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GOAL:Debt free by 43! but how will I get there!!!!???



  • boxofpaws wrote: »
    Loving your enthusiasm and energy.:T

    I found, and read in many other diaries that the first few weeks were the rockiest, when we were getting to grips with the situation. For a lot of people the overall debt goes up for a while, whilst they do balance transfers and rejig their finances and the like.But it definitely gets easier once you get into the groove.

    You've made a fantastic start, I've subscribed:)

    Thank you.....yes, I think the first few weeks will be hard, I realise this, and today has given me a headache, but slowly I will get it sorted out.
    What i have found hard, when it shouldn't be, is just a simple change of bank accounts and like Cap one this morning, human error, where someone hasn't changed the cycle date....its a good job I am on the ball - but what angered me even more was more about other people, hence my complaint, what about those people who cant argue or haven't got the confidence to argue, that could have really put me in a massive financial strain and for some, could be the last straw....very worrying and I made that very clear in all the complaints today plus threatened the financial ombudsman too!

    As for my enthusiasm - I think once i have made up my mind about something, I just do it, since doing this, I cannot tell you how good I feel, where by before I dreaded pay day, or just lived wage to wage, at the moment I am just finding my feet a bit, I was always thinking about the money, without realising the effects it was having on me.
    Now, all I feel is positive as I take control over something that was before controlling me.
    Like my diet is my way of life, so will be my money, when I think of all the money I have wasted on rubbish I cringe a bit!!
    I am a bit stubborn actually, which is, to some, a weakness of mine, but for me, its my strength....;) I am also an action person, when I give my word on something I stick to it, or my word means nothing, and i have promised my parents that i will try my best!
    There is a lovely goal at the end of all this, I am currently growing into a person that will eventually be good with money, it wont happen over night but I will get there.
    But what will be nice, is that i can take my daughter on holiday, I can just relax knowing that I have saved up for it and not borrowed for it and me and my daughter together as a team have worked towards it.
    I also know it will be hard work though!!!!!!

    have a great day, mine up to now, after my rant has turned out OK!!!!!
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
    Just catching up from the weekend - budget for shopping is 50.00 but I have spent 23.50 plus my starbucks coffee treat 28.50 in total. My daughter is on holiday so I dont need to buy in for both of us!
    I have had a text message off my new bank account because yet again it is saying that they do not have enough money to pay all the dd that are due today????????
    WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE COMPANIES?????? my dd are not due until the 28th of the month....and for some reason it is now apparent that not one of the companies I have contacted not just once,but twice have got it right!
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
  • First snowball (this gets a highlighting)

    So, a bit of a bumpy start due to the fact that various companies havent clicked on the correct things at their end, earned £35.00 off Cap One, £30.00 Catalogue and i have complained to another and they are now looking at the case - so goodwill gestures have gone into a set aside account.
    I have now got everything sorted out - PHEW!
    So just a very quick re cap on my history of spending, MAY, JUNE, JULY I spent a whopping total of £2,956.00 approx. I can only imagine if i went into this deeply exactly what i have been spending but it aint good! i also had nothing saved, and living wage to wage, felt very out of control and I didnt know where to start.
    Spending diary usage since I logged on here and the advice has been amazing, and I know I have this weekend to go, but my daughter is still away, and that will make sure that I stick well under budget and i have budgeted for this month anyway, but up to now, i have spent £96.35!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this has NEVER happened before and I am very pleased with this and super proud of myself and I have felt, honestly, this morning when I could see that finally the shifting of money into a separate bills account has now finally happened, I am really pleased with the positive outcomes this month.
    So I started on the 7th August 2017
    I have earned some cashback off Quidco of £28.95. Some goodwill gestures of £65.00 and I did some research for my friend and I earned £100.00 in vouchers. The vouchers, I have got some birthdays coming up and I will use these to put into cards. I have pledged no clothes till December so I am sticking to it and I dont need anything anyway!

    As I am on my phone (apologies for all the spelling mistakes) it is difficult to list everything so will do it as soon as I get the computer.
    The debts are now being held into the separate bills account!
    My first snowball money into the bills account has left my wage account into the bills account this has happened today and all the DD are set up correctly - checked yesterday with my new bank
    Money has also been put into the set aside accounts for car, mot, birthdays, shopping and christmas.
    As I have started this in the August and I had no money set aside at all, my friend (the adviser) said that she is going to review my amount going into the bills account in December, so I am not paying loads into this for now although I wanted to, she did advise me that I have nothing in terms of money for things I do need and as I have to get all my MOT, services, christmas together into the accounts, then In January i start a fresh and I can pay in more into the snowballing and I will be straight to the set aside accounts for everything else, so I have paid a lot into the set aside accounts as she is saying that owe this money to myself - it doesnt make sense to me, but she said it will, when it comes to having my boiler serviced and I have the money there to pay it!

    I now watch over this little project and make sure that it happens right!

