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Oops I did it again, I played with my cards!



  • Kittencat
    Kittencat Posts: 699 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Hiya Emmie

    Gosh reading your diary is like reading my life, only difference is we only have the one child. Our debt is from renovating our home. I will subscribe and join you on your journey if you don't mind?
  • System
    System Posts: 178,148 Community Admin
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    Have subscribed to your diary fellow Lakeland lover. Yes I am about an hour away from south lakes so very lucky. Enjoy the rest of your hols.
  • Tahlullah
    Tahlullah Posts: 1,086 Forumite
    I am impressed by anyone who can be a MSE whilst on holiday; especially at the Lakes. Kudos to you! Enjoy the rest of the holiday and I hope you get some dry weather.

    Still striving to be mortgage free before I get to a point I can't enjoy it.

    Owed at the end of -
    02/19 - £78,400. 04/19 - £85,000. 05/19 - £83,300. 06/19 - £78,900.
    07/19 - £77,500. 08/19 - £76,000.
  • emmie26
    emmie26 Posts: 500 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Kittencat you are more than welcome, I'm going to go in search of your diary now (if you have one), our house has been a money pit over the years but we have finally got it to the point that I am not mortified when anyone drops by. In fact last Christmas we had our work Christmas meal at my house, so may be I can say it has been money saving really :rotfl:

    Cumbria lass welcome along :D at least I'll know I'm not talking to myself now.

    Tallulah today was not so money saving :o

    As expected it had rained all morning, this afternoon we had a walk into town, I had some sugared cashews £2, they were delicious so I don't feel bad :p
    I then had to buy my DS some walking trousers as the ones I'd packed were so tight he could barely bend his legs, these were £15, however this can come out of the children's clothes budget.

    There has been a consensus that tonight we should eat out. If it was just us we wouldn't be but as its an extended family holiday we did expect to eat out once. The rest of the week will have to be spent cooking in though!!

    Right now I'm going to indulge in a little afternoon nap, my DS is helping to bath my brothers dog, which she thinks is the greatest thing ever and my DS is off to look at this new plop trumps cards he has just brought himself :rotfl:

    Total Debt: [STRIKE]£24,359.79[/STRIKE] £16,452
    debt reduced by 32%
    Debt free date: May 2019
  • Hiddenidenity
    Hiddenidenity Posts: 5,423 Forumite
    Have a lovely time x
  • mummytogirls
    mummytogirls Posts: 6,578 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    Evening Emmie,

    Just caught up with your diary. You have done so well to have a NSD yesterday... especially on holiday with the kids in tow! Well done you!

    Enjoy your meal out tonight xx
    Mummytogirls x

  • emmie26
    emmie26 Posts: 500 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Thanks guys, I did have a lovely meal out and the best bit was that my older brother paid the bill :j I always go mad at my husband that he is the first one buying rounds of drinks when we go out with friends or family, but after he did that, my bro got up and paid the bill for the food, which was a lovely surprise.

    Yesterday we managed to get a walk in before the heavens opened. I did spend £6 at the ice cream van, it was like a mirage sitting at the top of a hill, half way into the walk and I couldn't resist :o

    We all put another £20 into the food kitty and I cooked gammon steaks, chips and salad for dinner which was lovely :)

    Today we are going canoeing and hoping to recreate swallows and amazons, we saw some 15% off vouchers in a shop after we had already decided we were doing it so that was a bonus :T
    We will take a picnic for lunch and tonight we are having a bbq, fingers crossed there is enough money left in the kitty.

    I am looking forward to catching up on some other diaries when I get home, I may even have a read this morning, I have been awake since 4am when my DH's phone alarm went off for no reason :mad:

    Total Debt: [STRIKE]£24,359.79[/STRIKE] £16,452
    debt reduced by 32%
    Debt free date: May 2019
  • Tahlullah
    Tahlullah Posts: 1,086 Forumite
    Whenever people talk about ice-cream vans, I always think of the Boddingtons advert -

    'Do you want a flake with that?'

    Sounds like you are having a great time and good on your brother for picking up the restaurant bill.

    That's what brothers are for!
    Still striving to be mortgage free before I get to a point I can't enjoy it.

    Owed at the end of -
    02/19 - £78,400. 04/19 - £85,000. 05/19 - £83,300. 06/19 - £78,900.
    07/19 - £77,500. 08/19 - £76,000.
  • mummytogirls
    mummytogirls Posts: 6,578 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    Great news on your brother paying the bill Emmie :T

    Ice cream was a must and £6 is a bargain I could say!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your break xx
    Mummytogirls x

  • emmie26
    emmie26 Posts: 500 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    No post for a couple of days as we've been so busy, as soon as I've sat down to update I've fallen asleep :rotfl:

    Wednesday we went canoeing which was great fun, we took a picnic and spent a couple of hours on an island on the lake, the children and DH went swimming and exploring, it was pure bliss and definitely my favourite day. Hiring the boats cost us £25 which was a bargain with our voucher and we had a voucher for free tea or coffee so we had these afterwards, I did spent £12 on cake for me, soup for DH and and ice cream each for the children. Dinner was a bbq because it was so nice and managed to buy the meat etc out of the remaining money in the kitty.

    Yesterday we went for another 7 mile walk, everywhere we go is just the most beautiful views, I am in love more than ever with the lakes!
    We took a picnic and then got home and had a chippy tea :p: DH paid so yesterday was a NSD for me.

    Today was a happy surprise of my dad putting £121 into my account because we had a couple of extra family members who stayed and our children had to sleep in our room, which was more than big enough as it had 2 day beds in it, but he had charged everyone a percentage of the weekly cost per night so we were reimbursed by £121 :j
    My DD was desperate to go swimming ever since we had walked past a leisure centre a couple of days ago so we took them this morning this cost £17 for the 4 of us and was surprisingly fun, normally I would sit and watch but they begged me to go in the water and I'm glad I did. We then walked into town so she could buy a souvenir with some money my MIL had given her, I did buy a coffee and a couple of cakes which was £7 :o I feel a bit bad about that as we had things in the house and I should have thrown a few bits in the bag before we left.

    I'm going to have a read of a few other diaries now and then start to pack clothes up, as we are going home tomorrow :( I brought washing powder and conditioner with us and everyone has been laughing because I've been washing clothes as we go, but all being well I should have only one or two loads to do when we get home and I've saved money on my electricity bill. :)

    Total Debt: [STRIKE]£24,359.79[/STRIKE] £16,452
    debt reduced by 32%
    Debt free date: May 2019
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