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Living on next to nought - is that the key?



  • Greying_Pilgrim
    Good Morning :hello:
    Ummmm....have you had an electrical incident GP? I mean, aside from your own natural electric personality of course... :D If one's saved your (vegetarian) bacon, then I too am grateful for RCD units!

    DP reckons that I would of been OK, the string would of protected me - but as the switch tripped on the RCD, I'm sticking with remaining grateful that they RCD's were invented and that we have one in the house :D Electric personality??:o It is so good having such kind folk like you in my *corner*, EH - although I'm sure I'm not worthy of such high praise :o
    Your rice dish looks extremely colourful - and extremely tasty too. Shame about not being able to add any YELLOW from a yellow-stickered Aubergine, though! :D

    Darn, could of got another colour in! :rotfl:

    A late start for me this morning. I think I have contracted Pippi's *washing machine head* - and I must of been washing horse blankets in the wee small hours...........:o

    Not too sure what is on the *chores* agenda this morning, as the weather has scuppered our initial plan. DP is on about wandering into the loft to have a look at the position of the water tank etc. I'm getting heartily fed up of all the rooms in our house looking like a half-finished project in the 'trades' section of a technical college :( I keep expecting George Clarke to bounce into the room, or Kevin McCloud to emerge from a cupboard :(

    Anyway, that is the *washing machine glums* emerging. So I'll nip that in the bud now. Rome wasn't built in a day and at least Team Greying achieves things when we get going........

    Whilst we cannot do the project we'd intended this morning; the sun is shining, so I may well take a walk out to get some milk and bananas and I'll see if our l*dl has any of the oranges left. Perhaps we're in need of a vit c boost? So I won't be claiming a NSD today. I'm pretty pleased with achieving 14 so far though. And I think that it is the key to me remaining on budgetary track. Isn't it silly that we are capable of frittering money whatever our available budget?

    Oh, must make sure DP doesn't venture into the loft if I am out of the house......

    On the planner tonight we have 'Turnip treat'. Whilst there is no pressing reason why we shouldn't have this, I'm going to have a look at the planner again - just in case I could substitute. As I made cake on Friday, I may not be able to fill the oven - in which case, it will be a waste of energy use. Having said that, I am sure that DP would be appreciative of an apple crumble and we have plenty of apple in the freezer, thanks to a generous work colleague :D So maybe TT get's the green light :D

    Right, I'm away to do something. Need to concentrate on what I can achieve, and not worry about things raised in meeting with the plumber. To be fair, it was his first visit, and he had no idea what we were going to be looking at doing. If he comes back with a fresh perspective on what we need, then perhaps he'll come up with practical solutions, rather than fanciful ideas of what we could do.....*sigh*

    Thanks so much for reading, commenting and joining in. Hope I'm not too *grey, gloomy and eeyore-ish* at the mo..... :o 'Coz I greatly appreciate your support - and we're going to move forward, so things will improve :D

    See y'all later.

    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • Pippilongstocking
    Oh greying I'm glad you're ok and washing machineheadnessess is temporary.

    Tattie surprise here tonight, :-) I may follow your example and fill the oven. :D well reminded.

    You're sounding positive about first encounters with plumbers.....

    Awake early here then fell back to slumber so I do need to get a wriggle on and not lose the entire day.

    Have a good un - not eeyorish at all. How can you be when you spread such positivity and sunshine to us all.
    Total debt 26/4/18 <£1925 we were getting there. :beer:
    Total debt as of 28/4/19 £7867.38:eek:
    minus 112.06 = £7755.32:money:
    :money:Sleeves up folks.:money:
  • Karmacat
    Karmacat Posts: 39,460 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Mmm, I think I'd be grateful for the RCD tripping too. Very dodgy, and I'm glad you're okay.

    It is lovely to have the sun out, isn't it - I'm sure some sun on your skin at this time of year helps with mood - but eeyore is terribly cuddly and sweet, you know :) stay nice and warm, whatever you do :)
    2023: the year I get to buy a car
  • Greying_Pilgrim
    Good Evening :hello:

    Thank you for popping by Pippi - you always have a kind word to make me smile - thank you :D

    Karma - you are right, and that is exactly what I did - got out in the sunshine and I do feel a heap better :D

    So today has turned out well considering....... but I am in agreement with Pippi - where did the time go to today? I know that DP and I snoozed in, but even so ........

