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our forever patch challenge



  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    We have loads of tiny corn midges today, and the ladybirds that hibernate over winter in our attic are starting to arrive, must mean autumn is around the corner ..

    we have an expensive month , new immersion heater being fitted, chimney swept, hubbys birthday, our 5 year anniversary :j, and im stocking up on hay, by the end of this month i should have enough to last until the end of May 2019 :beer:

    But then, i wont have hay to buy all winter, and prices are rising already..

    I also if possible want to put the last of the cash needed for xmas into the xmas savings, then for the next 6 months i can concentrate on paying back the diy loan, and building savings/ also mortgage overpaying..:T

    So september pay is spoken for, then october onwards is frugal super saving months, and the countdown of our 21 month plan.. we are currently at month 8 :)
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    Today ive had a good day, work wasnt too bad. I paid £38 off diy loan from an account tidy :beer:

    Its really windy here today, so didnt go for my planned ride , instead gave my horse a good groom which he loves, and enjoyed just watching our animals enjoying life ..

    We are off next week. Quite a few bits planned, our new immersion heater being fitted tuesday which will be a godsend next summer, no more lighting the range to heat water and having hot radiators when the sun is hot! and should if we are careful save money on buying fuel in summer..:)
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    what a soggy day! the rain is bucketing down, all the poor animals are soggy, as was i when i was mucking out/feeding etc this afternoon :eek:

    Tomorrow is my last working day before my last week of annual leave for 2018 ( have odd day off to go stil tho), so im hoping it dries up to allow a few rides out, and to allow us to get a few outstanding jobs done.

    Its also payday for us next week, though most of it will be spoken for as we have a lot to pay out this month, then is saving/overpaying for the next few months i hope..:)

    i have e.mailed a formal complaint about the bad service etc with father in laws funeral, ive had a call today, and have gone through all my issues, and they are coming back to me in a few days apparently. lets see...
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    ive managed to get out for a ride this morning :j and its still dry out.

    Ive mucked out chickens and horse, haynets and water buckets filled, walked to the bins with rubbish bag and checked post, now im on with house work ..

    Tomorrow morning we are off to collect more hay, we only have a small trailer at present which carries 12 bales, so 4 more runs to go , then we have enough hay to last until mid may, when hopefully we will have some grass again.. we usually go on a sunday morning, so with us being off work we may gets next weeks run done early, so no more early morning hay runs until next year , i wanted to get it early before it goes up even more, and the bad weather arrives.. living on the edge of the pennines means we get the worst of the bad weather..

    must crack on with house tidy up, it wont do itself!:)
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • Its my lovely hubbys 45th birthday today, a bit of a hectic start to it, no hot water :eek: turned out after prod and inspection, and call to plumber, our pipes were air locked, we had our new immersion heater fitted yesterday... no more lighting fires on hot days in summer, a little late for this year, but will make a big difference next, and our daughter may be coming home for a while, so will definately need it then! :eek:

    Alongside getting the immersion heater fixed, we have collected all our winter store of hay, collected a months worth of animal feed and shavings, and hubby has made a start on some more of the never ending stonework wall repairs..

    ive also booked and paid deposit for xmas day family lunch, and tonight we are off out to a country pub for tea with family, so that will be nice..:)

    Ive managed to get some rides out in too in this lovely weather, though wont have time today, as we have to run a few errands this afternoon, before picking mother in law up on way to pub, which is a 45 minute drive there and then half hour back to pub..

    Its pay day friday, so will be shuffling round sorting paying for electrical work, xmas savings etc, hopefully may make a small overpayment to mortgage, and diy loan..

    We are from next month on the last 12 0f our 21 month plan, then a fresh start, and new plans afoot, hopefully including a career change for us both, fingers crossed..

    To make our plans happen, we are going to be super frugal for the next 12 months, this time on hubbys birthday, the eve of phase 3 of our longterm plan will begin.. but we are going to enjoy our lives in the meantime in our lovely countryside home with our crazy animals :)
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    We have had a lovely week off work together, lots done, hubby had a lovely birthday, and we had our 5th wedding anniversary the day after :)
    I cant believe how far we have come, and what we have achieved in our 5 years of married life, if i say so myself we make a good team, and i love him to bits :happylove

    Today ive paid £250 into xmas fund, this will have last £150 paid in next month

    £425 into savings/p.bonds

    £90 off diy loan

    On Monday i will work out what i can juggle for the
    mortgage overpayment.

    Im determined to make every penny count to achieve our goals for the next 12 months.
    Ive gone through our October budget, i just need to stick to it and make savings wherever i can :beer:

    Me and horsey had a lovely long hack in the sunshine yesterday after he had his new shoes done, it was glorious , makes all the hard work worthwhile, so peaceful too..:)

    Right, must finish chores..
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    Back to work today, had another lovely ride out yesterday, i love having horse again, and he is so relaxed to ride :)

    Direct debit of £1246.54 went out yesterday on our new 5 year fix at 2.89 %, slightly higher rate, but the security of knowing the payment is fixed is worth it to us

    interest for september- £384.67
    Daily- £12.82
    new balance- £218,038.13
    overpaid £88.13
    new balance- £217,950 :beer:

    our daughter repaid £450 today, so £350 paid off diy loan, and the £88 0.payment, other spare bit went to current account towards electric bill which is due this month.

    Im feeling back in full swing for money saving, may try for sober october, mmm will think about it..:)
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    mmmm, vet bill this week, so much for getting full swing into money saving.. at least it was nothing serious, horse had some sore skin on his legs that needed attention, i do have vet insurance, but as it was less than £200 im paying myself..
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    its windy and rainy here, animals all damp and horsey in his stable with the attached area for him to come and go, his winter quarters, way to windy and rainy to put him up on his hilly field as theres not much shelter. I will allow him to roam the yard/lawns etc for a nibble of grass at mucking out times.:):) though he does tend to raid the chickens feed/hanging baskets/ owt else edible, alongside trying to get in the porch to go through the contents of a set of drawers near the door..:rotfl:

    just finished my one in 4 saturday morning shift, so mucking out now, followed by house tidying, then date night with hubby, got some curries in, and rasberry gin and tonics (oh well, thought about dry october :rotfl:0, for me, couple of beers for hubby, and nice bar of dairymilk for me, and cake for hubby, love saturday treat night!:j
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
  • sammy70
    sammy70 Posts: 973 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Combo Breaker
    horse and chickens mucked out
    Half way through house tidy

    Just paused to make £60 payment off diy loan

    Also £100 paid off mortgage :j

    I need to get motivated, because ive been busy sorting FIL pensions etc and all finances/funeral etc i seem to have lost a bit of oommph, this week im going to re-focus on the money saving, i think a small overpayment to both loan and mortgage each week , alongside meal planning and keeping a tight budget should be my October target..
    current official end date of mortgage= 2037-aiming for 2030. mortgage balance start of challenge- 25/11/2016 £245,695 mortgage balance 01/07/24 - £129,300. 2024 challenge- get mortgage balance to £115,000 by xmas eve 2024, and a years outgoings in premium bonds again
    Make £13,968.47 in overpayments in 2024,save £15,000 for water system
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