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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hi lyn..thank you so much..i have had some grief off my SIL about not taking girls to the you say its not the place for them and trying to deal with adult emotions is hard enough for us adults without trying to compress it inwards so they don't see me or their dad and brother and big sisters MIL understands and feels the same so thats a blessing..she has asked for children not to attend..unfortunately my SIL is rude and arrogant and is taking her small ones...just plain inconsiderate..but hey thats how she is..will be ignoring her..not nice i know but i really do not like husband calls her the "keepy uppy sil"..always has to go one better than everyone else but never does it for herself..strange really.

    Thank you for my birthday wishes..i had a lovely day..and yes the retro tupperware is highly useable and affordable..
    Simon's dental problem is almost sorted..they did some kind of small operation and just drilled it all out and filled it with silicone filled with fingers crossed it has worked..his mouth and jaw are sore but he is doing fine.
    I am so happy to be able to afford new sofas..first time in years we have bought new it sad to be excited???
    We had a lovely day at Belton House yesterday..spent all day there..walked around the gardens and lakes,fed the geese,saw some deers and lots of squirrels and bunnies..went to the indoor activity centre..girls loved it..we had a coffee and girls had a drink..not too badly priced either..then we spent the entire afternoon in the adventure playground...swinging on zip wires..going down the slides and on this huge see-saw..and that was just me and simon lol...had a picnic in the shady spot and then walked home through the woods...perfect day..the girls were were we..but we didn't let on..
    I am hoping poor docky is not suffering today..poor patch used to in the heat..we always left a window open for him and when it got too hot we put the air conditioner on for him..
    Right must a million things to do today..and i never have enough hours in my day..
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • [Deleted User]
    FTM Docky is currently laying on his back behind the sofa in the lounge with all 4 feet in the air up against the wall and his nose upside down on the lino pointing one way and his tail on the lino flat out in the other direction. He gets a through draught there if I open the windows at each end of the house, I think he's cool enough now but, he does look so funny!!!, Cheers Lyn xxx.
  • scottishminnie
    scottishminnie Posts: 3,085 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    MrsLW - sent Docky up to me - there is no danger of him overheating here at all. It's cold and wet today. At least it may drown some of my garden intruders!

    FTM - you are absolutely right in your decision re the girls. I'm firmly of the view that being part of a group of understandably upset adults is something which is going to disturb them. It's such a difficult time for everyone and I often think that life is in limbo until the funeral takes place.

    It's a bit late but :bdaycake: Happy Birthday. I recently discovered you can still buy Tupperware in the US and was quite excited about this discovery. Makes me very sad but the pieces I got as a wedding gift 20+ years ago are still going strong - it seems to be indestructable.

    I'm going to visit my friend this evening - she has had some bad news about her sudden illness which has really shocked her (and the rest of us) however she was due to see a consultant today so hopefully she will at the very least be in full possession of all the facts now.

    I think we all need a good news fix soon.
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Aww..poor docky..hope he gets cooler..poor chap..

    SM..thanks for the birthday wishes..and yes i love tupperware..ooh vintage tupperware..lucky girl..mine is vintage but very lovely.
    As for your friend i am so sorry..its not nice..sending you my hugs and support so you can help her through a difficult time.

    Good son has won "Student of the year"..attendance,personality and good grades...very proud of a new dress to wear for awards evening...
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • [Deleted User]
    Oh WELL DONE that boy!!!!! my goodness you must be SUCH a proud Mum and Dad, how good is that? and just how good is that going to look on his CV? what a diamond, tell him we're as proud of him as you are, brilliant, just brilliant!!! Cheers Lyn xxx.
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    I will tell him..we have treated him to new suit,shoes and a game for his xbox..his dad has got him a watch with his name engraved on the proud of him..
    thank you
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hello ladies, so sorry for being MIA for a while - been an absolutely manic 3 weeks since I started back at work!

    Firstly though, ducklings update (swimming for the first time)


    FTM, thinking of you at this difficult time and I agree with the others about taking the girls. I think it's very rude of your SIL not to respect your MIL's wishes too. Will be thinking of you tomorrow x Congratulations to son too, your children have turned out so well and it is such a credit to you. Happy belated birthday, when was it?