    Anyway, we managed to make a decision about something in the bathroom. Our plumber, bless his heart, is a lovely fella, and I know that he only wants the best for us and was suggesting lots of things. In different circumstances, and frankly - in a different house/area, he would be giving us brilliant 'development' advice. However, this area has it's limit to how much you can bling if you want to sell - even less if you want to rent. You can very quickly invest a whole heap more than you could ever recoup. So we have decided that the bathroom makeover will concentrate on getting good quality items in, leave the bath as it is and to make it smart, clean and user-friendly. That is going to cost us plenty :( Anything else is just muddying the waters (however well intentioned) and diverting our time and energy from what actually needs to be done. Therefore, DP was able clear up the bathroom considerably and it is looking less like a building site and more like a bathroom under renovation........... :o

    I walked over to the shops. Ald* was heaving :( L*dl was empty, but the locusts must of already been through, as there were no oranges left. No real surprise, but sometimes the offers don't fly off the shelves.

    We had cottage cheese and cucumber sandwiches for lunch. Delish - there was enough sunlight (and warmth) to make it feel ok eating them - despite the fact it was January :D DP had the last choccy/porridge bun - we get to cut the cake tomorrow :D DP wants me to send his personal thanks to Pippi for such a good recipe :D

    I've been fiddling about in the kitchen this afternoon, and so I have been able to cook 'Turnip Treat' for dinner, in addition to one big and one small apple and blackberry crumble and some jacket spuds for in the week :D

    EH may wish to look away at this point. As our dinner contained an ingredient that I'm pretty sure you don't like.........(for everyone else, we had the TT with mushy peas and cabbage) Photo here;


    I used up some of the 'sweet and sour' peppers in the Turnip Treat and I heartily recommend it - they really complimented the carrot and the turnip well. I should add that I used Swedish turnip (the yellow one) for this dish - it was actually the last bit of the one that I got from mrM, YS'd for 19p before Christmas :D The 'peas' were some of the 4p stash from the supermarket pea war of 2012 :D

    if you'd like a go at making Turnip treat (which I would recommend, as it tastes a lot better than you will ever anticipate :D) then you can find the recipe I used HERE

    We will tuck into the crumble whilst watching the next episode of 'Sherlock' - off tape from 'weeks' ago - I know I'm waay behind :D

    Today I am grateful for these 3 things;

    that DP and I can discuss things and reach a decision that is for our benefit

    for warm sunlight - not only was it good to be out in the sunshine, it was warming too. A walk in the country would of been great, but a walk to the shops sufficed :D

    that DP restored the bathroom as much as he could whilst I was out - he knew that it was getting me down a little (and even put shelves back up!). Thank you DP :kisses3:

    Thank you so very much for popping by, reading and commenting. You know that I continue to appreciate it :D

    See y'all later.

    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • EssexHebridean
    Wasn't the sunshine just glorious! Really nice to feel it so lovely and warm, although the wind did get quite a chill in it later on.

    And yes, MrEH is also muchly grateful for the excellent chocolate Porridge cake...although he DID scratch his head a little when I told him who'd suggested it....and then said "But she doesn't LIKE cake!" in a voice of utter horror! :rotfl:

    I'm not talking about your mushy peas GP - they're just wrong, OK?! I'm tempted to simply re-open the old "Swede/Turnip" debate here by way of deflection... :D The rest of the plateful looked marvellous though - full marks there!
    🎉 MORTGAGE FREE (First time!) 30/09/2016 🎉 And now we go again…New mortgage taken 01/09/23 🏡
    Balance as at 01/09/23 = £115,000.00
    Balance as at 31/12/23 = £112,000.00
    SOA CALCULATOR (for DFW newbies): SOA Calculator
  • Greying_Pilgrim
    And yes, MrEH is also muchly grateful for the excellent chocolate Porridge cake...although he DID scratch his head a little when I told him who'd suggested it....and then said "But she doesn't LIKE cake!" in a voice of utter horror! :rotfl:

    Exactly the same thought went through my head :D
    I'm not talking about your mushy peas GP - they're just wrong, OK?! I'm tempted to simply re-open the old "Swede/Turnip" debate here by way of deflection... :D The rest of the plateful looked marvellous though - full marks there!

