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Doing it for my girls and baby boy!



  • mummy2mygirls
    mummy2mygirls Posts: 2,443 Forumite
    Thanks Pinky
    Have had a nice time at the inlaws.
    We paid them pack the £180 that DH owed them. :)
    The cc is showing the extra payment now - its under £1300 which is nice to get under the next £100....wonder when i can get it under £1000????????? Might be able to make another over payment as at the moe i seem to have not taken into account the tax credits in the budget that will come in later in the mth - so might be able to pay that of the cc:D (But i bet its just something ive forgotten at the moe??)
    Had a nsd today and done free scratch card.
    I have received £5 HMV voucher from coke zone so will save that for christmas....still keep meaning to find all the vouchers we have so i know where we stand....will do it this week.

    Tomorrow i might have a quiet day with the kids - they want to do some more arty bits and are very tired after a very late night so will have a day at home. Going to sort a picnic for one day this week and also go to see my dad as he is harvesting at the moe and they want to go on his combine. So should be a cheap week....
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
  • mummy2mygirls
    Today has been a nice quiet day. Done some arty stuff as they wanted and they made some nice braclets. DD1 & 2 (but with the help of her sister) made us a card each which says - 'To Mummy and Daddy, We love you lots and lots and thank you very much for looking after us for the whole year. lots and lots of love.' Sooo sweet of them, dd1 sat there for nearly a hr decorating it :):)
    Been looking at some bits to revamp the living room - liked some curtains from wilkinsons which are not to much money but there is a lady near me selling them on ebay and they are 99p and no bids at the moe so have asked if i can pick them up if i win - she has said she had them up for a week and then decided she wanted to change the colour so they should be in fab condition. If i can get them for very cheap and then get a bit of paint to do one wall along with some coloured cusions and a vase it will give the room a nice fresher look - and not for a lot of money either :):)

    Have done scratchcard and checked banking - all looking good :) and a NSD for today

    Not sure of tomorrows plans yet. Thursday we are going for a picnic with some friends - so will be a nice day out and cheap :D

    Have joined the chrimbo challenge to make £1010 by christmas - if i can do this it will be great!!! Will pay for xmas and ven some more of the debt :j. Will count any vouchers, cash back, overtime at work and any extra money i can get my hands on :D
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
  • ragstoricheswannabe
    good luck with the chrimbo countdown, keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    December 2018: £20,850.24. Now: £18,333.02 Total paid in 2019: £2517.22

    Weight loss: 1.5lbs
  • mummy2mygirls
    mummy2mygirls Posts: 2,443 Forumite
    Thanks rags :) I sold something for £10 so will take postage off and work out what I can add :)
    Have had a good few days - not done lots DFW but feel like we are making some headway......We stuck to the budget again last week - DH nearly swayed as he wanted a take away on fri ut wedidnt have enough from the budget left so we didnt end up getting one :D (did equal a not very happy DH though )
    Have done a list for shopping today - Got to go with all the kids so :eek: its going to be fun :p hope i wont give in too to many of their wants........
    Have also stuck to meal plan and done a new plan for the week - i like knowing whats for dinner everynight rather then the panic 'what shall we have' so i dont know why i keep stop doing it.....
    Have a few plans for this week - nice and cheap ones again :p

