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OS Daily - Saturday 26th January 2013



  • Cait
    Cait Posts: 126 Forumite
    Islandmaid, so sorry to hear about Baxter, sincerly hope he is comfortable. I will send all the healing vibes I can, my two girles Holly and Ivy both send gentle doggie hugs, Ivy in particular knows how how good the healing positive vibes are from all her friends on MSE.
    Cait, at long last signing on:rotfl:
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Afternoon all :hello:
    Have had a very chilled out, pampering kind of day, in the newly hassle free household;)Went out with Mum n Sis IL last night fir a curry, and had a good goss n laugh, n have brought half of it home for tea tonight:p:p:p
    Am out tonight with a friend just for a few drinkies, and a catch up:beer::beer:
    OS wise have been rubbish this week, apart from making soups to try n lose more weight:D
    Anyway hope you all have fab weekends, and (((huggles))) to all the poorlies n peed offs, esp BAXTER N ISLANDMAID :A:A
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
  • jools27_2
    jools27_2 Posts: 1,155 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Hello all!
    Had a jaunt out for drinkies with my friend last night, was her daughters 52nd birthday! Did me the world of good, laughed like a drain for hours!
    today I went into town and had a wander round some posh shops, tutted at the prices, and came home again!
    Currently have a gammon boiling for tomorrow, will make lentil soup in the morning, and have a tandoori-ish chicken in the oven roasting, I will have some with wraps and salad and curry cauce tonight, the rest will do for lunches etc unless DD changes her mind and comes home to eat. DS in bed feeling miserable, he has D&V and had to call in sick to his work just as he was thinking of how much he can save up for holiday spending money!
    Oh well, better go check the chicken, hugs where needed!
    RIP Iain
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 17,413 Forumite
    First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Hugs to the sad and blue folk and to Islandmaid its never an easy decision is it.

    Danny came this morning and we had a great time and he has gone home with five portions of delicious veggie curry, and five portions of a lively chilli con carne.He is thrilled to bits as its the first time he has cooked anything.He is very keen and said he will take some into work on Monday so his work pals can have a taste.He works in west London on Pointless the t.v. game show and a lot of the people he works with are really quite upmarket folk but he loves it and they think he's a clever lad (not wrong there ) but didn't think he would have the patience to try his hand at cooking as normally boiling a kettle is about as much as he has done. He will prove them wrong I didn't do it for him but he picks things up quite quickly (he did dice the mushrooms quite small though as he's not mad keen on them :):) ) but I'll give him his due he's been very interested in how things all get put together, and wants to learn a bit more so I maybe doing a few more lessons on Saturdays for him.I don't mind as he is a good lad and very caring, just wish he'd get over his sad heart after him and his girfriend of 6 years broke up. I'm sure there's lots of nice lassies out there for him.
    I'm now going to put my feet up and have a nice cuppa and watch some catch-up t.v.
    Have a good evening everyone whatever you are doing
    JackieO xxx
    ELACLA Posts: 193 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hi all
    hugs to those that need them
    had a little bit more snow overnight but it has been thawing today
    it was dgd's 1st birthday on thursday where has that year gone
    but she had her party today so have spent most of the day helping out with that
    it brings back memories
    so not a lot done at home just the usual tidy and washing done
  • Goldiegirl
    Goldiegirl Posts: 8,805 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Rampant Recycler Hung up my suit!
    JackieO wrote: »
    He works in west London on Pointless the t.v. game show

    I love that show, it's really good afternoon entertainment, and I'm really proud of myself when I give a pointless answer.

    Islandmaid It's such a difficult decision to make, but it's so hard seeing them suffer. Best wishes to you
    Early retired - 18th December 2014
    If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    JACKIEO Danny will be even more eligible now he can cook;):D
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
  • karren
    karren Posts: 1,260 Forumite
    edited 26 January 2013 at 6:38PM
    evening all,

    huge hugs to everyone esp Baxter xxx

    I was nights last night so Ive slept most of today, got woken by old friend calling in as hes hoping to take his bike and do road trip round wales, and he wanted to know what plans were for oh birthday later in year, he lost his lovely wife 6 years ago and only now getting himself together bless him.

    dd made a loaf of bread and some scones and rolls for sarnies for the week and now making spag bol for tea, we are a good team at times!!!

    dd is happy decorating her dolls house with some off cuts of wallpaper we'd picked up ages ago, lol the leopard skin paper is a hit, and we have a bet lynch room lol lol and she found some felt to make blankets etc for the dolls, i love it when she plays with tradional things,
    a friend had posted pics of the children all with ipads in a cirlce and i wonder omg i cant afford one let alone 4 as £400 each!!! Am i mean or just a realisist they need normal childhood too in my humble opionion!

    ds had severe teenage attitude the last few weeks and oh snapped the other day and confiscated all his it stuff and first days he was evil but seems to have reverted back, hes been reading, actually speaking civally and even...............helped washed up the other day!!!! he used to be a darling and help with stuff , now everything is too much and he was becoming foul.

    so IT equipment will severly be rationed from now on! HArsh but I couldnt bear it any longer!

    well im off for another night shift, then a course on monday, and tuesday i hope to batch cook for freezer with things like sweet and sour, chicken and toad in hole so that it will make life a bit easier during the weeek when we are in and out all day x

    huge hugs to all and thank you for normality in this daft world we live at times!!!
    :A :j
  • uolypool
    uolypool Posts: 1,207 Forumite
    Evening everyone, hugs for all
    Islandmaid I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Huge hugs are sent to you and yours.
    Haven't posted as nothing really has been going on, life is quiet and needs a kick start tbh.

