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Settlement offer with Payplan ..



  • Thanks again enthusiastic :)
    I know what to say now . I'll ask them to keep the minimum payments in place obviously . I will ask for a settlement . I do have a hunch , that I won't have to pay the full amount . I'm more calm and focused now.
    When I contacted payplan back in December , I didn't realise that I should wait until now . Now imho is the best time . They are ready to reassess me
    and a proper assessment can be made . I won't be flapping like a budgie .
    Every time I have spoken to payplan, they have been great .
    So hopefully , tomorrow will be fine .
    Will keep you posted tomorrow
  • I just had my review . The advisor I should have been speaking to was sick.
    It meant I called them after 15 mins , to let them know I'm ready to discuss . So, the lady I spoke to, was helpful and apologetic the whole time.

    I explained my upheaval . It meant I told why I left the job without another one to go to ( bad treatment from company about my myasthenia gravis)
    Told her I paid debts to friends and family. Also,the fact I've quit london as it's too expensive etc I offered £13,300 as a settlement figure. She went to her supervisors and got advice .
    She said I should look into living disability allowance. I explained my condition not too bad - yet. I'm not a sponger etc,
    So, the best option I was given : stick with the payments for now .
    Have a review in June . If I buy a place before then , then feel free to contact payplan and discuss . If I haven't bought a place ,,the creditors would want full payment.
    So, I wait for now . Payplan have been very understanding .

    Your thoughts ?
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