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Make do, Mend and Minimise in 2017



  • Ah the dreaded glitter stuff, it gets every where doesn't it I agree with the sticky sellotape idea.
    I used to wind some round a empty loo roll cardboard and roll it to pick the darned stuff up when I used to do crafting.

    Made do: this morning with last years left over Christmas bags. I was going to go out and buy some more wrapping paper then I found a bag of these Christmas bags in the spare room

    Minimised: them for this years presents:)

    Mended a plug that needed a new fuse so feeling quite pleased with myself today :)

    Onwards and upwards chums

    JackieO xx
  • YorksLass
    YorksLass Posts: 1,786 Forumite
    Seventh Anniversary 1,000 Posts Name Dropper
    maryb wrote: »
    I was wearing a black jumper today as I was writing my Christmas cards. Very tasteful snowy village scene, National Trust cards.

    Only slight problem - they were covered in glitter. And now my black jumper is covered in glitter. If I needed a glittery top for a Christmas party and didn't have one, I know exactly how I would be able to make do !!


    I like glittery cards but I try not to buy them since I found out our council doesn't want cards with glitter or foil in the recycling bin. Something to do with the contractors who take the council's recycling waste and what their machinery can/can't deal with.

    JackieO: I've conquered the mahoosive stocks of pasta, noodles and rice but the packet mixes are a whole different ball game! On the bright side, the ones I have (22 at the last count :o ) are now nearly all in date, just a couple of OOD part-packets to go. :D And I'm not buying more, so that has to be a step in the right direction!

    MMMing seems to have stalled here for now but quite a bit will be minimised this week once I get the presents wrapped and cards written/posted/hand delivered. And my hair will be minimised on Thursday too.

    I'm liking the idea of the 30 items in 30 days challenge and think I'll be giving this a go in the NY. Another NY minimise is going to be cutting our grocery budget by £5 a week. I'm lucky I don't have to do this but I love the challenge of not giving the sms more than I have to. ;)
    Be kind to others and to yourself too.
  • This month has been a 'needs' only month as I am away for the later part of it so am using up what I have in store if I can.
    So far I have only shopped twice this month and spent just about a tad over £20.00 which I am really pleased with andmy freezer stocks are depleting nicely .I am hoping to defrost the freezer by the New Year (looks like the North Pole in there at the moment :):):))
  • Katieowl
    Katieowl Posts: 185 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    crazytree wrote: »
    Misstara - I hope the dietician sorts you out. It's rotten being poorly at Christmas (and any other time really)
    Slowdown - I was amazed at how old your tree is but then I realised ours is at least 17 years old and arrived with Himself when he moved in! So I'm getting there. I intend to make do with that for a good few years yet.
    Thanx for your lovely comments about the dog Wednesday2000. Rescues are awesome but hard work aren't they? We had to "make do" with blankets instead of a duvet last night when she peed on the bed (for the second time :() I am on the look out for a second duvet. And pledge to keep the bedroom door shut until she's house trained :rotfl:

    You know you can buy a waterproof duvet protector? I got mine on eBay and it's marvelous thing to have with dogs in the house! To begin with its a bit like sleeping under a crisp packet but they do eventually soften up!
  • misstara
    misstara Posts: 3,891 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary I've been Money Tipped! First Post Name Dropper
    Pretty much finished my Christmas shopping - just a few more stocking fillers for OH and a present for my gran. I've minimised some of the stash of wrapping paper, now down to 3 rolls of Christmas paper and 5 birthday rolls. Must not buy any more wrapping paper in the sales this year.

    I've made Christmas cards so they will get posted today, thankfully I had enough stamps in my purse. I've still to write out some for work which I will also do today.

