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2016 - A year of 16 Challenges



  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    I'm so sorry to hear that Ziggy, best wishes to you and the rest of your family.

    1. Declutter 2016 items
    Sorted out downstairs a bit over the weekend and it's looking emptier! :)

    2. Read 16 Books

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    Completed for last week and resetting today :)

    4. 16 no spend days a month
    This is definitely too ambitious for me!!:)

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    Back has recovered a little and went out for a cycle yesterday. Covered just over half of the distance that I'll be doing on the triathlon and it's made me feel a lot better about it! Resetting the total for this week though.

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least [STRIKE]16[/STRIKE] 12 times a month.
    Yep :)

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. One Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    New week:)

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays
    Should have had a day out with H2Bs family on Saturday, but they were all super lazy and didn't end up leaving until after lunch so then we had to go straight to the suit fittings :(

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday
    Lovely day yesterday, went shoe shopping for the wedding and then had a run/cycle in the afternoon :)

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    Need to pick up on this one...
    1/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    1. Declutter 2016 items
    Loads of receipts and random bits of paper gone from the cluttered table :)

    2. Read 16 Books

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    Pizza last night :)

    4. 16 no spend days a month
    This is definitely too ambitious for me!!:)

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    Gym this morning, did a lot of stretching and low weights, my left shoulder blade is now being unfriendly towards me. :)

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least 16 12 times a month.
    Yep :)

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. [STRIKE]One[/STRIKE] Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    Pizza was all there. I also cut up all the veggies we have in the fridge and put them into portions, what could went in the freezer and the rest will be eaten over the next few days :)

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    Need to pick up on this one...
    1/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    1. Declutter 2016 items
    Had a huge bucket full of flowers and foliage in the kitchen all week but put them into a pretty hand tied bouquet last night in floristry, technically not decluttered as they're still in the house but in a lot prettier way! :)

    2. Read 16 Books

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    Had left over take away as we were both out :)

    4. 16 no spend days a month
    Probably won't make this but I am thinking about what I'm spending and when :)

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    Gym this morning and my H2B was with me, showed me a few new exercises I can do when he's not there :)

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least 16 12 times a month.
    Yep :)

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. One Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    Does left over take away count!? :)

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    Need to pick up on this one...
    1/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • craftingmad
    craftingmad Posts: 2,862 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Hi all,

    Sorry for not posting for a few days but life got in the way. It seems that the kids are busy every night at the moments with some club or another or an out of school activity or sports event.

    I have been doing little bits towards my challenges each day so here's an update of my progress for the last 4 days:-

    1. Stash Busting - 77/365 days of no spending
    Items made 154/2016
    No craft spending at all and also I've managed to make 18 things including some lip balm mini books, keyrings and some bunting for my stall :)

    2. Decluttering 537/2016
    Decluttering sales Me 99 - £281 Dan - 1 - £2
    7 more things sold via facebook adding another £15 to my total :)

    3. Make £2016 - £438/£2016
    £15 from facebook sales :)

    4. Starting weight 12st 4lb - Weight Now - 12st 0lb
    Not much progress on this challenge but I have switched to wholemeal bread :)

    5. Sealed pot challenge - money started to be added
    £3.20 been added over the past couple of days :)

    6. NSD - 45/120
    Proudly adding a further 3 to my total

    7. Amazon Pot - £109.76/£200 (£29.76 left over from last year)
    No more vouchers added since last update but I am very close to claiming from swagbucks and gifthulk. Been swagbuckung and gift hulking every day. Also took part in an online chat for my local shopping centre yesterday for which I will be paid with a £15 Amazon voucher. I won't add this until I have actually received it and added it to my account though :)

    8. 16 outlets - 0/16
    No new progress but I do have two craft fairs this weekend so have been busy making new stock to hopefully sell then and get a score on this board :)

    9. Store Cupboard Challenge 22/52
    Adding two more to my totals. Pasta bake on Monday and Jacket Potatoes tonight all made using stuff I already had in cupboards/fridge :)

    10. New meals 3/12 - tuna fishcakes, savoury bread and butter pudding & savoury pancakes
    No new progress :(

    11. Flylady Challenge 62/352
    Some housework done every day :)

    12. Handmade Christmas 1/50
    No new progress :(

    13. Save/pay off 16k - £3505.05/£16k
    No more money transferred yet but hoping to go to bank tomorrow to pay in and transfer £110 :)

    14. Project Life 2/13
    No new progress :(

    15. Quality Time 15/52
    Declaring one more as we had a day of board games whilst nanny and granddad were here :)

    16. Phoning Parents - 11/52
    Mum and dad only just gone back so will phone later in the week :)

    Keep up the great work fellow 16'ers :)
    Mortgage - £2338.07 BTL 1 £51,089.10 BTL 2 £81,504.52 BTL 3 £77,497.02 No Craft Spending in 2023 0/365 Stash Busting Challenge 2023 0/2023 [COLOR
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    1. Declutter 2016 items

