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Next door blocking gutter



  • oldtractor
    oldtractor Posts: 2,262 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture I've been Money Tipped! Mortgage-free Glee! Combo Breaker
    It could certainly lead to a damp problem for the OP, and having the gutter permenanty filled with water could lead to it eventually collapsing.

    It may be possible that your idiot neighbour may be in breach of building regs himself. Have a word with with your local building control people to see if they can do anything.

    Thank you. will do this tomorrow.
  • oldtractor
    oldtractor Posts: 2,262 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture I've been Money Tipped! Mortgage-free Glee! Combo Breaker
    jack_pott wrote: »
    Try ringing building control to ask if you need planning permission for a new downpipe/soakaway, and then see if they take the bait and start asking why you need to do it.

    Thank you. I'm contacting the council tomorrow will ask.
  • oldtractor
    oldtractor Posts: 2,262 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture I've been Money Tipped! Mortgage-free Glee! Combo Breaker
    I've rung the council. There building surveyor said hes no right to do what he has done as he is interfering with my Right to Drainage. If he wants to keep the gutter blocked then he has to provide alternative provision for the water from our gutter to get away ie provide another downspout for us at his cost.
  • ComicGeek
    ComicGeek Posts: 1,560 Forumite
    Seventh Anniversary 1,000 Posts Name Dropper
    oldtractor wrote: »
    I've rung the council. There building surveyor said hes no right to do what he has done as he is interfering with my Right to Drainage. If he wants to keep the gutter blocked then he has to provide alternative provision for the water from our gutter to get away ie provide another downspout for us at his cost.

    But more importantly, who is going to enforce that? I assume that the Council won't.
  • Mojisola
    Mojisola Posts: 35,562 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    ComicGeek wrote: »
    But more importantly, who is going to enforce that? I assume that the Council won't.

    You have to get solicitors involved. :(

    As the neighbour has very deliberately blocked the gutter, it may be cheaper to make a new down-spout rather than spend money with solicitors trying to force him to comply with the law.
  • Tigsteroonie
    Tigsteroonie Posts: 24,954 Forumite
    PPI Party Pooper Name Dropper Second Anniversary Uniform Washer
    Fit a down-spout into a rain barrel / water butt? Then you can use it for the garden (and might not need to empty it very often)?
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  • Annie1960
    Annie1960 Posts: 3,007 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    Mojisola wrote: »
    You have to get solicitors involved. :(

    As the neighbour has very deliberately blocked the gutter, it may be cheaper to make a new down-spout rather than spend money with solicitors trying to force him to comply with the law.

    Building control may enforce this - have you asked?

    If not, check your home and car insurance to see if you have legal cover on these.
  • jbainbridge
    jbainbridge Posts: 2,015 Forumite
    Photogenic Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    I'd just remove the blockage and put it in his bin.

    Really ... how likely is it that he will check it? He probably feels better thinking he got one over on you. If he does question it's removal tell him about your conversation with the council.
  • Kernel_Sanders
    Kernel_Sanders Posts: 3,617 Forumite
    First Anniversary 10 Posts Combo Breaker
    Mojisola wrote: »
    You have to get solicitors involved. :(
    No they don't! Neighbour has made alterations to their gutter which impedes a long-standing drainage arrangement. It's up to BC (or possibly the private housing officer) to issue enforcement notices, and I have had such a notice myself! BC should be going about this right now, and shouldn't need a further formal complaint.
  • I'd just remove the blockage and put it in his bin.

    So would I.

    "Hey Mr Neighbour, I found this blockage whilst inspecting the gutters, I'm not sure how it got there but I've removed it to stop it overflowing as I wouldn't a leak to cause damage to either of our properties."
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