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Make do, Mend and Minimise in 2015



  • Prinzessilein
    Prinzessilein Posts: 3,257 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    vhalla1478 wrote: »
    Evening, Everyone,

    Sticky Toffee Pudding - serves 1 very greedy little Prinzessilein!

    (Corrected an error for you VAL!!!!!)

    Morning all...earlyish start for me today - Mum has a nurse's appointment and then on into town where I have an appointment with the optician. This could mean spending some money - I suspect my prescription needs changing - and although I do get an NHS voucher I usually top-up to get slightly more stylish frames.

    Oh and I have also sent off to Lakeland for one of those laundry egg things to try!....I haven't ordered the additional important/effective is that?

    Must dash...have a good day folks!
  • good_advice
    good_advice Posts: 2,653 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post Mortgage-free Glee! Rampant Recycler
    Good Advice, can I ask how you minimised your photos? We have just dug all of our from the loft, there's boxes of them.
    Good morning Doily
    For days I have been draging the x2 kitchen swing bins around.
    x1 general trash and the other is being green paper/card/plastic bottles.

    Nearly all the photos I looked at went in the bin. I kept the albums to donate to other family with family @ celebrations.

    I kept my old wedding album.

    Lots of the photos I bined were scenes of places we had visited.

    I still have a old box of family photos and some of our children growing up.

    The photos I have taken in the last few years I now upload onto my desktop computer.
    The ones I realy like I print off and put on the walls for a wile - till I update and swap photos around.

    I have given several photo mugs as gifts. Mugs are about £3.50 when on a deal.
    Happy decluttering.
    The secret to success is making very small, yet constant changes.:)
  • silvasava
    silvasava Posts: 4,433 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Good advice/Dolly

    I've got to sort a mountain of photos too - I've also been binning the scene ones & realise that the photos you tend to keep are those of friends and relatives.
    I've rephotographed some of the old ones. I put them on a flat surface & set my camera to close up & photograph the photograph. Its worked very well 'cos once its in digital format you can crop those wonky ones ;) It also means that the photos can be put on disc and you can put who's in them especially on the really old ones
    Hope this may help
    Small victories - sometimes they are all you can hope for but sometimes they are all you need - be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
  • good_advice
    good_advice Posts: 2,653 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post Mortgage-free Glee! Rampant Recycler
    A brand new day. Looks sunny.
    DD droped off wet washing on the way to work. I have it drying on my washing line.
    My washing in the machine, will also be going out later.

    Grocery shopping today. I have a list.
    The list is written in the week. Basics we are running low on.
    Will be looking in the freezer. If I can count x7 dinners we do not need any more. Less I see something on offer.

    Bins were emptied at silly o clock this morning. Realy early as I live on a main road. The bins have to go out the night before at the very edge of your propity with handle facing out.
    The secret to success is making very small, yet constant changes.:)
  • cheerfulness4
    cheerfulness4 Posts: 2,874 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 14 April 2015 at 9:46AM
    Sticky Toffee pudding- you little tinker,Viv. :naughty: There's not many of us going to be able to resist that one, are there? :D

    Camelot, my garden is so weeny I couldn't swing a cat and the hard area patio would only be the size of a large rug but I'm getting fired up ready to go.
    I've been having a read through the Shabby Chic thread as well and I've picked up some tips there, too.
    Don't go anywhere, then when I get in a pickle I can ask you what to do. :p

    Oh my goodness, I'm indecisive about my spends. DH went maverick on me, which is unheard of normally, and made a purchase without consultation! :eek::eek: Can you imagine?! Do yours?
    We were in the country visiting a friend and I knew the local farmer sold duck eggs. I sent him down this little grassy lane (thought I'd risk his shoes as there was unidentifiable 'poos' ) and he came back with a massive grin on his face and fully loaded arms.
    Now admittedly 3 boxes of eggs is a lot to carry, particularly as one lot were duck eggs and large ones but what were the UFOs on the very top he was balancing? Dinosaur eggs?
    Nope, Goose Eggs. Not only were they mahooosive in size but mahoosive in price!
    £1 each. Yes.. EACH. _pale_
    £2 for 2 eggs. He was so happy with his surprise too, bless him. What can you say other than thank you sweetie. :kisses3:

