Drawing a line under the debt. Take two.



  • Drawingaline
    Drawingaline Posts: 2,956 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Well, spendy end to the school holidays. Went into London with hubby and big two on sat. Had a nice time not constantly panicking about losing the little two in the crowds. I left them at Waterloo, they were going to an arcade down by embankment and I went off to the theater to see the play my friends daughter was in. It was brilliant! Really dark humour and bonkers, but such fun. I should have taken the girl, but my friend had said it was quite an adult play (loads of language, but she has heard worse at school I am sure) and I was unsure wether it was something she would enjoy. She would have been fine, but it closed on Sunday so too late now.

    Back to school today, this morning was a struggle. The weird one went in crying and grumping, he seems to be really struggling atm, he claims the work is too hard, but his teachers say he is doing well. Think I need an appointment with them to chat about how he is doing to ease my mind a bit. The small one had a brilliant day, even telling his teacher how he was feeling with no drama at all, which for him is a huge huge deal! So baby steps but positive signs.
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • Drawingaline
    Drawingaline Posts: 2,956 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    First week back done! Small one had a but of an up and down week, a couple of incidents, but overall good. The wierd one seems to have coped OK. I think he is finally realising he just isn't the same as everyone else. He has begun to hate pe, and fell over on Thursday and really scrapped his arm. Which is only going to add to his pe aversion. Don't really know what to do for the best. The oteer s have always been (mostly) accepting of him how he is, he has no close friends, but mainly because he has no need for them, he is happiest with his own company.

    Anyway, not much I can do really just keep hoping he carries on coping as well as he has in the past. The school have been fab for his educational needs and pretty good for his emotional ones too, will keep an eye on him and may make an appointment with his teacher for a chat.

    Going back to work was hard, wish I could cut my hours, but not really an option atm. It's also been a bit spend this week, nearly £200 spent on theatre tickets :eek: booked to see a play in our nearest city that my daughter is studying in gcse English, booked the Lion King for the smallest birthday (bargain £20 tickets :money:) and spent £90 on tickets to we will rock you, which is touring later this year. Never got the chance to see it in the west end and the girl will love it, so we are going next Jan for my birthday :rotfl:

    On a plus side I spent no money on food this week while working, diet has been going wellish and am hopeful it will continue that way.

    Anyway off to do my monthly online shop as money for that due on Tuesday. :T
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • Drawingaline
    Drawingaline Posts: 2,956 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    A quiet weekend was had, easing everyone back into work/school life.

    I got paid, all allocated. Booked a holiday. Going to Cornwall in May half term. Cost £830, I had £150 set aside so will have to pay it off over the next couple of months. But I had to book it, already lost one property because I left it too late. I need to have parking, WiFi and I want it in a town. This property ticked all our box's. Its an area we went to back when the big two were very small, so will be nice to go back.

    Now I need to bribe the hubby to do something at Easter. I have a plan, but he is resistant so far :rotfl:

    Took mum out or lunch today which was nice. My sister was supposed to come too but she cried off last minute.

    On positive news I have lost 3.5lbs this week. Back onto it. :j

    Tough two days at work coming up now though, and the traffic in our town has reached ridiculous levels which hinders me travelling between jobs. Its a worry especially as there is some major roadworks planned over the coming two years which may mean I actually have to lose jobs as I just won't have time. :mad:
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • doingitanyway
    Well done on the weight loss and booking a holiday. Nice to have that to look forward to :)
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
  • Drawingaline
    Diet has not gone well this weekend...... And its my birthday this week, so will be cake. Oh well, will try and reduce the damage as much as possible over the next two days.

    Another quiet weekend. Me and the girl went to see Mary poppins with the guides at a special screening. Was early sat morn, was hard getting out lol! But film was good, I am generally not a fan of musical films, much prefer the stage, and am not a huge fan of the original, but this one was good. Think the smallest might like it, will give it a go on dvd, the small two can't really sit through films.

    Then went to town, needed to get my vacumn fixed, and the girl wanted to go jeans shopping. She had a tough lesson that not all shops have prices like prim@rk :rotfl: her face in next when she realised jeans retailed at around £30-£50 and she was spending HER money :rotfl: anyway she managed to find some for £15 in a sale so she was happy in the end :D

    Tried to go swimming today, but when we got there the main pool was closed. This did not go down well with the smallest who had already protested about going and I had just won him round. This had a knock on effect on the rest of the day, and it was the worst on he has had at home in months. I hate when he is like this, I know it is him not coping, and it makes me so sad. However after his bath he was able to articulate in words how he was feeling and his emotions. And he did his homework with no help.

    Back to work tomorrow, am not looking forward to it tbh. But half day on Wednesday and meeting my sister for lunch for my birthday (as long as she remembers!) and next weekend am off to IKEA to spend my Xmas voucher. Also need to get to halfords to get my new car stereo, got a voucher for Xmas to cover this too.

    Money wise, clothing is bare, new underwear for all the boys and me. I also need to order some guider uniform, but I have £50 set aside for this. Spent far to much on groceries this weekend, going to have to eat out of the freezer as much as possible for the coming weeks.
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • Drawingaline
    Drawingaline Posts: 2,956 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    A cold one here today. I am so tired, and need to get motivated as need to fill in a thing to try angethe smallest an echp. Am talking to someone who has done it all already, so hopefully get some tips.

    Birthday tomorrow, getting what I see as depressingly old :rotfl: have been saving money for a fit bit. Can get one from hubby's work so will have some discount and I also have a gift voucher to use. Looking forward to being more motivated with exercise. Meeting sister tomorrow for lunch, and my extra lovely client just gave me some cash so am going to book a meal out for me and hubby this weekend.