    Not much MMMing going on as I've gone home to see my parents for 6 days. Did have a few slightly random meals in order to use some things up before I left.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend :D
    Debt Dec 2022 - £2972.68. Current debt - £0 (100% paid). Flat deposit - £12583.84/£15000 (83.9% saved). Emergency fund - £2000/£2500 (80% saved).
  • Katieowl
    Katieowl Posts: 185 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    maryb wrote: »
    I'm going to look out for an artificial tree in the Boxing Day sales. DDs have always insisted on the biggest real tree we could get (and we have tall ceilings) but they will both have moved out by next Christmas. It's not making do but it will minimise the hassle and expense of a tree in future years and by getting it after Christmas hopefully I will minimise the upfront cost

    I put my foot down a few years ago, and bought home a small potted real tree that cost around a tenner, and a green ceramic pot. OH always insisted on a 6' plus real ttree, but it was muggings here who ended uo dredging all the decs out, putting them all away again, and sawing the damn tree up and lugging it outside, oh yes and keeping on top of the hoovering up of the needles. The little tree looked good for three years, but it got a bit blasted by the wind this year (it is still alive though) have bought another for ths year and will take better care of this one. I cant bear to think of all the lovely trees being cut down. OH wouldn't stand for a fake one. Little tree is cute. Just big enought for a nice selection of baubles.
  • house_elf
    house_elf Posts: 1,073 Forumite

    Have not posted here for a while!

    Mend: Sewed a seam in a dress I want to wear today. Day trip to London :j

    Make do: Only DH and me for tea tonight, so we had ready meal curry. Which also minimised the cooking. :j

    Minimise: I have used the opportunity of packing a bag to take to London, to minimise all the receipts, random fluffy sweeties, sugar sachets and 5p coins that lurk at the bottom of my work bag. :rotfl:

  • Katieowl - A million thank-yous :T. I didn't know such a thing existed. I knew you could get a mattress protector, but had never heard of a duvet protector. I've ordered one... Dunno what that'll do to my recommendations on Amazon although their computer has some strange ideas about me anyway...

    The last few days I've managed to mend the holey dog toys, and have minimised the number in the living room. I've put some away so I can swap them when these get more holes. And I don't have dozens of toys to pick up. :D

    Still got a ton of wrapping to do, considering I didn't think I'd bought all that much!!!! Decorations are finally up.

    Have a good weekend all
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post
    Yesterday was my Dads birthday and had brought him some food for a small hamper but had nothing to put it all in but on Friday at work my secret Santa was a tray with 4 hard in - very nice it was and so reused the rest for my Dad. A mixture of making do and minimizing.
    Sorted my food cupboard and taking a few tins - from my MIL when we cleared her house out - to work to give to the food bank. Doing it in place of Christmas cards.
    Mended sewed a button on DS2 coat.
    Also fixed problems DH was having with getting stuff to print from the laptop.
  • misstara
    misstara Posts: 3,891 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary I've been Money Tipped! First Post Name Dropper
    Morning all

    Today is the last day of my hols before going back to work tomorrow and I'm having a pottering about the flat day. I've organised all mine and OH's toiletries, put them into separate drawers in the wee unit in the bathroom and identified what needs to be bought. I've also cut the tops off 4 different lotions to get to the bottom of the bottles and finally get them used up.

    I've done a tidy up of the flat and collected all the papers and empty envelopes to put in the recycling bin as it gets collected tomorrow.

    I've also rearranged the freezer and identified some things that need used up. Soup and a roll for lunch today and found some gammon steaks that have been in there for I don't know how long so that will be tea tonight along with some roasties and green beans that I also found. I now know exactly what is in there so this weeks teas will be all be from the freezer. Next to do is go through the cupboards and see exactly what is hiding in there.

    I'm currently trying to cut down on my coffee intake to see if it helps my stomach at all so minimising my stash of herbal/fruit teas.

    I've got a doctors appointment this afternoon and then will be popping round to my grans quickly to see her before Christmas. I've got a couple more presents to wrap so will do that before I go so that I can stash them in the boot of the car ready for dropping off to various people.

    Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday :D
    Debt Dec 2022 - £2972.68. Current debt - £0 (100% paid). Flat deposit - £12583.84/£15000 (83.9% saved). Emergency fund - £2000/£2500 (80% saved).
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