    Oh well, I think that's my extras budget gone out the window. I toyed with the idea of calling it a gift but it felt like cheating so that's that then. No more treats this month.
    I had one last night, though and they are lovely. Not lovely enough to do it again I don't think but I did enjoy it and enjoyed watching how proud he was. He even took a photo of it in the pan. :rotfl::rotfl:

    Sorry, I've waffled on about eggs instead of commenting on your posts as I intended. I'm still in shock as I expect you'll understand. :D

    Have you men folk every done anything like that where you don't know whether to kiss them or give them a clout round the head? :D
  • sammy_kaye18
    sammy_kaye18 Posts: 3,679 Forumite
    Homepage Hero Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Have you men folk every done anything like that where you don't know whether to kiss them or give them a clout round the head? :D

    My husband has done that to me before. He use ro be a courier and took me to a nice mountain bike shop he used to frequent to show me a bike he was looking at.
    anyway a few days later I was going through his work teousers and found a receipt for £175.........turns out he put a deposit on his new bike and forgot to mention it! Cheeky git. Needless to say every purchase over about £10 is double checked with me now!
    Making Changes To Save My Life
    Current weightloss - 2lbs (week 1)
  • cheerfulness4
    cheerfulness4 Posts: 2,874 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped!
    Oh dear, Sammy. You win! :rotfl::rotfl: That certainly puts DH £2 unauthorised spend into perspective.
    Was there a lot of finger wagging from you and head hanging from him? :D

    I'm back to square one with the lettuces. <sigh>. Big mix up over which plants I wanted hardening off in the garden. :(
    I went to water my little baby icebergs on the table and they were gone. :eek:
    Much feet shuffling and looking at the floor by DH. Yep, round the side of the house, blown to shred and totally unrecoverable.

    Ah well, here we go again. Reminds me, Caroline's must be up by now. That or she's forgotten to sow them and watering compost as I was before. :o
  • good_advice
    good_advice Posts: 2,653 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post Mortgage-free Glee! Rampant Recycler
    Hello money savers
    Back from this mornings shopping so lets see what you all make of this?

    Needed washing up liquid and always buy Fairy.
    Looked the shelf over. Spotted the x2 for £3.
    All diffrent colours. Green, blue. red and yellow.
    Now being a savvy shopper looked at the weight.
    The green was 900 ml while the yellow was 870ml.
    No prize for guessing I bought x2 green.
    x2 30ml difference for the same price.
    Question = How many more dishes can I hand wash for the extra 60ml? Remember the advert with the small child running down the long table of plates with the last one?

    Spent £57.68 on food and dog food. x3 adults.
    Never ends there though. I also paid £6 for x3 new oven trays. x1 deep tray and x2 shallow trays. Decluttering the old, tatty looking ones.

    Coupons = 45p. Then I did not spend the time looking around the web.
    The secret to success is making very small, yet constant changes.:)
  • cheerfulness4
    cheerfulness4 Posts: 2,874 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped!
    One thing I've noticed about Fairy is that the very large economy ones 1ltr+ definitely are not the same consistency of the lesser volume ones. I've done a side by side.
    Its a minefield of tricks sometimes doing your shopping.

    I'd also spotted the difference in price between the fragrances. I only buy Original, though. Its a childhood memories thing. It gets me through doing a job I hate. :D
  • janb5
    janb5 Posts: 2,625 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    I have now arranged for the practice to photocopy my hospital notes since April 2014 since the hospital `lost` my notes!

    Actually it nearly didnt happen. At the time, I got a copy of each and every one of my investigations . ? ovarian cancer anyone! Then I gave them to my GP who wasnt getting the updates from the hospital.

    Today the receptionist said she has checked as usually they charge for this! Not this time honey as I gave them to you!
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