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ScottishPower not compliant

ScottishPower refuse to comply with section 4B of direct debit scheme rules. The rule states that when advance notification is provided online via a secure website then an email or text must be sent informing the user to sign on and view notification. This does not happen!

When I have complained to ScottishPower they say that their system inform you of DD changes when you enter the meter readings. I filmed myself entering meter readings and at no point was DD amount mentioned yet the following month the DD had changed.

I referred to ombudsman who stated “as we are not a legal service, we cannot comment on view that Scottish Power has contravened the direct debit guarantee, as this is a matter for the courts.”

The bill they produce does provide notification but this is created/added to the system a few days after meter readings given. Again at this point they should email informing customers to log on but they don’t.

Where can I go now as they are not compliant with direct debit scheme rules. They shouldn’t be allowed to continue operating direct debits.

Any advice?


  • System
    System Posts: 178,148 Community Admin
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    From the DD website:

    Most people never experience an issue with a Direct Debit however, on rare occasions a problem can arise. Usually, this is resolved speedily by your bank or building society, or the organisation collecting the Direct Debit, but if that isn!!!8217;t your experience, you may want to complain.

    How to complain

    If the complaint does not relate to the payment of your Direct Debit, for example you wish to complain about a service, product or the underlying contract which you pay for by Direct Debit or you disagree with the amount shown on the advance notice, you should refer this to the organisation providing the service or goods. They will be able to provide you with more information about their complaints process

    If the complaint relates to an error with the payment of your Direct Debit, begin by contacting your bank. Every bank and building society that is a member of the Direct Debit Scheme has a complaints procedure. To find out about it, ask a member of the bank!!!8217;s staff or look on the bank!!!8217;s website. Your bank should be able to resolve your problem however, if you are not satisfied with the way in which your complaint has been handled, you can refer to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Details of how to complain to the FOS can be found at https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/consumer/complaints.htm.
  • The bank did refund DD that is not the issue. I want to pay via direct debit but ScottishPower fail to provide correct notification. I contacted financial ombudsman but they said that they can only investigate financial services, insurance, banks etc not energy companies.

    It seems like no one regulates/enforces direct debit scheme rules.
  • PennineAcute
    PennineAcute Posts: 1,180 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary 1,000 Posts Name Dropper
    I am sorry, but this is silly. If my memory of my SP days is correct, it does not tell you (after entering your meter readings) if your DD has changed, but going into the DD section you can see any changes. Sometimes you have to take some responsibility for yourself.
  • Anthorn
    Anthorn Posts: 4,362 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I am sorry, but this is silly. If my memory of my SP days is correct, it does not tell you (after entering your meter readings) if your DD has changed, but going into the DD section you can see any changes. Sometimes you have to take some responsibility for yourself.

    Strictly speaking, you are correct. However the current direct debit amount is shown top left online on the "My Account Overview" page. SP also don't amend the direct debit immediately when meter readings are given. They amend the direct debit when after a bill is produced and the account balance is known.

    In answer to the OP my guess is that they have an "online" tariff which is managed by the customer online and therefore notifications are online. Personally, I'm on an online fixed tariff and I have never received any written communication including emails when a new bill is produced or the DD changed.
  • No you shouldn’t have to take responsible yourself. If they want to collect money from peoples bank accounts via direct debit then they have to follow scheme rules and inform people of changes at least 10days in advance of collecting the money. If the notification is via a secure website then the rule reads.

    Rule: When providing via a secure website the payer must be advised via their usual notification method e.g. email / text, and in accordance with their advance notice period, that the details are available to view.

    I can see on the bill they produce that the notification is there but after entering meter readings the bill is not produced immediately. It takes a few days for the PDF to be created/uploaded at this point they should email to say it’s available to view but they don’t.