    SM, hope your friend has more news and that it is constructive x Also hope that phone line issues resolve soon (is it the dreaded BT?)

    Lynn, what can I say but thank you for always being so positive x

    Started work almost 3 weeks ago, then that weekend went straight from work down to Dorset for my nieces birthday party, spent the weekend with my family, across to Somerset on Sunday to collect ducklings then a mammoth 4 hour drive home on Sunday afternoon.

    Got home to our friends who arrived on the Saturday and spent the week with us which was lovely but exhausting, getting home from work every day to cook for 4 people, not being able to sit and surf to wind down and of course as they were on holiday they wanted to sit up chatting until all hours but I leave for work at 7.15!

    They left Saturday lunchtime so spent a lot of Saturday just in a stupor as I was so tired which meant Sunday, which was my birthday, was spent tidying, working in the garden, mowing the lawn etc so we have decided to go out for dinner next Saturday to one of our favourite restaurants which we haven't been to for years.

    Work this week has been really busy - my replacement has handed her notice in so I will be temporarily covering for her. Had an interview this week which I should hear about tomorrow or early next week so fingers crossed for that but at the moment I am very content with my situation. I get to work with the lovely people I really missed but am far enough away from the politics and negativity that I just leave it behind at the end of the day. I'm sure I will get bored eventually but just now I am learning how to work to live rather than the other way round and it's a very valuable lesson.

    Well enough rambling, hugs to you all x
  • [Deleted User]
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE, I'm sorry I didn't say it on the day, I hope you weren't too tired to enjoy the day, have a really lovely meal in your favourite restaurant next week, be a little pampered and enjoy every second of it pet!!!

    Haven't the Ducklets grown? goodness me, what a transformation fluffy yellow spheres to gangly grey teenagers in 3 weeks, they are still so very cute though, I'll bet they are fun to watch, do they squabble? I hope you didn't tell them what I said about Duck and Cherries, I hope FTMs littlies have forgiven me for that one!!! OOOOOOps!!!

    It sounds as if you need a holiday to get over your guests, take it easy whenever you can and try to catch up with yourself. Hope the results from your interview are what you want them to be, let us know how you got on, we'll celebrate with you, look after yourself, Cheers Lyn xxx.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hello ladies!

    Ducklings are growing daily - they are mini ducks now at 5 weeks old. Definitely have 2 quackers amongst them so at least 2 ducks.

    Just watching the tennis with a glass of wine (bought). We made some red from a wine kit which turned out to be quite strong - my OH calls it Kate's Fire Water :D Planning some elderberry wine later this year from the elder bush in the back garden.

    FTM, how is your OH doing now?

    Our boy cats (brothers) were in for their annual booster this week; got a good bill of health from the vet so that's a relief. Also got renewal for their insurance. We insure one each (to get cashback) - one had a claim last year and the other didn't, guess which one was £100 more on renewal? And guess which insurance company just lost our business!

    OH is away this weekend in the west country so looking forward to early nights, early mornings and a chilled out weekend.

    Had a lovely compliment today at work; one of our key third party providers has been asking for quotes for nearly 3 months and sent an email today expressing their frustration. I got on the phone to them to say I have it in hand and will get it back to them Monday and the woman who I have dealt with in the past told me she was so happy I was back and that I had made her day :D Apparently this week they were talking about the fact that the relationship in the past had been based on my relationship with them and it hadn't been the same since I left.
  • [Deleted User]
    Hello everyone, boy is a scorcher out there today, we have just been to the village festival as the Obedience Training classes we took Docky to as a pup have been putting on a display as part of the festivities, it was really much too hot for our poor old lad, we watched part of the display had a cursory look round the stalls and came home again, he's much cooler and more comfy now, as am I!!!
    From the number of people queueing to go in it looks as though it will be a real success and the money raised is split between several charities. Best fun for me is the Scarecrow Competition - the local businesses all make scarecrows which are them put on display outside on the pavements for a couple of weeks before the event, so much inventiveness, the best one this year was from the playgroup and was a pirate with a very large coloured parrot on his shoulder, super stuff. I think this weather is set to stay for a while so it will be life outdoors here and the BBQ and summer house will get a lot of use, hope all of you are enjoying it too, have fun, Cheers Lyn xxx.
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