    For some reason my camera has lost all its photos - not sure if itsthe kids touching it or if its broken?!?!?! but ive now lost a few photos of the summer hols so im going to look for some free software which can find deleted photos.....read on it hear but no idea where to find it!! Any ideas??
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
  • mummy2mygirls
    Oh dear :(:(:( Our hot water has gone!!! Its still alittle warm but only for a few mins and only a bit warm (if that makes sense!?!?!) and thats with the imergen on :(:(:( It is not looking good!!! Im going to have to brace it and try the heating tomorrow but i have a really bad feeling that it will not work!! and i have no idea when or how we will get it fixed........... I guess we will have to do something but no idea what! I am going to sort out getting a quote from my dads friend as he might give a better deal (fingers crossed!!) and then at the mo all i can think is to ebay like mad and be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tight with money. Get DH to do as much overtime as he is offered (and hope they pay him) and just see how much we can get before the winter comes.... OMG!! I guess if we really really needed some extra money aswell we might be able to ask my mum, my dad and DH's parents if they can lend us a little each - but means more debt!! But got to have heating with 4 kids and two sooo little :(:(:(:(:(
    ummmm thinking caps on to make as much money in such little time.
    We have DDs bday aswell coming up next mth......
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
  • ragstoricheswannabe
    I can totally sympathise with you on this one, we spent just under a year with no heating or hot water as our boiler bust shortly after we moved in and had a lot of work to do getting a decent water pressure before we could have a combi boiler put in.(one of the many incidents to put us in debt with my house) I bought lots of cheap hot water bottles, a £5 kettle for up stairs so we could wash and run up a hefty electric bill heating ds1's room with an electric heater (the oil ones are better and cheaper i have since found out!)

    Keeping my fingers crossed it gets sorted cheaply for you!
    December 2018: £20,850.24. Now: £18,333.02 Total paid in 2019: £2517.22

    Weight loss: 1.5lbs
  • pennywisepoundstupid
    so sorry to hear about your heating going kaput, hope you manage to get it sorted.
  • mummy2mygirls
    mummy2mygirls Posts: 2,443 Forumite
    Well i have hot water today!! Which is good but still havent tried the heating......... Thanks rags im glad to hear it can be done?!?! Just not sure about how i would have the heaters in dd3s room as she is a madam and will touch them?!? Will worry about that if and when it comes to it! I am sooo determinded to get as much money as possible together to see if we can get it done.... So it means no over payments on the ccs at the moe - but its got to be done...

    Today i have made some cakes with dd2 and she has also done some Jelly for after dinner. DD1 is out playing at a friends, DD3 is asleep (which never happens!!) and DS has been asleep so we have had some nice time just me and DD2 :) DS is now feeding so im having a little catch up :)

    I have just tried to do 4 surveys on lightspeed but didnt get through on any of them!!! But i noticed i had enough for a £5 voucher for Amazon so ordered it! Going to set myself a little target to see how many i can get towards a psp for dd1 as she would love santa to bring her one......will see how near i can get :) There is one for £130:eek: with the new toy story game :cool:.
    DD3 is awak upstairs now so better go see if she is ok :)
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
  • mummy2mygirls
    mummy2mygirls Posts: 2,443 Forumite
    Have listed more things for sale! Offered something I really dont want to sell but dont really have the room for it so know i should sell it - but still dont want to :p Hope i can sell some of the other bits aswell - will be putting them on ebay if i do not sell some soon though.
    DH is still at work - bless him. He left about 6 this morning and has to leave that time tomorrow aswell :eek: but trying to think of the overtime :D
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
  • mummy2mygirls
    mummy2mygirls Posts: 2,443 Forumite
    Havent updated in a while so thought i better - Have been keeping a eye on the banking - all looking good and have been doing scratchcard!
    Have applied for a new 0% cc for DH which it said he has been accepted for so when that comes ill do a transfer so its actually being paid of rather then just paying interest. Then the plan is to keep the cc clear and see if they offer a new 0% deal so i can do the egg card when it runs out in november.........
    Sold something else so a little more savings - only £11 ish after fees etc - but every little helps :) Have someone who is picking something up for £60 on friday so a nice little chunk to help with money :):)
    Think thats about it on the DFW front..........
    Oh yes but also have some news - Im pregnant again - whispering as its only early days so fingers crossed all goes well :D:D And yes we do have a TV and he doesnt need it chopped of etc etc etc :p:p
    GC: Nov: £60.22/£450 Oct: £338.48/£450, July: £363.05/£450, June £447.98/£500
    £2 savers No68: £104/£100 :j
    :jmummy to: 8yr, 5yr, 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. No6 Due Mar 2013 My world.:j
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