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Goals for 2014



  • Hello Lovelies! Hope you are all well. Had a !!!!!!! amazing holiday, wish I was back there.... :(

    Anyway here we go with this fortnight's update:

    1. Pay Loans x 2 (£5906) -now £0 - :) - ACTION COMPLETE!

    2.Pay & close x 4 CCs (£5764) - now £0- :) All 4 cards closed!!!! :TACTION COMPLETE!
    4. Read 4 books - 4 books read. 'My husband's secret' rated 8/10. What to expect when you are expecting. 7/10. One Night in Italy 7/10 New Mum's guide 8/10 - ACTION COMPLETE!
    5.Try to exercise 5 days a week, even if only a 10 minute walk at lunchtime- Going to try and get back into this, this weekend.
    6. Eat a healthy diet and limit pregnancy related weigh gain at no more than 15 pounds. - +4lbs more than pre-pregnancy weight in 20 weeks!
    7. Redecorate my bedroom -Decorator has been, bed needs to be delivered. Next step is curtains, blinds, lamps etc
    8. Practice Relaxation through prayer and meditation regularly - going well

    9. GO TO BED AT A REASONABLE HOUR! - we shall see now I am back to work tomorrow

    10 - Decorate nursery - No further progress for another few weeks. Will definitely have progress before Christmas.
    2019 goal
  • Hi Everyone - I hope that you are all keeping well in whatever corner of the globe that you live in.

    It's nearing the end of the year and only a few weeks until 2015 appears, all fresh and new and shiny, with renewed hope and focus.

    For me, 2014 has been a rollercoaster of a ride. It has been my darkest year and my most glorious year yet, all for different reasons.

    I would love to read about the accomplishments that you have all made towards your goals in 2014 - however large or however small. Please do post a wee progress update.

    In the last 6 weeks of the year, why don't you make that final push to achieve something that you have been putting off or wanting to do for ages?

    I will be posting a new thread soon for the goals for 2015 but in the meantime, reflect a little, and let us all know how you have done this year - remember a little step is a little step closer to where you want to be.

    Take care

    NYD xxx
    2019 goal
  • Well, my last update will be around New Year so this is my penultimate update.

    My financial goals have all been achieved in 2014 although I thought I would have paid more debt off than I have! The very swift conception of baby NYD knocked that plan sideways. For those would like to try for a baby in 2015, be warned, it can happen RIGHT AWAY!!:rotfl:My main achievement is that everything for baby has been budgeted for and built into a realistic budget and that feels good! We have also planned maternity/paternity leave for 10 months all budgeted for.

    My health and fitness goals have partly been achieved in 2014. I still struggle with fitness and prioritising this with everything that I have to fit in (work, caring responsibilities) but I have to keep this as my focus for the last 6 weeks of the year and keep it as a priority in 2015. Something needs to change to initiate lasting change, I just haven't figured out what yet. I still struggle to go to bed early. Maybe I need a more realistic target. My pregnancy related weight gain is 8lbs in 25 weeks. As someone who has struggled with weight their whole life, I was dreading pregnancy for this alone. I am over the moon and loving every minute of being pregnant. :)

    My emotional and mental wellbeing goals have been achieved in 2014. I have hit my target of reading 4 books and I regularly meditate and pray. This is positive area for me as something I have tried to do for years.

    My creative goals are on track to be achieved in 2014. Our bedroom is now decorated, new bed and blinds fitted. The only thing left is soft furnishings and light shades. January sales me thinks. The nursery furniture is picked and the colour scheme decided. Everything will be in place by beginning of February.

    My biggest achievement in 2014 is how I have coped with everything that life has thrown at me this year. My dear dad has suffered a horrendous stroke which has completely changed his life. If you asked me 12 months ago how I would have coped, I would have not thought this would have been possible. I have identified skills and attributes I never knew I had, and realised that my inner strength was in abundance. Above all, I know that I can now face anything with strength and courage.

    Looking forward to hearing all your updates.

    NYD xx
    2019 goal
  • You truly are both inspirational and the voice of my conscience. I will def do a full update on Sunday. This will include the dreaded weigh in
    Mortgage at 01.01.14 £119,481.83:eek: today £0 Emergency fund £5.5/5.5k & £200/200 cash.:jWeight 24/02/19 14st 7lb now 11st 12lb determined to stop defining myself by my mistakes. Progress not perfection.:T100%through my 1% mortgage challenge. 71.3% through my pb challenge.
  • I'm looking forward to your update hon xx
    2019 goal
  • Update from me 1. Get sugar control (I'm diabetic)
    back to kinda normality and need to be semi sensible in run up to the big C day.

