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NST January: Health, Wealth and a Life Well Lived



  • Kerry_Woman
    Kerry_Woman Posts: 3,134 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Was a spend day. Sorted out my contents insurance for the flat, was cheaper to what I thought it was going to be. Paid for my pre payment prescription card. Also I brought an eco friendly deodorant(used a 20% discount code). It is in a tin and need to apply it with your fingers and meant to last for about 3 months. I really need to sort out the property maintenance for the flat tomorrow. Usually pay by cheque. The bill came just before my Mum was buried and did not read it properly. They are no longer accepting cheques and should have been paid straight away. I have a few other things to do tomorrow so will add this to the list. I had to call the company who did some electrical work for me in 2016 as I have an issue with a light fitting. They are sending out someone tomorrow morning around 8am.

    I went for a walk this morning and also put a few bits in the carton and glass recycling bins on route. Did a few bits around the flat. Planning also to do my food shopping tomorrow so going to do a shopping list.
    Frugal Living Challenge 2024 Mortgage free as of 1st August 2013
  • x_raphael_xx
    x_raphael_xx Posts: 4,354 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    Though I need to get some bits I should end the day better off than I started ;)
    QUESTION: Will that count as NSD?
    I personally would say it's a spend. To me if I buying something new, not budgeted for or from a specific pot, it's a spend. But that's just me. :D
    Janus - 12 Months target to repay Mum. £167.38 / £3000
    £67.38 in the pot. £100 DD has now come out. I sold a broken phone today for £10.00 so that's sitting in my purse reeady to pay into the bank, I won't count it yet as it's not in the online pot and may end up getting used in an 'emergency'

    Activity. Crochet & keep active.
    Been for a run today, and got my crochet read for after I've posted this, and when the pup has calmed down (he's currently on his after dinner crazies)

    -[STRIKE]18[/STRIKE] 25 NSDs 2/25 Day two achieved.
    -£5 to foodbank / charity

    Unabashed, unambiguous, unconditional, undaunted, undivided, unerring, unshakeable devotion to your goal(s). [more on this later]
    Run / sax practice / no snacking. All done

    Always plan your meals; always take a shopping list; always take your lunch to work and drink + snacks when out and about; avoid all coffee shops, vending machines, work canteens... Attempting to empty the freezer for a defrosting. I will be having mackerel tomorrow, bf an omelette.

    Reduce, re-use, repair, re-gift, recycle, recover, refuse! And read. Found some doggy toothpaste when I was cleaning out the pups treat cupboard. Will use it up instead of throwing it straight in the bin.

    You are the key to reducing your debt, living modestly, keeping as fit and well as you can. So look after yourself - physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
    Went for my run, updated my budget spreadsheet now I know what I'm getting extra for my xmas wages (a whopping £9.01!)

    I want to re-introduce Bob's s t r e t c h challenge for January: how much extra an you earn / save off your food shop / move / remove.
    £10 made today from selling my phone and there is a battle for some comics I put on ebay, so hoping for a nice chunk there, 2 days left.
    Debt Free as of 17/01/2009 Turtle Power!!

    EF Challenger #3 £1543.72 / £5000
    MFW 2024 #100 £1300.00 / £10,000

    MFiT #40 Jan 2025 Target - £99,999.00
    Mortgage at 30/09/22 £113,694.11 | Mortgage at 24/01/23 £110,707.87
    Mortgage at 21/04/23 £107,701.01 | Mortgage at 20/07/23 £106,979.65
    Mortgage at 04/10/23 £106,253.77 | Mortgage at 10/01/24 £105,324.57
    Mortgage at 01/04/24 £104,424.73 | Mortgage at 01/10/24 £103,594.98
  • Reporting in my 1st NSD of January for today.

    Yesterday was a spend day as predicted as the birthday girl opted for takeaway.
  • misstara
    misstara Posts: 3,891 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary I've been Money Tipped! First Post Name Dropper
    NSD 2/18 for me today :D
    Debt Dec 2022 - £2972.68. Current debt - £0 (100% paid). Flat deposit - £12583.84/£15000 (83.9% saved). Emergency fund - £2000/£2500 (80% saved).
  • Chloris
    Chloris Posts: 712 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    Hello All.
    I have managed 2/18 nsd. I'm aiming to push all spends to Thursday. We have written all our thank you cards tonight but I will wait till Thursday to buy the stamps. This is very patient for me!

