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The "have a look at this!" thread II



  • Dandie89 wrote: »

    Those individual rugs on each step look lethal if they're not glued or tacked down, the one on the same step as the shelves certainly doesn't look like it is.

    Spot the photographer, and the open fridge, and the booze....
  • TheGardener
    TheGardener Posts: 3,303 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post

    Spot the photographer, and the open fridge, and the booze....

    Awful - just awful... Lots of money and no taste. I doesn't look like anyone actually lives there - maybe just some lonely bloke (Booze, big TV, and only one lumpy looking bed looks slept in...) in fact the only bit that looks used is the desk in the office.
    It looks quite sad really - clearly not a family home?

    What I could buy with that kind of money though
  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper

    Spot the photographer, and the open fridge, and the booze....
    I didn't spend long there, but I also noted the panic button in the master suite, no doubt for when Big Des and his mates drop in with their shooters to collect their share....;)
  • vansboy
    vansboy Posts: 6,483 Forumite
    First Anniversary 10 Posts
    edited 14 August 2018 at 7:38PM

    Spot the photographer, and the open fridge, and the booze....

    That's unfortunate, it's EXACTLY in my price range (not), but there wasn't a single foto, to make me think it was an appealing property.

    Too much 'wood' or brown or just boring.

    And I just checked what its price history is...£5million + increase in 13 years????

  • RedFraggle
    RedFraggle Posts: 1,317 Forumite
    1,000 Posts Part of the Furniture Photogenic Name Dropper
    Awful - just awful... Lots of money and no taste. I doesn't look like anyone actually lives there - maybe just some lonely bloke (Booze, big TV, and only one lumpy looking bed looks slept in...) in fact the only bit that looks used is the desk in the office.
    It looks quite sad really - clearly not a family home?

    What I could buy with that kind of money though

    Agree 100%!
    All their taste is in their gob as my Scots friend says
    Officially in a clique of idiots
  • bouicca21
    bouicca21 Posts: 6,576 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    If that place really does belong to a single bloke, the reason for sale will be found in his failing liver. I've never seen so much booze in a private home.
  • StumpyPumpy
    StumpyPumpy Posts: 1,458 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    bouicca21 wrote: »
    If that place really does belong to a single bloke, the reason for sale will be found in his failing liver. I've never seen so much booze in a private home.
    You identify an alcoholic not by the full bottles in the house but by the empty bottles in the bin.

    The owners of the house are in the food & drinks industry owning a number of restaurants and running several franchises, there is more than a chance that the bar is "overflow" from some of these.

    Come on people, it's not difficult: lose means to be unable to find, loose means not being fixed in place. So if you have a hole in your pocket you might lose your loose change.
  • Awful - just awful... Lots of money and no taste. I doesn't look like anyone actually lives there - maybe just some lonely bloke (Booze, big TV, and only one lumpy looking bed looks slept in...) in fact the only bit that looks used is the desk in the office.
    It looks quite sad really - clearly not a family home?

    What I could buy with that kind of money though

    There's a lot of houses like that round where I live, it's certainly one of the most boring I've seen from my RM searches. I like a big house to have at least one really gaudy room.
  • You identify an alcoholic not by the full bottles in the house but by the empty bottles in the bin.

    The owners of the house are in the food & drinks industry owning a number of restaurants and running several franchises, there is more than a chance that the bar is "overflow" from some of these.

    Can I ask how you know that re the owners?
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