    I will email as soon as I can get to the computer, but guys, dont you think the spending diary is now super slim!!!
    I also pledged no spending on clothes and I went into town with my sister, I thought, this is going to be a massive tester for me, and I never bought anything, I literally do not need anything, so didnt do it! I even made her walk from a rubble car park (free) because I refuse to pay the expensive car parking because usually I wouldnt have thought anything else, but to spend hours in town, shopping, spending money, eating, drinking, more shopping, and then my car park is well over £6.00 - but we had a wonderful time, I didnt spend any money, I gave her my full attention when she was trying on clothes, and clocked up my steps total by walking to the car park after which was all free for me!
    I think 3 weeks into this and I think my habit forming is now well applied!

    Will email once I have got this dd stuff done and I can see the figures on my spreadsheet.....for some reason I keep thinking its all wrong, but she is a financial advisor and she has worked it all out and promises me its all right! but the money is now in the bills account and i just have to trust its all done now!
    thank you guys for the spurring on.....but I am ultra pleased with the diary...

    LL x
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
  • enthusiasticsaver
    enthusiasticsaver Posts: 15,794 Ambassador
    Part of the Furniture 10,000 Posts Mortgage-free Glee! I'm a Volunteer Ambassador
    Fantastic start. You will soon have this budgeting nailed and see the results when the debt totals start coming down and you have savings pots for things like Christmas, car etc etc. I agree with your friend that this is a marathon not a sprint. The first thing to do is change spending habits which you seem to have mastered, set up a system and then learn to live with it. Some of the budgets may need adjusting along the way. You need to live as well as reduce debt and it is demotivating to have to pay too much off to start with then ending up putting something on a credit card because you can't afford to live. Review it in 3 months.
    I’m a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on the Debt free Wannabe, Budgeting and Banking and Savings and Investment boards. If you need any help on these boards, do let me know. Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any posts you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button, or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own and not the official line of MoneySavingExpert.
  • redofromstart
    redofromstart Posts: 4,553 Forumite
    Seventh Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    good for you on the parking and shopping, its so easy to slip when you go with somebody else.
  • Fantastic start. You will soon have this budgeting nailed and see the results when the debt totals start coming down and you have savings pots for things like Christmas, car etc etc. I agree with your friend that this is a marathon not a sprint. The first thing to do is change spending habits which you seem to have mastered, set up a system and then learn to live with it. Some of the budgets may need adjusting along the way. You need to live as well as reduce debt and it is demotivating to have to pay too much off to start with then ending up putting something on a credit card because you can't afford to live. Review it in 3 months.

    Thank you so much, I also note you are looking forward to your retirement, how wonderful, I bet you are looking forward to that? Are you planning anything nice?
    I have an appointment to see my friend, in December. For the time being I am not paying in this fully until this review, the credit union, my car is not getting anything extra, from now until December, the credit union is coming straight out of my wage at 300.00 per month but this is now down to under 5,000.00 as they have transferred what was in the savings and adjusted it all, but the interest rate is very low on this. I start paying this from January in the snowball.
    The car again is low interest so i just continue to pay the 132.00 - again start this in January, I have from now until December to pay into the set aside accounts and tackle the credit cards, then its from January to January tackling everything else and its all paid up, I will be debt free basically by the time I am 43 - it will be reviewed every few months.
    In terms of credit cards, she has made me cut them up, when they are paid, or just before I have to get them back, then put a very small subscription on them like spotify at 10.00 and something else on another but very small amounts, god knows what I can subscribe to, and then put it on clear in full every month and this keeps the cards active, I do not understand this but she said that it just shows that i have lots of available credit and I am clearing every month - I have to trust her on this one and do what she says!

    Then and this (another discussion for this) she said that out of my wage she wants me to put at least 350.00 per month into a pension as I will be 43 then and although I have a good pension she wants me to pay in more, I do not get pensions at all, so I will be seeing someone about that in the new year, then looking at paying off my mortgage and getting a better deal once the debts are cleared - it is this that I am looking forward to the most!

    This is not the first time i have tried to sort out my debts, I have tried, and failed miserably and basically, I had no plan, I had no idea about snowballing, I have never heard of it, I have tried everything that i thought was right, but I am on my own with my daughter and I was under a great deal of stress too with my family, and its because I have not been able to follow a plan, or thought it through and now I have had the most amazing help, I have had private messages sharing stories and people have just been so honest on here, I find it brilliant and its just clicked somehow, and I have literally found it really easy this time and I have found it better this way and almost enjoyable.
    A couple of months ago when my dad told me to sort it all out, it wasn't advice it was an instruction, and I really couldn't do it, I think i just failed in the first 2 weeks I was actually quite frightened by all the debts....today I just feel positive and I know this plan is sustainable...however I realise there will be bumps, but i think I can just get back on it and keep to my goals....debt free by the time I am 43! I do also hope that someone one day will read this and see the goals, actions, and my story and perhaps it might help someone one day.....:j
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
  • good for you on the parking and shopping, its so easy to slip when you go with somebody else.