    I am not going to sign on day after day after day to check if they have amended my DD it is their responsibility under scheme rules to inform me!
  • System
    System Posts: 178,148 Community Admin
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    amallett wrote: »
    No you shouldn’t have to take responsible yourself. If they want to collect money from peoples bank accounts via direct debit then they have to follow scheme rules and inform people of changes at least 10days in advance of collecting the money. If the notification is via a secure website then the rule reads.

    Rule: When providing via a secure website the payer must be advised via their usual notification method e.g. email / text, and in accordance with their advance notice period, that the details are available to view.

    I can see on the bill they produce that the notification is there but after entering meter readings the bill is not produced immediately. It takes a few days for the PDF to be created/uploaded at this point they should email to say it’s available to view but they don’t.

    I am not going to sign on day after day after day to check if they have amended my DD it is their responsibility under scheme rules to inform me!

    The supplier clearly thinks that it has right on its side. If you are not happy, then just 'ditch and switch'.
  • Shavuot
    Shavuot Posts: 125 Forumite
    amallett wrote: »
    ScottishPower refuse to comply with section 4B of direct debit scheme rules. The rule states that when advance notification is provided online via a secure website then an email or text must be sent informing the user to sign on and view notification. This does not happen!

    When I have complained to ScottishPower they say that their system inform you of DD changes when you enter the meter readings. I filmed myself entering meter readings and at no point was DD amount mentioned yet the following month the DD had changed.

    I referred to ombudsman who stated “as we are not a legal service, we cannot comment on view that Scottish Power has contravened the direct debit guarantee, as this is a matter for the courts.”

    The bill they produce does provide notification but this is created/added to the system a few days after meter readings given. Again at this point they should email informing customers to log on but they don’t.

    Where can I go now as they are not compliant with direct debit scheme rules. They shouldn’t be allowed to continue operating direct debits.

    Any advice?

    So you have made a complaint to Scottish Power and waited at least 8 weeks for a response, or they provided you a deadlock letter?

    Could you please provide the full response you received from Scottish Power please?

    So ombudsman did not uphold your complaint, and suggested you take the matter to court (where presumably the specific wording of the ombudsman in noit upholding your complaint will not have an adverse affect on your claim)

    Will you be doing what the ombudsman has suggested?
    Please keep us updated on how you get on.
    A court ruling on this could be quite significant, not just to Scottish Power, not even to the energy industry in general, but to anyone that operates the Direct Debit Scheme.
  • Shavuot
    Shavuot Posts: 125 Forumite
    edited 27 May 2018 at 9:58AM
    amallett wrote: »
    The bank did refund DD that is not the issue. I want to pay via direct debit but ScottishPower fail to provide correct notification. I contacted financial ombudsman but they said that they can only investigate financial services, insurance, banks etc not energy companies.

    It seems like no one regulates/enforces direct debit scheme rules.

    For someone that appears from post#1 to be someone that knows the rules of the DD scheme inside out, I am surprised you do not know that the Sponsoring Bank is responsible for enforcing the direct debit scheme rules.

    Fortunately for you, although you would like to pay via DD, Scottish Power do offer alternative ways to pay for those that have issues with the scheme.

    (Unfortunately you'll probably end up paying more)
  • Shavuot
    Shavuot Posts: 125 Forumite
    amallett wrote: »
    I am not going to sign on day after day after day to check if they have amended my DD it is their responsibility under scheme rules to inform me!

    If you don't wish to bother with online account management, you don't have to.

    I know my grandmother still receives paper bills, which she pays after receipt.
    She understands it probably costs more, but that is how she has always paid, and she feels too old to change now. There's no shame in that. :)

    Not all suppliers today offer this option, particularly the newer low cost ones.
  • owen_money
    owen_money Posts: 764 Forumite
    edited 27 May 2018 at 11:47AM
    amallett wrote: »
    I filmed myself entering meter readings

    Really????? Trust me life is too short, get out there and enjoy yourself

    (could also apply to me, I need to get out more instead of reading rubbish on here, right I'm off, I've some paint to watch drying)
    One man's folly is another man's wife. Helen Roland (1876 - 1950)
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