    I have managed to make time for painting/drawing both days. I have just moved my working space from the corner of the kitchen to the room of doom. There is some major sorting out to be done but I intend chipping at it instead of running around like a headless chicken before collapsing into a useless heap. My daughter offered to help sort it in the next half term. I see problems whereas my dd sees possibilities.

    I batch cooked sweet potato and lentil curry and cooked a large bag of brown rice. Meal for tonight, 6 for the freezer. I will need to make some couscous and salad for tomorrows lunches. I need to bake some cakes too but that will have to be tomorrow. The children have got their appetites back since returning to school.

    Thank you for the motivation. X
  • Shelbi
    Shelbi Posts: 744 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    So this is a time to look forwards - where do you want to be in: (finance wise)
    12 months from now? Debt free, with emergency fund & part of deposit…& happy!!
    5 years? Own Home, Married with Kids (lets hope OH figures that one out as clocks ticking lol)..& happy!!
    10 years? MFW, financially free…& Happy!!

    Activity. This Month Im taking up cooking from scratch and running in a bid to get my weight down

    -18 NSDs- 0/18
    -budget for Jan18 – done thanks to trusty YNAB
    -£5 to foodbank / charity- done & sent with love to trussell trust
    -pay money to your debts FIRST - do not wait to see how much is left at the end - and live within your budget- Will do this as soon as I get paid again
    -meal plan- have planned this week, will plan next week on Friday- top up shop on Sunday,

    Unabashed, unambiguous, unconditional, undaunted, undivided, unerring, unshakeable devotion to your goal(s). -Lets do this, im feeling motivated

    Always plan your meals; always take a shopping list; always take your lunch to work and drink + snacks when out and about; avoid all coffee shops, vending machines, work canteens- Will do my best with this

    Reduce, re-use, repair, re-gift, recycle, recover, refuse! And read.- Im in, this sounds like it could be fun, fun, fun…have reading on my goal list

    You are the key to reducing your debt, living modestly, keeping as fit and well as you can. So look after yourself - physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.- Love this my main goal for this month.

    I want to re-introduce Bob's s t r e t c h challenge for January: how much extra an you earn / save off your food shop / move / remove.- this sounds like it could be fun…I’ll do my best.
    Have joined Xmas savers challenge and earn £10 a day challenge so far £2.90/£310 & doing 1% challenge (27%) so far… Looking forward to this challenge.

    Sorry for the long message check ins will be shorter in futre :)

    Shelbi x
    DFD-01.03.2018:starmod: :beer::T
    Maternity Savings- £2000/£10,000
    Emergency Fund- £1,000/£5,000
    House Deposit- £0/£25,000.
    NSD November 2/30
    Make £5 per day- £128.48/£155
  • Evening turtles!

    Logging in on #2 NSD! It feels good.

    Felt much better today, which was useful as it turned into a brain needing day. Was glad to pass the remainder of work to the next shift on this particular occasion!

    When I got home I've made a list of all the companies that I need to change the direct debit date on. My payday changed when I got my new job, but now DH is also moving pay date, no one is being paid when the bills come out! I know it shouldn't matter, but I like to be paid and then pay everyone else all at the same time!

    Also been looking at recipes for more interesting lunches. Alternatives to the sandwich (which I find excruciatingly boring), found a few bits on Tasty, for pastas and rice's which we'll try (that keep for 4 days too) but if anyone here has a tried and tested lunch they love please share!

    Got £50 back from next today from some clothes DD got for Xmas from mum. She bought loads of PJs with the intention of me exchanging then if we got too many (which we did!) So sorted that today. I've popped the money in a savings account until we find something she needs.

    Also sending a costume back I ordered before Xmas that was nowhere near the stated size, that'll go tomorrow and will have my refund within a week. I'm embarrassed to say I spent £65 on it. Probably kismet that it didn't fit.

    Emergency pot now has £1143 in it. When we're at £1500 all extra income will come off debts. Very glad we're in the free council tax months now, that'll give us some breathing space!

    I've got an idea for a crochet project as an Xmas gift but doing the design for the blanket is not working for me. After trials I think I need to go back to the drawing board :(

    Today I'm grateful for lemsip, DH cooking again and my bed!