    Thank you - never happened before with the parking but i clocked up my steps and it was a nice day and it was different too. We had a really nice day and for me, not buying anything was a really good start!
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
  • You have really made a great start, well done, will subscribe to cheer you on. I am similarly aged, with a DD aged 15 - I would love to take her abroad before she becomes an adult...we have never been!
    Starting Total in September 2019 = £38287.77
    Current Total = £25534.10
    33% of debt paid off so far

    Debt Free by Christmas September August July June 2023!

    hello all,
    Its just easier to number these and then name them on the snowball.
    Also please keep in mind, that this is being re done and recalculated in December, as currently, it is not including all my debts and also shows that it will take me a while longer than I have previously discussed.
    This action plan, is just until December whilst i get myself sorted and this plan will be more sustainable, plus its feeling more like a short term goal and then look at it again in December.
    Debts not added is two more, which is credit union which is currently just over 5 grand and my car which is around 6 grand. These are low interest and will be included in January when I have my finance review in December this year.

    Currently i am only paying in 652.00 per month into my snowball account.
    The reason we have done this, is because i have no money at all, in my set aside accounts, so I am just getting this sorted for now and paying into these until December then I will be straight with myself and it all gets reviewed.
    I have my bills and my shopping budget out of this (all staying in the wages account) and these are just being paid as normal and once it comes to December I will be straight then to really go hard at this.
    I meet with the financial adviser and re set it all, I will be given new spreadsheets then change to an amount of 852.00 per month to snowball, on the sheets from January 2018, it is saying that i will be debt free by December 2018...however, she said that she forecasts its more than likely be by November 18.
    here you go......
    Debt 1 = 983.40
    Debt 2 = 719.50
    Debt 3 = 4000.00
    Debt 4 = 800.00
    Debt 5 = 545.60
    Debt 6 = 234.56
    Debt 7 = 425.00

    snowball today Debt 1 barclays loan. 76.68 payment + snowball amount of 321.20 balance now = 634.84!!!

    Also my overdraft was 7400.00 and I have only ever used it up to around 150.00 to avoid and get rid of all temptation, I have now had this reduced to 150.00 - what I will say, is that this was not easy at all to do, the lady in the branch tried to talk me into keeping it, and I have had to really assert myself and politely ask her to reduce it, then I had to complete a form, and then I had to apply for it on line to be reduced and now I have finally got a 150.00 overdraft down from 7400.00 which looks strange on my bank.

    This all feels really really good and I am just pleased and thank full for all the help I have had so far. Thank you x

    To be continued.........
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
  • Narola1976 wrote: »
    You have really made a great start, well done, will subscribe to cheer you on. I am similarly aged, with a DD aged 15 - I would love to take her abroad before she becomes an adult...we have never been!

    I hope you get to go on your holiday with your DD. That is such a brilliant goal for you to aim for. Where were you thinking of going? I am also pleased that my post has helped you in some way - that has made me very happy. I have tried to explain what is going on clearly so that one day it might help someone else too - I do talk alot so apologies if my thread is very war and peace!!!! :rotfl:
    My plan for a holiday......I cant go just yet, but......
    I have set myself short term goals for now, so I can try my best in sticking to it all, I have an aim to pay off these debts first of all, which are literally just holding me back from going on a holiday, worry and debt free. My first holiday abroad will not be until say, 2019 as being quite real about this, holidays are quite expensive arent they, but I do want to go somewhere, even if its just a caravan holiday as currently I couldnt do this without the guilt of spending too much as I havent got it to spend it!!!!

    My short term goals are
    From now until December I am not buying anything like clothes, only because I dont need anything. I have sisters and sister in laws that I can borrow off, if i need to feel I have something new on...although I am laughing as I write this, as I never ever go out, all I have in my diary is a christmas do and that is it! I used to go out ALL the time, but now I just like staying in! So not buying clothes is actually quite easy now.
    Beauty products - I did buy loads and I spent a fortune on stuff - this is not needed because i have massive stash of it - so no beauty stuff till my review.
    Gym gear - this is a massive down fall for me - but again nothing until my review.
    Stick to my shopping budget and draw this out on pay day and keep to my lists - up to now I have done this!
    To start to pay the snowball until December and really try hard on it - this has now started!
    Keep in contact with this site.
    Keep the spending diary - which quite honestly has been absolutely brilliant.
    My longer term goals are, my first holiday I would like to go on, is not abroad, its where i spent most of my childhood in Devon Cliffs, so I would like to go there first and then go and see my sister as she lives in St Ives, I want this to happen really next year, I keep promising my sister that i will go and see her, and I just never get around to it - but I aim to do so next year.
    I havent really thought about abroad holidays yet, but I will start to plan something.
    Good luck on your journey - thank you so much for your post xx
    Aim to be debt free....
    Snowballing since August 2017
    Debt total
    28'570.92 (august 17)
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