centres which can verge on being more businesses than charities.

    We have already (RC4).

    I'm glad it's not only me that seems to find rescues a little pedantic...I appreciate that the dogs have been traumatised once so they want to make sure adopters are the right ones for the dog but to rejected because your (dead) dog wasn't neutered but was took to the vets when it was needed to is a little wearing.

    No doubt my next post will be have a look at my new fur baby!
  • Katiehound
    Katiehound Posts: 7,725 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    edited 28 November 2019 at 6:21PM
    I'm sure there is a dog out there waiting for you but I have a couple of possibly, leading questions!

    What was your reasoning in having an un-neutered dog? these days any rescue worth anything will insist that any dog rehomed is already or will be neutered. One of the main reasons is to control future breeding and therefore possible increase in the stray population

    Do you really need the same breed as before? Again the reason I ask is that if you have an open mind you might get a better response.

    last of all this is possibly the worst time to consider rehoming. Many shelters close their doors pre Christmas because they don't want dogs being rehomed at a chaotic time of year / they know they are going to be inundated with unwanted older dogs/ Christmas pups etc.

    Some rescues bring in street dogs from Romania etc. Would that be an option?

    Good luck

    online ideas:
    Many tears Animal rescue-(Wales) have dogs fostered across UK

    wonder if you would consider an older dog ? Oldies club- they list breeds
    Some of these made me cry!- I'd choose several! (except I already have my beautiful trailhounds!)
    Being polite and pleasant doesn't cost anything! --
    Many thanks
    -Stash bust:in 2022:337
    Stash bust :2023. 120duvets, 24 bags, 43 dog coats, 2 scrunchies, 10 mittens, 6 bootees, 8 glass cases, 2 A6 notebooks, 59 cards, 6 lav bags,36 angels,9 bones, 1 knee blanket, 1 lined bag,3 owls, 88 pyramids = total 420 total spend £5. Total for 'Dogs for Good' £546.82

    2024:37 Doggy duvets,30 pyramids, 6 hottie covers, 4 knit hats,13 crochet angels,1 shopper, 87cards=178 £96.25 spent!!!
  • Fen1
    Fen1 Posts: 1,577 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Have you looked at the Cinnamon Trust? They need people who will temporarily care for dogs, go for walks etc whilst the owner ( elderly/ infirm/ poorly) can't look after the dog. They also need fosterers.
    Look in your local CVS and library for similar local schemes.
  • [Deleted User]
    Uh, it's become far harder to adopt a pet.

    10 years ago I was allowed a cat when I didn't actually drive..along with the dozen or so different stories of how she ended up in their care and her age being well out, however that same charity would now do a home visit prior to even letting you get a sniff or see the cats.

    And the thing with getting pups and kittens is you'll know their background from the offset.
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