    Have booked me and the girl cinema tickets for a film of a West end musical next week. Been wanting to see this one for months but not managed it yet and their is a cast change due so tickets are hard to get atm. So this is a bit ff a compromise, but looking forward to it.

    Anyway better get back to work!
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • Drawingaline
    So happy birthday to me lol!

    Sister treated me to lunch, and we went to a new restaurant in town. I have booked to go out with hubby on sat (first time leaving the girl in charge while we are out like this, but 7pm siting and I will drive so no drinking, should be back by 9.30 tops!) and wanted to go to this restaurant, but I checked te menu and I don't think he would like anything. So booked giraffe (with 10%cashback through the bank) bit boring, but right price and something we both will like. Anyway the restaurant we went to today was amazing. Ate far too much stuff! Also did my birthday breakfast which I only do on my birthday as it is soooo many calories:rotfl: basically french toast made with brioche, and then sandwiched with nuttela and banana slices, dipped in a double cream/egg mix and fried. Topped with maple syrup and icing sugar. It is amazing :T I first had it when we went to Vegas two years ago and had to attempt to recreate it when we got back as it is honestly one of. Best things I have ever eaten :rotfl:

    So diet not going well :rotfl: am meeting friends on Fri for a take away, meal out on sat and after today, firmly expect to out weight on :eek:

    Anyway off to bed, tough day tomorrow, and the smallest is struggling a bit atm.think hs a bit off colour, but not sure how. But he has been very emotional and had a couple of incidents at school today too. Just have to keep reminding myself how far he has come in a year :T
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • Honeysucklelou2
    Happy belated birthday. The birthday breakfast sounds amazing!
    paydbx2024 #2 £480/£5000 . Mortgage £144k start ~ £148k Jun 23 -
    2024 savings challenge £5/£2000
    EF £140. Savings 2 £30.00. Weekly savings envelope #17
  • Drawingaline
    Smallest pulled it round for the rest of the week. Had a lovely catch up with a friend Fri morning, and met up with a group of mum friends on Friday eve for a takeaway and natter. Was long overdue and enjoyed every minute.

    Went out with hubby and smallest two to IKEA on sat. Spent my Xmas voucher and some more :rotfl: wasy birthday present too! Me and hu by went out on sat night for a meal. Left the girl in charge for the first time. Mum hasn't been in the best of health so didn't want to ask her and we bookefor 7pm,i was driving so not drinking and we were 10mins away. We were back by 8.45,so all OK. She is very responsible and has sat for my sister before (again we only live 10mins away so I am around for back up) and she is 15 in six weeks :eek: didn't pay her this time, but will have to if we do it again I think. Not ready to have her in charge whe we go out drinking yet though.

    Bought a fitbit for my birthday, and apparently I climb a lot of stairs :eek:not really a surprise given the nature of my work, but did 64 yesterday!!! :j trying to figure out quite how accurate it is. I have to swap the wrist I wear it on in work as I normally wear on my dominant hand (a hangover from breaking my non dominant arm when I was younger and moving my watch nd never moving back) an it was giving me steps when I was working but stationary. Anyway going to spend some time figuring out an average and I am in a group with some goals so once I am more confident I will make some for me.

    Moneywise everything is ticking along. No more money until next week. Am off to London at the weekend with the girl and my neice but that is budgeted for.
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
  • Drawingaline
    So been an eventful week! Snow descended on Thursday night so schools shut. Hubby was alrea working from home and I cancelled my clients. Glad I do as by 1.30pm it was really coming down. And by 4pm the whole town was in gridlock due to the M3 coming to a standstill. It happened back in 2009, basically the amount of snow was way more than predicted, so everyone left work early and our town is always one incident away from gridlock at the best of times! I am glad we were safe indoors.

    Sat had to cancel a job, so more money lost, but no chance of getting the car out. Sat night froze everything to sheet ice, and Sunday was our trip to London :eek: luckily my sister has a 4x4 and bil actually knows how to drive it. So he got us to the Station and the trains were running. It was so odd to get to London and see no snow at all :rotfl: had a lovely day, went up to the skygarden, which was fab, love something free ;) and me and the girl had bubblewraps, and my neice had an ice cream where they shape it to look like a flower.

    Then we went to see a musical called six. OMG, it was amazing. We had cheap seats, so a slightly restricted view, but it was a tiny theatre and felt really close. It's more of a concert than a musical, but basically it's Henry Vlll wives all singing a song about there lives. So many emotions, cried my eyes out during one song, proper belly laughs during the next :T was amazing, have downloaded the soundtrack and have been belting them out at work the past few days. Will definitely be going back, it's booking for the rest of the year so can wait a bit. Feeling broke right now :rotfl:

    Money wise, I have almost paid off the holiday, should be gone after payday, have paid deposit for thw weird one's residential at the end of the year and set up a goal in ynab. Not convinced he will make the full week, but determined that e will go and experience it. School have had a quick chat about how to accommodate him, food will be the biggest issue, due to sensory issues he has a very narrow palate and dislikes using cutlery. Anyway hoping it works out OK.

    Have a plan for the coming months, but this month's wages will be light as I lost 9hours due to the snow (schools went back late on Monday so lost another job then) and I haven't replaced one of my regular clients who has cancelled. But I am enjoying the extra time, so I am trying to find a good balance.

    Anyway off to bed, feeling a bit rough atm, hope I am not coming down with something. :(
    Debt free Feb 2021 🎉
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