    Sorry! But thank you for being a stalwart and looking anyway :rotfl:

    Well, I've caught up with episode 2 of Sherlock. That had the eyeball in it! Very good and very funny episode :D Just need to catch up with the final episode now......

    We had crumble and I forgot to mention that I made yoghurt this afternoon too. I may possibly of loused up and got the milk too hot....... do not g00gal and make yoghurt at the same time is the moral of that one........ :o However, I used some of the last yoghurt to freeze as starter, so there was only a little left to dribble on the crumble, in lieu of custard. Photo here;


    Right, I need to hit the hay.

    See y'all in the morning :D

    Pounds for Panes £3,005/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023

    Coins for Camping January - May £90/£90
    Grocery spend May £203.56/250
    Non-food household spend June £/40
    Bulk Fund June 0/£10

    Knitted items for charity 3/24 (inc. Blankets 3/6)
  • Karmacat
    Karmacat Posts: 39,460 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Sounds like you got a *lot* done, Greying, as well as being outside and letting the sunshine warm your cockles :)

    Cheering up because the bathroom looks better is amazing, isn't it - mine's been in a state of semi destruction for ages now, but I bought some mould killer recently (its the grout :( ) and the before and after shots belong in a tv advert, you know? Its really lifted me. The other stuff needs money thrown at it, but its a great start :)

    Hope today is going well for you.
    2023: the year I get to buy a car
  • dreaming
    dreaming Posts: 1,143 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Catching up and see you've been having a productive if (nearly) shocking time. Food looks fab. and I enjoyed the pea !!!!!! (I love mushy peas - in fact peas of all sorts). I am going to try a version of sweet potato jalfrezi as getting to the bottom of the veg. box I found some sweet pots. just sitting there. Have loads of stuff left from my pre-Christmas stock-up as I have been so busy I have been having quick stuff (jacket potatoes/beans on toast).
    I am trying to clear the clutter again. It's stuff I dithered about last time I had a clear out but am trying to be sensible now - do I really need the straw hat my daughter wore to friend's wedding when she was 3? She did look cute in it but she will be 32 (not possible, surely?) next month so maybe it's time to let go. I also have a lot of candles, as people seem to think that's a good present for a middle-aged woman. I have actually started to light them when I am sitting in the evenings but some are a bit strong for my liking.
    Glad you are feeling positive and forging (babystepping) ahead with your plans.
  • greenbee
    greenbee Posts: 16,248 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Burn the strong scented candles in the bathroom or toilet dreaming. Especially when you have visitors, as it helps avoid anyone worrying about smells!
  • Pippilongstocking
    Pippilongstocking Posts: 16,336 Forumite
    edited 20 January 2014 at 10:15PM
    Wasn't the sunshine just glorious! Really nice to feel it so lovely and warm, although the wind did get quite a chill in it later on.

    And yes, MrEH is also muchly grateful for the excellent chocolate Porridge cake...although he DID scratch his head a little when I told him who'd suggested it....and then said "But she doesn't LIKE cake!" in a voice of utter horror! :rotfl:

    I'm not talking about your mushy peas GP - they're just wrong, OK?! I'm tempted to simply re-open the old "Swede/Turnip" debate here by way of deflection... :D The rest of the plateful looked marvellous though - full marks there!

    The sun arrived here today - late, but welcome nevertheless.

    Did someone say NEEP?????????


    And, for MR EH information and the bafflement of the rock god and most of my chums. Whilst I do not EAT cake I love making them and aren't half bad (polishes own halo which is currently around my throat!) at them either - evil things :D

    I do not learn to make bread I tell myself for fear of overdosing on it, so I make cakes, simples!

    Mushy peas on the other hand utterly love!!!

    (Sorry EH)

    All looking splendid greying and I'm glad the porridge cake worked or I'd have been for it eh? Please express my returned gratitude of trusting me in your household :D
    Total debt 26/4/18 <£1925 we were getting there. :beer:
    Total debt as of 28/4/19 £7867.38:eek:
    minus 112.06 = £7755.32:money:
    :money:Sleeves up folks.:money:
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