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Do One, Debt!



  • GoingToDoIt
    GoingToDoIt Posts: 491 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary
    edited 7 February 2017 at 12:02PM
    Well when the money has run out and payday is still a week away, what else is there to do than impulse purchase theatre tickets?!?!
    Actually I've seen the play advertised for a while and have been thinking I want to go and would be willing to pay the solid wedge it would cost. I've bought two tickets for my birthday so just need to convince someone to come along. £80 gone...
    I'm not sure if I'm justifying bad money behaviours here or not, but I was thinking that I have "underinvested" for so long that maybe I should reduce my payments for a bit? I mean I've got a years worth of toilet rolls plus a reasonable wardrobe and pre-booked tickets for events and an rdf...so I'm thinking of just paying Halifax cc the minimum in Feb, £18 I think and "absorbing" the other £280 overpayment into my credit card bills and maybe a bit to the clothes fund if possible. I think to keep things "interesting" if I am extended, I will vary my overpayments each month and up it or reduce it by £50-£100 here and there. Not every month is the same and some are long!
    To be fair the boots I bought in the sale recently (£36)are a godsend as I had put them away, but my current boots literally just fell apart. The boot ripped from the sole on both!! They cost £25 so no value in having them repaired, plus I wasn't too keen on them, so they can go and their replacements can start work!
    My work contract may be extended to the end of the year, should find out next month. So I guess I'm "living" as if it will be. But when I make my March loan payments, I'll hit the "halfway" debt repaid point. I'll have managed to slay £4K in a year and I can probably slay 4K in the year ahead.
    Had a difficult few weeks with personal problems (family) and a really rough weekend long story short I smoked. About 40 fags...anyway I'm on the wagon again and trying to manage emotions better, under very tough circumstances.
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • I've finally sorted out some little things that should help my finances.
    I switched my electric, I should have done this a while ago really, but I really liked using a green supplier. But it's become expensive, so I've ditched them for now. It's a shame but the numbers just were not working. Switched through tcb so £35 cash back too.:A
    I've now got two regular dd coming out of Halifax, so I can start getting the £3 reward (used to be £5) each month. That died off when I switched banks. So between two banks I should start getting £7 per month in rewards. :beer:
    I've been too-ing and frow-ing about my budget, my splurges etc and whilst it's not gone brilliantly money-wise, I do need to get better at doing a food budget etc, it occurred to me that in terms of bringing money in, I'm not doing too bad. All of the bank rewards, tcb, swaggy, inbox£s run in the background and build up to a decent payout. So whilst I might not be too strict with the money I have, at least I have earned a bit extra to be careless with :rotfl:
    Swaggy is at 450. Inbox is at £15.45 tcb has £25 confirmed and around £50 pending plus I have a pile of bay of e stock to start listing which I won't jinx by estimating a price here :)
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • I've just ordered another £40'shop from Mr T. I had one day left on my free delivery trial.
    I bulk bought a few heavy/difficult to find items which will keep. It doesn't really fir with Marie Kondo "buy just what you need" but then again she doesn't have chronic fatigue. And live in flats with no lift.
    A year's worth of washing detergent I've got now, to go with all the toilet roll! But there's never a time you don't need it, is there? I probably won't need to shop, apart from fresh fruit and veg, for a few weeks now.
    Have 13 items listed on the bay, one has already sold :)
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    Well done on you side hustles gonna, they definitely help to offset the spends :) And nice one on ebay.......I've got stuff to list but I just can't be bothered.

    Going back to you reducing your payments, I think you need to live too so go for it. It may extend your dfd but just see that as more money saving practice ;)
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • Thanks Ena. I think I'm changing my point of view which has been to get it all paid back asap. I don't think I can pay it at that rate. And fortunately for me, I don't have to :)
    I'm going to keep going at it hardcore until Halifax is paid in full, mid-June. Then I'm going to decide how to tackle v!rgin, it will have 2900 and 15 months which could be 193 per month. Or I might just reduce down to £100 per month. I can always balance transfer it again when the time comes. It feels a bit uncomfortable, but I do need to have a life! I need to dress semi decent in my job if not in my personal life. I would like to go on holiday next year. And I'll have a "manageable" amount of debt at 3k or less, on one card.
    Bay of e all listed and live, I'd forgotten that the fun part is seeing things added to watch lists, and selling! Don't enjoy the wrapping and posting though. Happy Sunday!
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • 3.5 years old !!!!!!! I'm not very happy about this, as you can tell.
    I've ordered a replacement via tcb.
    The replacement will cost £325. I opted for a "slightly" pricier replacement given that this is my 3rd in 9 years.
    Rdf is at £115, plus tomorrow is payday so 30 to go in, still only £145 so quite a big shortfall there to cover. I feel really sad that the rdf is back down to nil.
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • Fixed the washing machine :j
    Ordered a new one from ayyy ohhh but when they came to deliver it, they said they couldn't disconnect the old one as there was water running. Then identified a valve which needed replacing.
    I then investigated this valve, turned it a few times, noticed that the running water sound stopped. Turned the machine on and hey presto it's working ;)
    So the replacement has been cancelled, I just need to wait for the refund to come through then the rdf can get it's £145 back and I won't have to live on bread and marg this month :beer:
    And much love to ayyy ohhh who let me cancel without any hassle. I've used them a few times and always been pleased with them.
    This month, Feb, which just started for me on 15th, is of course the shortest month of the year and so I'm going to have a good go at having NSD's. For this I will exclude travel as I have to pay that daily, but I really don't need much shopping. I will have three meals out, costing around £70 apart from that I want to see if I can just spend £10 per week. Let's find out!!!
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • GoingToDoIt
    GoingToDoIt Posts: 491 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary
    edited 19 February 2017 at 10:49AM
    Spent plenty today. Ys cakes 60p for 6, one eaten and the rest halved, wrapped, bagged labelled and frozen :)
    Also bought a milkshake as a treat, and some syrup. Total spend £5.
    The bay bids are closed, I made £32 squids :j
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
  • Your freezer sounds like mine! I have a lot of post-its noting the date and what it is. I meant to run it down and defrost but that hasn't happened. I think there is probably 2 months worth of meals in mine which will be handy.
    I buy all my loo roll in bulk as well. when my mum takes me to Tesco she can't understand why I want 32 loo rolls but I can't run out if I can't drive and you will always need them.
    Good luck with your plan of living a bit more. The concerts at Hyde park are really impressive.
    2017- 5 credit cards plus loan
    Overdraft And 1 credit card paid off.

    2018 plans - reduce debt
  • PSL I often think that if my place was a restaurant, the menu du jour would be headed with "from the freezer" in the style of restaurants that head up their salad choices with "from the garden"
    Anyway veggie frozen food fans, exciting news, qu0rn fishless fingers are back!!!
    Impulse sold £13 worth of stuff to mus!cmagpie today, so £45 made this weekend! Also an NSD today.
    Jan 20 - NST challenge
    Jan 20 0%cc debt 7700/7700
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