    2. Read 16 Books
    Read quite a bit last night, I just get too tired to read! :)

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    Wasn't really home made last night as it all went in the oven :(

    4. 16 no spend days a month

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    Gym again this morning :)

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least [STRIKE]16[/STRIKE] 12 times a month.
    I did bring in lunch with me but my best friend (who also works here in a different department) had some pretty bad news this morning so we went out instead :(

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. [STRIKE]One[/STRIKE] Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    All from the freezer!:)

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    Need to pick up on this one...
    1/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    1. Declutter 2016 items

    2. Read 16 Books
    Was away all weekend so didn't get time to read :(

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    New week

    4. 16 no spend days a month
    Yeah I'm really not good at this one!

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    Ended with the 4 last week. New week again

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least 16 12 times a month.
    Lunch brought in and challenge completed.

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. One Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    New week

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays
    We went down to Portsmouth for the weekend to celebrate my SILs 30th, just counting it as one day though :)

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday
    I'm sure we've done more than this... I'll have to read back through as I can think of more than 3 already. :)

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    Visited on Friday and there should be another this evening :)
    21/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    1. Declutter 2016 items

    2. Read 16 Books
    Read loads last night, I'm really enjoying the book :)

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    First BBQ of the year last night and had home made burgers and chips! :)

    4. 16 no spend days a month

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least [STRIKE]16[/STRIKE] 12 times a month.
    Lunch brought in and challenge completed.

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. [STRIKE]One[/STRIKE] Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    2/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    1. Declutter 2016 items

    2. Read 16 Books
    Read loads last night, I'm really enjoying the book :)

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    Not really home made as it came from the freezer

    4. 16 no spend days a month
    Another one to add to the very small list! :)

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least 16 12 times a month.
    Sort of have lunch with me today

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. One Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    2/4 (I have two to visit)

    So not much to update on today about yesterday in all honesty. Wondering how everyone else is getting on though!
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    Looks like I'm flying solo here... I hope everyone else is well and are looking forward to a long weekend. We're off to Vienna and Bratislava so I'm sure it'll be an exciting one!

    1. Declutter 2016 items

    2. Read 16 Books
    Didn't read this book last night but I did a travel guide, does that count?! I have packed my book though so hoping to make a good dent on the plane. :)

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    Nope. Fail for this week now! :(

    4. 16 no spend days a month
    Another one to add to the very small list! :)

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    Went to the osteopath last night and felt exhausted after it! I'm sure that counts. :(

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Sparkling :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least [STRIKE]16[/STRIKE] 12 times a month.

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. One Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    Nope, bought some wedges from Sains as I could not be bothered after the osteopath so another fail for the week! :(

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    2/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
  • rdone
    rdone Posts: 570 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    Hoping someone will be joining me this week!

    1. Declutter 2016 items

    2. Read 16 Books
    Finished number two and now trying to decide on number 3. :)

    3. Make 3 homemade meals a week
    New week

    4. 16 no spend days a month

    5. Exercise 4 times a week (I have signed up to a triathlon in July so this is a must!) The triathlon is for my Duke of Edinburgh diamond challenge and a month before the wedding. Have been having back trouble but need to slowly get back into it!
    New week

    6. I currently do the VSPC in which I do a daily, weekly and monthly challenge. Daily is on the 1st Jan put £3.66, 2nd £3.65 etc until the 31st Dec is 1p. Have done it opposite to most people as I felt I'd be more enthusiastic in the beginning and also get more interest! Weekly is rounding my bank account to the nearest £10 at the end of every Sunday and monthly is rounding my salary to the nearest £100.
    Still haven't done this as HSBC are being weird :(

    7. Clean/tidy for 16 minutes per day
    Really need a good clean tonight :)

    8. Do at least 3 pages of my Travel scrapbook per month.

    9. Bring a packed lunch at least 16 12 times a month.

    10. No buying any unnecessary toiletries and using the stash first
    None :)

    11. When doing craft use up stash in house first, only exception is wedding craft! I have a huge cupboard full of things but always seem to buy new when I want to make something. Allowing the wedding to be an exception as some things I've never had before.

    12. [STRIKE]One[/STRIKE] Two meal a week to be shopped for in the kitchen cupboards
    New week

    13. Do 16 random acts of kindness that cost nothing

    14. 16 days out with family/friends that doesn't include holidays

    15. 16 days out with H2B that doesn't include holiday

    16. Visit elderly relatives twice a month IN THEIR HOME. I often time a visit to my parents house when I know they'll be there.
    2/4 (I have two to visit)
    My debt free diary

    Debt: £14,896.33 @ 21/04/2020.
    Down to: £4,982.12 @ 08/06/2022
    Today: £9,799.52
This discussion has been closed.
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