    2. put savings in best place possible
    see sig.we now have £8k earning 1.3% more pa than our mortgage costs. Still hold £1k in current account and have £201 in cash & regular saver ISA with £1650 @ 2.09% more than mortgage

    3. Make mortgage annual overpayments equivalent to 4x monthly payment plus interest
    managed q1 & q2. paid one off £2000 in q3. otherwise missed q3 target by £60 but am hopefully still on track to meet year end target.

    4. Lose weight. .
    see 1 - still haven't weighed in

    5. Declutter
    got rid of an item of clothing today. need to persuade OH to ebay some stuff. i don't have an account to minimise the chances of spends
    6. Take garden in hand
    Fundamentally lazy
    7. expand 'flylady' daily routines
    I wish
    8. Get rid of ugly clothes bought because they fit and not cos they were nice.
    see 5
    9. Appreciate my home and make it nicer
    we now have a clear kitchen table. admittedly down to DD but it makes it easier to keep on top of the rest of the room.
    10.be more disciplined in my job
    11. Be less wasteful
    Ok I suppose
    12. Donate
    not doing too well here

    13. eat out less, fewer takeaways (inc lunch)
    1 takeaway and 1 planned meal out this week. I'm now less likely to get a cant be arsed takeaway. instead we get them because it's something we want to eat.

    14. Move, as in exercise, at least twice a week
    Mortgage at 01.01.14 £119,481.83:eek: today £0 Emergency fund £5.5/5.5k & £200/200 cash.:jWeight 24/02/19 14st 7lb now 11st 12lb determined to stop defining myself by my mistakes. Progress not perfection.:T100%through my 1% mortgage challenge. 71.3% through my pb challenge.
  • EverTheOptimist
    EverTheOptimist Posts: 2,694 Forumite
    First Post Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 23 November 2014 at 11:49PM
    Evening all.

    Well I kind of lost my way earlier in the year, firstly with posting, then my goals went to pot, and then 5 weeks ago I had a very very close family bereavement so my goals most definitely haven't been at the forefront.

    Anyway I have been debating whether to set myself goals/ join in the 2015 thread if it starts. However I keep alternating between wanting to set goals, and achieving them to be happy, and because as has been proven life is too short, to not wanting to set goals, because at the moment I can't give a s*** about achieving anything. :(

    I will keep lurking and looking out for the new thread and see how I feel in a few weeks about joining.

    Sorry for the long post.

    Oh and congratulations NYD on your baby girl news.
    SPC 14 Target £200 /
    Debt: £11850
  • Sorry to hear of the bereavement. Just do what feels right. We'll still be here when you want to join in
    Mortgage at 01.01.14 £119,481.83:eek: today £0 Emergency fund £5.5/5.5k & £200/200 cash.:jWeight 24/02/19 14st 7lb now 11st 12lb determined to stop defining myself by my mistakes. Progress not perfection.:T100%through my 1% mortgage challenge. 71.3% through my pb challenge.
  • Hi INOD - thanks for your update. You are doing great in so many areas of your life! Well done. You must be chuffed with your financial goals and the success with those.

    Hi ETO - I'm so sorry to hear of your recent loss. As INOD says, we will be here for you whenever you decide to join us again - you will always be welcome. Thank you for your kind wishes for Miss NYD - only 14 weeks or so to go until I meet the lady herself!

    NYD xx
    2019 goal
  • Hello :)
    I'd not seen this thread until now but there's still time so here goes!

    1. Get all health queries sorted
    2. Have written up a payment plan that I can stick to, payment a day.
    3. Pay off another 5% of my debt at least.
    4. Keep up with writing in my journal every day
    5. Have emergency pot of £100.
    6. Own a bike for work!

    I think 6 will do for now!

    I'm thinking for 2015 to see if I can think of 52..I'm sure that's possible if I count from the big to the small.. and aim for one a week..

    Sorry to hear of your loss also, perhaps the 1 a week (or month if less goals) might help when you speak of life too short hun xx
    1 step = £250
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