    Weather was warmer today, we had really heavy snow last night to add to the icy snow that was already on the ground so was expecting a few inches of fresh snow when woke up this morning but none of the new stuff had settled :j:j:j. So just the nasty stuff still on the ground to go. Have had enough of it , it looks lovely and pretty when falling and fresh on the ground but hate the slushy stuff and of course the ice.Managed to get some washing on the line for a few hours and then finished off on the airers . That made a change.

    Poor ds3 has Bronchitis. He has been unwell with a virus for about 10 days but thursday night he really looked awful and sounded worse. Took him to the drs who diagnosed Bronchitis. So he is curled up fast asleep in my bed:mad::eek::mad: ;) not quite sure why he is in my bed as he has a double bed himself. Im sure I will find out why when he wakes up.

    Someone asked about ds2 when I last posted.He is doing well. He loves working in the care home and has made hints that he wants to stay there instead of returning to Uni studies . Something I am not very happy about and will do everything I can to get him to change his mind but at the end of the day he has to make the final choice . He is a lot calmer now and has his 'spark' back . Has been working very hard. One of his friends from Uni is coming to spend a few days here in Feb so that will be nice for him , he has staid in contact with alot of people and his lecturer emails him regularly to see how how is and what he is upto. The boy who caused so many problems for him is in court at the end of Feb I believe it is. According to one of the students at the uni rumour has it that he took an overdose because of everything that is going on. Now I wouldn't wish that upon anyone but I did find it very hard to show any sympathy towards him when I was told.Does that make me a heartless woman

    Made a giant cupcake today as it is dd friends 15th birthday and a group of them are going out to the local italian for a meal and then to a sleep over at the birthday girls house. Her parents havent got a lot of money as the dad was made redundant just before Christmas so they are all paying for their own meals which is a tenner each and I have made her cake, and someone else has made a sleepover hamper up for them including dvds . All checked with her parents first to make sure that this was ok and they wouldnt be offended . Lovely group of about 10 girls .

    It wasnt to hard to make actually. Used a 6 egg recipe and choc fingers to decorate the base, white buttercream piped on top and decorated with chocolate butterflies and flowers .Unfortunately I didnt think to take a photo before they took it , have txt dd to ask her to take some pics before they cut into it, this had better be one of those times that she actually remembers;)

    So am going to spend this evening curled up in the front room doing some internet surfing as havent done much lately and telly is rubbish tonight. Have good , safe warm evening everyone. xx
    Paul Walker , in my dreams;)
  • flutterbyuk25
    Evening all
    mrsd wrote: »
    Judi my brother in law calls it council pop, I hadnt heard anyone else use that term before.

    We call it council pop here too, I always assumed it was a Welsh thing!
    uolypool wrote: »
    Someone asked about ds2 when I last posted.He is doing well. He loves working in the care home and has made hints that he wants to stay there instead of returning to Uni studies . Something I am not very happy about and will do everything I can to get him to change his mind but at the end of the day he has to make the final choice . He is a lot calmer now and has his 'spark' back . Has been working very hard. One of his friends from Uni is coming to spend a few days here in Feb so that will be nice for him , he has staid in contact with alot of people and his lecturer emails him regularly to see how how is and what he is upto. The boy who caused so many problems for him is in court at the end of Feb I believe it is. According to one of the students at the uni rumour has it that he took an overdose because of everything that is going on. Now I wouldn't wish that upon anyone but I did find it very hard to show any sympathy towards him when I was told.Does that make me a heartless woman

    Uolypool - It was me who asked, glad he is doing well. And no you aren't a heartless woman at all. Re DS not going to uni, uni isn't for everyone, if he has found a career he likes now then maybe that will be the route he takes, and who knows they may fund qualifications for him

    My Dad only managed to put up one shelf as we had a little issue where I had a nosebleed for 20mins! My fault for bending over, as I'm not meant to after my op, I just forgot! It stopped eventually. But the one shelf is the one I needed most so that's good.

    Had a lovely lunch with my friends, quiet night in now, may have a bath. Still too full to eat again, if I get peckish will have cheese and crackers.

    Have a good evening all

    * Rainbow baby boy born 9th August 2016 *

    * Slimming World follower (I breastfeed so get 6 hex's!) *
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