    Night turtles
    Money Saving since 2016 and determined to be debt free by 2020.
  • FurryBeastOz
    FurryBeastOz Posts: 1,380 Forumite
    First Post Ninth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Major YS haul at Mr W and M&S today. I went in on New Year’s Eve, and there was gammon reduced with a date of 2nd. I resisted. At 1400 still no more. Popped back in at 1830 just as he was taking it down. £35 down to £9. Yuuuum.

    As today was a bank holiday here I’ve had another day with DH. Didn’t surface until 11am. I’ll be back tomorrow with by plans.
    Goals - Weight loss 6/26lb at 22nd Jan 18
    Mmmm. 26lb at 1/7/18. Oops:o
  • Hi everyone, still on a broken phone, but here goes!
    Janus 12: work - transitioned from one sector to another; £ - significant dent in family debt and cleared one CC; home - completed minor building projects and had a fun trip with DD somewhere to do something!
    Janus 5 (60 months!): DD through uni if she chooses to go. Gulp! Not quite ready to accept that, but suspect it might dominate home and financial decisions for the duration. Am keen to hear from parents who've supported kids through uni any tips or suggestions?
    Janus 10 (120m!) DF, confident about pension approaches (will be 46!), Paying down mortgage. Like someone said, Happy at all three stages would be good!

    Activity: have readied my bike for the morning (though currently blowing a hooley out there) with a goal to reduce my commuting bus / train use to one day a week. Also done 2nd day of 10000 steps, sat here streaming after getting caught in rain!

    Non-negotiables 2/18 :)
    Budgets : Food £25 (so much to eat up, plus gave a few vouchers to use on fresh stuff. I think this requires conscious effort but this month is doable).
    Transport: £70 hence the bike!
    Other spends: £50 tight tight month!
    Toiletries / Beauty: £40 going to ignore roots as long as I can!
    Foodbank: regular charity donation but just also took several tins to foodbank that last lodger left here (all in date etc!) - got me out for a walk!

    Unabashed: that's me!

    Always plan (etc) : have scheduled working week locations to make best use of my time and ease of travel. Going to focus on getting stuff ready night before and if time in morning ready for return from work. Sounds basic hey! I'm not great in mornings!

    Re-... Making an effort with reading - have the Kindle unlimited so making use of £7 a month! Really misses reading as much as usual this last year, brain full.
    Planning to recycle, declutter and hopefully gain cash from various unused stuff around house. Old pushchair and roof rack pulled out of shed today as a start!

    You! Yes, like others, being gentle with myself is an area that I really struggle with. Making conscious steps towards this this year! Need regular reminders.loved your prompting question earlier today apple.

    Good luck all!
  • f0xh0les
    f0xh0les Posts: 7,131 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic Mortgage-free Glee!
    Today was not a NSD as I sorted 2 sets of car insurance. Safely put on cc, will throw money at it weekly, will aim to have paid off what was left of Xmas spending and insurance by the end of the month. January is always sooooo looooooooong in our house.

    DH says he will chuck me something next month for his insurance, he never has any spare money, so I won't count on it.

    Janus - (There was a stand up comedian called Hugh Janus, so every time I see Janus I giggle inside my head, sorry )

    Activity. None today


    -18 NSDs 1/18
    -your budgets are set by the start of the month and are fixed.
    Food - / 250
    Fuel - /80
    -£5 to foodbank / charity
    -pay money to your debts/savings FIRST - trying, have some money in a holding account, paid off cc2 - it was 49p, but still, one credit card cleared. Paid £100 into cc1 as I just did car insurances and I will hack it into gobbits one stroke at a time.

    Always plan your meals; donesweetcorn and butterbean chowder and a black forest gateau all from scratch, all from stores- always take a shopping list; not shopped always make your lunch at home, and take and drink + snacks when out and about; avoid all coffee shops, avoided

    Reduce, re-use, repair, re-gift, recycle, recover, refuse! And read.
    Currently Vince Cable's autobiography and a hardback demonic romance are shielding the new (DH) wifi router, which could double as a school disco and happens to be in the corner of my bedroom. Vince and the Demon are on the case. Where will books take you? Good job I have a lovely tower of books. 2 on the go at the minute, DH keeps buying me really miserable depressing books. He likes the covers. What is worse, is that he buys them NEW

    Stretch challenge -
    YouG0v currently on £30
    Have joined MFW 2018
    4/10/22One Year Mortgage Free Yay!
    NSTurtle # 55 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 No Turtle gets left behind.[/b]
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